Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 03, 2011, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ißortlanb OObserucr
August 3. 2011
Page 9
H ra i TH
Seattle Adopts Medical Pot Rules I A H
A V 'C ilU ll A x
1 ir * A n c in fr
Brings a il licensing
for distribution
R n tlO Ç
S eattle’s m ayor has signed into law a licensing
system for medical m arijuana dis­
tribution, w ith the city's at­
torney vow ing to show
that pot regulation can
be done "safely and hu­
m anely."
S e a ttle M a y o r M ik e
M cG inn, in a 40-m inute sign­
ing cerem ony on T hursday, said
that licensed m edical m arijuana sup­
pliers m ust com ply w ith city codes
that govern everything from
public nuisance com plaints
to plum bing and food-han­
T he C ity C ouncil passed the ordinance
unanim ously on July 19, nearly three m onths after
W ashington's governor signed into law a statew ide
m easure allow ing cities to regulate and license p ro ­
d istrib
u tio
m edical
m ari­
d istrib
u tio
n o n f o m f edical
m ari-
ju a n a on a lim ited basis.
T he state statute required storefront dispensaries
and m edical pot suppliers to reorganize as sm all,
cooperative ventures that serve up to 10 patients.
C a lle d " c o lle c tiv e g a rd e n s,"
these businesses may grow as
m any as 45 plants, but no
m ore than 15 p er person.
A lth o u g h c a n n a b is is
listed as an illegal narcotic
under federal law , 15 states,
including O regon, and the D is­
trict o f C olum bia have statutes d e­
crim inalizing m arijuana as a m edical
treatm ent, according to the N ational
D rug Policy A lliance.
Pot w as first legalized as
m edicine in W ashington un­
der a 1988 voter-approved in itia­
tive. The law signed by Gov. C hristine G regoire
this year w as designed by supporters to bring greater
order to a burgeoning m edical m ariju an a supply chain
that critics say had gotten out o f hand.
ealth W \
H eart T alk S u pport G rou p - M eets on the second M onday o f each
m onth; fro m 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503-251 -6260.
Fam ilies w ith M ental Illness — A free, 12-w eek course for people
w hose fam ily m em bers live w ith m ental illness is o ffered at Em anuel
H ospital, Mt. H ood M edical C en ter and Providence M edical Center.
T he course has been described as “life-changing” by form er partici­
pants. R egistration is required by calling 503-203-3326.
C h o le ste ro l P ro file s - G et the resources to help you keep an eye on
y our cholesterol and other indicators o f heart health. E ducational
m aterial provided. For m ore inform ation, call 503-261-6611.
B e re a v e m e n t S u p p o r t G ro u p s -- Free, safe confidential group m eet­
ings for those w ho have experien ced the death o f a loved one offered
on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registration, call
M atern ity W ater W orkout - H elping new m om s regain m uscle tone,
strength, and flexibility, all in the support and freedom o f the w ater.
Call 503-256-4000 for m ore inform ation.
with diversity
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Hike Lowered
lawmaker to
keep up call
for fairness
Additionally, Regence had built
into its rate request a 1.1 per­
cent profit, which DCBS found
unnecessary given that the
company's current profits are
State Rep. Chip
Shields, represent­
The Oregon Depart­
ing north and north­
ment of Consumer and
east Portland, of­
Business Services has
fered a package of
rejected a 22.1 percent
bills in the recent
health insurance rate
Legislative session
increase request from
that would have ad­
R egence B lueC ross _________ _
dressed spiraling in­
BlueShield and instead C h ip S h ie ld s
surance rate hikes,
approved a 12.8 per­
but he said they
cent increase.
were scuttled with opposition
The increase affects about by the insurance lobby.
59,000 customers who buy in-
Shields said he was encour-
dividual health plans directly aged that the Insurance Divi-
from Regence. It is an aver- sion was listening to the small
age, meaning some Regence business people who testified
members will see greater or about the Regence increase,
lesser increases in their Sep-
He said he will reintroduce
tember bills.
even tougher legislation next
The department disagreed year and promises to monitor
with Regence's estimates of the Insurance Division to make
future claims costs, including the health insurance rate re-
some reform costs under the view process fairer and more
federal Affordable Care Act. transparent.
Take Action Get Tested
S en ior A erob ics — A low -im pact w orkout geared specifically tow ard
seniors. C all 503-449-0783 for current schedule.
M u ltn o m a h C ounty Health D epartm ent's |
HIV Community Test Site offers
confidential HIV testing |
with or without your name |
at these locations:
O steop orosis S creen in g — A n ultrasound bone density screening
w ith personalized education; fee $30. T o schedule an appointm ent, call
M ind B ody H ealth C lass - Learn and practice techniques to help you
im prove y our m ood, health and w ellbeing, including effective w ays to
m anage difficult em otions and chronic stress or illness. R egistration is
$70 for K aiser P erm anente m em bers and $95 for nonm em bers. C all 503-
Downtown Community Test Site
Call 503.988.3775 for an appt.
Mon |Thurs | Fri
426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor,
Portland, 97204
R ed C ross C ertification — The O regon T rail C hapter R ed C ross now
offers credits to helps professionals m aintain licensing or certification.
For a cum ulative list, visit pdxin fo .n et.
W eight L oss H elp - T ake O ff Pounds Sensibly (T O PS) m eetings are
held every W ednesday from 8:45 to 10 a.m . at the H ollyw ood Senior
C enter, 1820 N.E. 40th A ve. A nyone interested is invited to visit and
learn m ore. For details, call 503-287-0731.
Strok e A lert S creen in g — C heck y o u r carotid arteries w ith a painless
ultrasound to assess y o u r risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call
Northeast Health Center
Just walk in
Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:15 pm
5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor,)
Portland, 97211 |
with this coupon”
C ardiac-R ehab E xercises — A m edically supervised exercise program for
people dealing with heart conditions. For inform ation, call 503-251 -6260.
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revin» Prew Health
iAt* h»'»r
Se habla español: other interpretation by appointm ent.