tTlie Page 22 ffìortlanò (Obstruer August 3, 2011 L aw NAACP Moves to End to War on Drugs Calling for equity, justice and effective law enforcement The NAACP passed a historic resolution calling for an end to the war on drugs at their 102nd annual convention in Los Angeles Thurs­ day. “Today the NAACP has taken a major step towards equity, justice and effective law enforcement,” stated Benjamin Todd Jealous, NAACP president and chief execu­ tive officer. “These flawed drug policies that have been mostly en­ forced in African American commu­ nities must be stopped and replaced with evidenced-based practices that address the root causes of drug use and abuse in America.” The resolution outlines the facts about the failed drug war, highlight­ ing that the U.S. spends over $40 billion annually on the war on drugs, locking up low-level drug offenders Instead of sending drug offend­ ers to prison, the resolution calls for the creation and expansion of reha­ bilitation and treatment programs, methadone clinics, and other treat­ ment protocols that have been proven effective. “We know that the war on drugs has been a complete failure because in the 40 years that we’ve been waging this war, drug use and abuse has not gone down,” stated Robert Rooks, director of the NAACP Crimi­ nal Justice Program. “The only thing w e’ve accomplished is becoming the w orld’s largest incarcerator, sending people with mental health and addiction issues to prison, and creating a system of racial dispari­ ties that rivals Jim Crow policies of the 1960s.” The resolution will encourage the more than 1,200 active NAACP units across the country to organize cam­ paigns to advocate for the end of the war on drugs. - mostly from communities of color. African Americans are in fact 13 times more likely to go to jail for the same drug-related offense than their white counterparts. “Studies show that all racial groups abuse drugs at sim ilar rates, but the numbers also show that African Am ericans, H ispan­ ics and other people of color are s to p p e d , s e a rc h e d , a rre s te d , charged, convicted, and sent to prison for drug-related charges at a much higher rate,” said Alice Huffman, president of the Califor­ n ia S tate C o n fe re n c e o f the NAACP. “This dual system of drug law enforcem ent that serves to keep A frican-A m ericans and other m inorities under lock and key and in prison must be exposed and eradiated.” The FBI and police hunt down suspected drug dealers gang East Side White Pride handed out racist leaflets at Pioneer Court­ house Square. They left a beer party (A P) — A Portland man convicted age 45. early the next morning and spotted of murder in a notorious 1988 hate Mieske was sentenced to life in Seraw on a southeast Portland street crime has died from complications prison after his conviction for using comer talking to two countrymen. of hepatitis C. a baseball bat to fatally beat an Mieske and his friends drove up The Oregon Department of Cor­ Ethiopian student, Mulugeta Seraw, and ordered the men to move. After rections says Kenneth Mieske fell on a Portland street comer. the two groups of men exchanged ill at the Oregon State Penitentiary On Nov. 12, 1988, Mieske and angry words, the skinheads jumped and died July 26 at Salem Hospital at two companions with the skinhead out and attacked the Ethiopians. Hate Crime Killer Dies ¡S u b sc rib e $ 6 0 .0 0 fo r 6 m o n th s I $200.00 for 2 years I N J T I ■ A Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 | Attn: Subscriptions, The I Portland Observer, PO Box 3137 Portland OR 97208 • $ 1 1 0 .0 0 fo r 1 y e a r (please include check with form) ame : ___ elephone : ddress : _ I or em ail subscriptions@ | “ Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 ■ “ ■ ■■■ " i M B M i BB i M i M B M i B M M i Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service Portland Congress Center 1001 2W Fifth Avenue, 2te 1100. Portland. Oregon 97204 (503) 284-7838 Phono: 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 7 9 0 Email: Fax: 1 + 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 8 1 5 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 W are located on the comer ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Counseling God’s Way c H I R 0 r Parking Area R A c T I c Russell St. S BBB I A «¡HAL Services Include: • Relationship Specialist • Stress Management • Grief Counseling •PISH 501 c.3 and Sliding Fee Scale • Motivational Speaker