Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 10, 2011, Page 20, Image 20

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    ¡Portiani* (Observer
Page 20
o f th « LPGA.
Au guM 1 5 - 2 1 , 2 0 1 1
For mo»« irWo<m*txan
R eward P oints
2 tickets
►135 purchase
Easy to earn. Easy to use. Sec store fo r details or visit Safeway.com .
R an ch er’s R eserve*
Boneless B eel Petite
Sirloin S teak
Extreme Value Pack
SAVE up Io S3 00 IB
Rancher's R eserve*
Beet N ew York Strip
S teak
B o t -I ii Extreme Vaue Pack
SAVE up to $5 00 lb
P o rk S h o u ld e r
C o u n try S ty le Ribs
R ancher's R eserve*
Beet Ribeye Steak
C lu b
Sow ¡1 fitte n e VaMPa«
Extra Meati Sack Res
«rewMly from . 52 99 1
SAVE ip to $150»
Price B i
Club Price
Red, Green or Black
Seedless Grapes
SAVE up to $ 1 .9 9 lb.
Club Price
w aterfron t BISTRO®
Large Cooked Shrim p
Or Foster Farm» Who e
Fryer locally Grown
SAVE up to 50c it)
31 to4O -ct
fro re n ',hawed
SAVE up to $ 5 0 0 lb
Club Price
Shish Kabob
We are driving down
the cost of gas! 19
Safeway Chicken Thagtis.
Orumsticks or leg Quarters
recipes from
E x p e rie n c e tSe excitement
Ingredients for life
Sone-In Extreme Value Pack
SAVE up to S4 00 »
August 10. 2011
Fresh Wild Sockeye
Salmon Fillets
W e a th e r p e rm ittin g
Club Price
SAVE up to SB 00 lb
AtoZ, Chateau St.
Jean or Woodbndge
750-n* AtoZ OuteauSt
Jean or 15 ter woootyxlge
Select« «are! its
SAVE jpte$64C
12(10 inch) wooden skewers
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes
24 pearl onions
1/2 cup olive oil
1 pound fettuccine
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons softened butter
1 green bell pepper, cut into large chunks
1 pound peeled and deveined shrimp
1 small zucchini, sliced 1/4-inch thick
1/2 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast - cut into cubes
1 pound beef steak, cut into cubes
1/2 pound large fresh mushrooms, halved
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, or to taste
salt and ground black pepper to taste
1. Soak the skewers in water for 1 hour.
2. Onto each skewer, alternately thread green bell pepper chunks,
shrimp, zucchini slices, chicken, cherry tomatoes, steak, onion,
mushroom; repeat until skewer is full. Drizzle olive oil over the
prepared skewers; season with 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, salt,
and black pepper. Allow to marinate in refrigerator at least 3 hours,
turning every 45 minutes.
3. Preheat outdoor grill for medium-high heat; lightly oil the grate.
4. Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a rolling boil. Cook the
fettuccini in the boiling water, stirring occasionally, until cooked
through yet firm to the bite, about 8 minutes; drain. Toss the hot
pasta in a large bowl with the softened butter and 1/4 teaspoon
garlic powder.
5. While the pasta boils, cook the skewers on the preheated grill,
turning frequently until nicely browned on all sides, the shrimp
are pink and opaque, and the meat is no longer pink in the center,
10 to 15 minutes. Push the cooked meat and vegetables off the
skewer onto the tossed pasta.
Single Bottle
Sale Price
Safeway Kitchens
Variety Breads
Club Price
Club Price
Sandwich Meal Deal
24 oz
Selected varieties
per bottle
r tu ffx ia e lw e g ii» « »
'graue C W unNU i 2C-s
tutte uni» t i t kxrtir tmnge
4 »ge sewng sut tug gl dips
Club Price
750-ml. or larger
Club Price
White Whole or
Sliced Mushrooms
8-oz. package.
SAVE up to $1.00 ea.
