August 31. 2011 Page 18 C lassified / B ids Hands Across the Bridge continued To Place Your Classified Advertisement Community Organizers Wanted!!! Contact: Working America / AFL-CIO is hiring cam paign w orke rs to ta ke our country back from the political forces th a t favor the wealthy and corporate special interests over your well-being! Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@ For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland, visit the Procurement Services website at: D iv e rs ity is h ig h ly v a lu e d a t Working America: Women, people o f color, and LGBT a p p lic a n ts s tro n g ly e n c o u ra g e d to apply. $457.60 week base pay - Entry Level. Fun work environment. EOE. Call Kirby or Chelsea at 5 0 3 .2 2 4 .1 0 0 4 Steel Buildings Factory Direct Discounted inventory 33x39, 42x57, 54x99, 60x156 Misc. Material Available Source # 1E9 866-609-4321 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Room 750 Portland Oregon 97204 Volunteers to Serve on Portland City 503-823-6855 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Los Jardines de La Paz Construction Defect Repairs of One Multi-Family Building Beyer Court Apartments Construction Defect Repairs of Three Multi-Family Building Bid Due Date: September 12, 2011 Plans and Specifications can be picked up at our office at the address below. Contact David Hudson to make arrangements. HORIZON RESTORATION Horizon Restoration 7235 SW Bonita Road Portland, Oregon 97224 Phone:(503)620-2215 Fax: (503) 624-0523 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including minority, women owned businesses, disadvantaged, disabled veterans, and emerging small business enterprises. OR CCB: SUB-BIDS REQUESTED PCRI “ BIG 11” REHABILITATION PROJECT R epair and renovation of 11 scattered site rental hom es 17 14 NE H ig h la n d , P o rtla n d , O R 97211 Bidding instructions and specifications are at O AM E o r online at httD s:/^ /ww w /pcridocs Bids a re due W ed n e sd ay, S e p te m b e r 14, 201 1 a t 12:30p Albina Construction LLC 2613 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite D Portland, OR 97212 Office: 914-1713 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including minonty. women owned businesses, disadvantaged, disabled veterans. and emerging small business enterprises CCB U 193841 Tl ie Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 The Independent Police Review (IPR) division is P ortland’s civilian p o lic e o v e rs ig h t a g ency, established in 2 0 0 2 under the a u th o rity o f th e in d e p e n d e n tly e le c te d C ity A u d ito r. IPR is m onitored and advised by a nine- m em ber C itiz e n R eview Committee (CRC). The City Auditor and IPR Director are seeking five v o lu n te e rs to serve th ree-year terms, positions com m encing in January 2 0 1 2 . CRC m em bers hear com m unity a n d P o rtla n d P o lic e B u re a u m e m b e r a p p e a ls o f p o lic e m isconduct investigations, listen to public concerns regarding police 160672 conduct, engage in training and o th e r a c tiv itie s to learn a b o u t policing, review Portland Police Bureau policies and procedures, an d a d v is e IPR on c o m p la in t handling processes. A Non-Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be conducted on September 7. 2Q11 at 1 PM Advertise with diversity in Auditor’s independent Police Review Division’s CmZEN REVIEW COMMITTEE C a n d id a te s m u s t be P ortland, Oregon re s id e n ts or b u s in e s s o w n e rs an d be im p a rtia l and objective w ith a lack o f real or perceived conflicts of interest for o r a g a in s t law e n fo rc e m e n t. Applications are available at the IPR o ffic e or o n lin e at ipr. Applications m ust be received at the IPR office in City Hall by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, September 28, 2011. Delivery can be made by: mail or in p e rs o n a t 1 2 2 1 S.W . 4 th Avenue, Room 3 2 0 , Portland, OR 97204; e -m a il at or fax at 50 3-823-3530. Questions, please call IPR’s main line 503-823-0146. from page 11 she said she learned to inject heroin using her toes -just in case. M etaphorically under the same bridge as W edge, and som etim es under the actual same bridge, Katz continued to do as many drugs as she could, only to “wake up and be pissed that 1 was still alive”. Her realization of hitting bot­ tom came in the vision o f a little old lady rocking in a chair with no arms. In jail on a 90-day stint, Katz decided to live and not die in limbo. Out of jail at midnight with no plans and just $ 1.25 to her name, she s h u ttle d to d o w n to w n Vancouver and checked into a Clean and Sober Club. From then on, Katz attended m eetings, stayed sober, and after two years of transitional housing, got her first jo b at Hooper Detox where she re-united with a recov­ ering W edge. As a volunteer spokesw om an for a “drug-free workplace,” Katz became publicly involved in breaking the stigma of addiction for herself and others. A fter “ using” for 35 years, W edge spent her last 14 months of prison in a drug program . At first she rejected the steps to re­ covery, just wanting to be free from prison, but her attitude fi­ nally changed. She took the only jo b she could get -sc ru b b in g prison floors. With treatm ent, her self-esteem rose as she worked her way up and out. Once sober, W edge struggled with finding a place to live, “N o­ body wants to rent to you if you have a record and any credit you have is bad,” she said. Nearly 20 apartm ents denied her before she found one em pathetic landlord. W edge told him, “If you rent to me, I will be the best tenant you will ever have,” and for seven years, she was. She became certi­ fied as a drug and alcohol counse­ lor and soon could afford her own house. Now, she is a m entor for H ARRP, a recovery program that provides transitional services to men and women com ing out of prison. In 2001, Katz and Wedge de­ cided they would stand on top of the Burnside Bridge at daybreak to celebrate that they were no longer under the bridge in their ad d ictio n s, but on top o f the bridge to celebrate their recovery. Marking a tradition for years to com e, Patty Katz and Louise W edge h eld the first H ands Across the Bridge celebration on the 1-5 bridge in 2002 with about 200 people in attendance while the following year's event grew to include 500 people. Today, Katz works as the Pro­ gram D irector for Beyond B arri­ ers, and along with other volun­ teers, mostly recovering addicts wanting to build leadership skills. She helps organize the Hands Across the Bridge event year af­ ter year. Katz says the biggest prize of the event is watching form er ad­ dicts do things th ey ’ve never done before; evolving from a vol­ unteer the first year to a mentor the next, and finally, to a leader in the recovering community. “I am just so proud to hear them bear their souls to the com m u­ nity,” she said, “Sharing stories helps break the stigma of addic­ tion and puts a face and voice to recovery.” This year’s them e is Recovery benefits everyone. on the event on Monday, attend­ ees will hear from Washington’s Clark County Commissioner Mark Bolt and State Sen. Craig Pridemore, and from Multnomah County Com­ missioner Judy Shiprack, State Rep. Michael Dembrow, and State Rep. Lew Frederick. Ivette T o rres o f SA M H SA (Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Association) and Rhode Island’s Steve Gumbley o f Faces and Voices of Recovery will also speak at the event. The Hands Across the Bridge Project is sponsored by Partner­ ship for Safety and Justice, C en­ tral City Concern, Samhsa, ATTC, A&E, Lifeline Connections, and others. S u b s c r ib e ! 503-288-°033 Fill Out & Send To: J U U d V IlU L ' |Jortkinit (Observer Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 $60.00 for 6 months • $110.00 for 1 year • $200.00 for 2 years (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : _______________________________ T elephone : __________________________ A ddress : _____________________________ or email