Mixed Berry-Almond Gratin
Potato Chips
50-xw Liquid
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $ 2 00
10 t o , , -OZ
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $4 29 on 2
Club Price
How simple and delicious are berries topped with a
rich custard and baked into a crusty dessert.
Tide Detergent
Salew ay
Grape Tomatoes
tO-oz containers
Club Price $ 2 0 0 e a
SAVE up to $ 1 9 8 on 2
Marie Callender's or
Qufled Northern eattiTssue
I 2 t o 3 9 6-oz
Smart Ones Meals
r e a r « vkm one»
in«swan (kt»a V »«
or Brawny Paper Towete
S e le cte d va rie tie s
Club Price
SAVE up to 1 2 60
Club Price
Yogurt an ytim e
There’s a yogurt for any meal or snack.
Fags, Oannon Oikos
or Open Nature™
Greek Yogurt
Yoplait Cup
SAVE ao io 12 50 oR «
Club Price
24 0 ou*«ot,issierx
,2-Bxg Not I m m Sdntr
ra te t» S A V E # *5 3 SO
17.6-02. Fage
Greek, 2 7 - « .
0 Organics*
Yogurt Tut»
SAVE 141 to S, 91
5 3 * 7 « SefcMwnrtn
CMtPnw I M s
Fresh Express Salads
4 to 12-oz package
Selected varieties
Club Price $ 2 0 0 e a
SAVE up to $1 9 8 on 2
O iat produce is
3<AAr«nteeJ +o
•oe (re s k , ripe
Ard delicious.
Prices on this page are effective
W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 3 th r u Tuesday, A u g u s t 9, 2 0 1 1 .
ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store.
f t c e s « # « ao ate etfectnre 6 AM Werwesday August 3 thru Tuesday. August 9. 2011 m ad Safeway stores m Oregon ¡except Milton Freewater« and S.W. Washington stores serving Wahkiakum CowMz
d a rk Skamarea ano kl'Ckitat Counties Hems ottered for sale are not available to other dealers or wholesalers Sants ot products containing ephedrine nsemtoepnednne ot Dhenvlm-ffc'iola'nine limited hv
aw (Quantity rights reserved SOMF ADVERTISING ITTMS MAY NOT BE AVAIABIF IN A ll STORFS Some advertised prices may he even K
« m e X e s O n B , H t e O T « fBOGOO
customer must purchase the hrs, tern to receive the second item tree BOGO offers are not 1/2 price sales it only a single tern purchased, the regular price applies Manufacturers
• Pinch of salt
• 1 large egg
• 3 cups mixed berries, such as raspberries,
blackberries and blueberries
• 1/3 cup slivered almonds, (11/4 ounces)
• 1/2 cup granulated sugar
• 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• 1 /3 cup firm silken low-fat tofu
• 1 tablespoon butter, softened
• 1/4 teaspoon pure almond extract
• Confectioners' sugar, for dusting
nurxx-s may be used on
' f* L a L ' ee * ? ’? 1 0 1 * 1 a "po" P "
* " Customer * * be raaporwbte tor la« and deposits as required by law on the purdiased and free items No liquor sales m - n * ee
PO-OB Q B2 gallons No ixiuor sales or resale Liquor sales ai licensed oafeway stores only © 2 0 , , Safeway fnc AvaitabiMy ol items may vary by More Online and in-store prices discounts and otters may differ
1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat a 1-quart gratin dish or a 9-
inch pie pan with cooking spray.
2. Spread almonds in a shallow baking pan and bake until
light golden and fragrant, 4 to 6 minutes. Let cool.
3. Place sugar (or Splenda), flour, salt and almonds in a food
processor; process until finely ground. Add egg, tofu, butter
and almond extract; process until smooth.
4. Spread berries evenly in the prepared gratin dish. Scrape
the almond mixture over the top, spreading evenly.
5. Bake the gratin until light golden and set, 40 to 50
minutes. Let cool for at least 20 minutes. Dust with confec­
tioners' sugar and serve warm.