Page 20 a:i!‘ sportiani» (í)bsemer THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, P.C. Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: (503)491-5156 (503)615-0425 (503) 244-2084 Sweeney @ D r . J ames M artin J r . by P reg n an cy -related n au sea and vom iting is com m on in early preg­ nancy and affects an estim ated 70 to 85 percent o f pregnant women. Often referred to as “m orning sickness,” these sym ptom s can actually occur at any time during the day or night. Take Action Get Tested ■H M ! Multnomah County Health Department's | j HIV C om m u n ity Test Site offers confidential HIV testing | w ith or w ith o u t your name | at these locations: I Downtown Community Test Site Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. j Mon I Thurs | Fri | 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, | Portland, 97204 | Free with this coupon” Public Health r* ***"* OtMftment rem esis gravidarum in a previous pregnancy, or have a history o f m o­ tion sickness or migraines. N ausea and vom iting can lessen a pregnant w om an’s quality o f life, but m any w om en avoid telling their doc­ to r a b o u t th e ir s y m p to m s o r dow nplay how bad they feel. Som e w om en m ay think that suf­ fering through m orning sickness is a rite o f passage o f pregnancy, but your doctor needs to know if you are getting sick because your sym ptom s can get worse over time. It is often harder to treat m orning sickness once it becom es severe, so it’s a good idea to m anage the condition in the early stages. M ild cases may be resolved with lifestyle and dietary changes. Stud­ ies have show n that taking vitamin B6 and doxylam ine can help improve sym ptom s in some women. You may find that eating crackers before getting out o f bed, drinking beverages made from real ginger such as tea or ginger ale, and consum ing smaller nutritious, high-protein meals and snacks throughout the day can help keep nausea and vom iting to a minimum For Your Health Managing Morning Sickness Patrick John Sweeney July 20. 2011 Northeast Health Center Just walk in I Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:15 pm i 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, j Portland, 97211 | Se habla es ent. In most wom en, m orning sickness begins within the first nine weeks o f pregnancy. T h ere’s no way to pre­ dict how long it will last, although m any w om en’s sym ptom s im prove by the 14th w eek o f pregnancy. The cause rem ains unknow n, but in ­ creased horm one levels are thought to be a contributing factor. Sym ptom s usually strike w ithout warning— some women may become nauseated by the smell o f certain food odors or get sick after eating a meal— and can range from mild, occa­ sional nausea, to severe, continuous nausea with bouts o f vomiting. M ost mild m orning sickness will not harm you or your baby’s health. H ow ever, it can becom e a m ore seri­ ous problem if you c a n ’t keep any food or liquids dow n and begin to lose weight. Severe m orning sick­ ness, called hyperem esis gravidarum, occurs in up to 2 percent o f pregnan­ Be sure that you are g ettin g cies. enough rest and try to avoid foods W om en w ho cannot tolerate liq­ and sm ells that m ake you feel sick. uids w ithout vom iting and w ho show For m ore severe cases, your doctor signs o f dehydration may be given may prescribe safe and effective anti­ fluids and nutrients through an IV in nausea m edications. the hospital. You m ay be at higher T he A C O G Patient Education risk for d ev elo p in g h y p erem esis Pam phlet “M orning Sickness” is gravidarum if you are carrying m ul­ available at tiple fetuses, have a m other or sister Dr. James N. Martin Jr. is presi­ w ho had the condition, are carrying a dent o f the American Congress o f fem ale fetus, have a history o f hype­ Obstetricians and Gynecologists. and Cannon’s Rib Express Present: REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’fX ALL STARS Sundays 5-8pm Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave <7 i ’S W V v (Next to New Seasons) (503) 284-7838 Sunshine, BBQ and a FREE, all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans’ sax legend, Grammy nominated pianist JANICE fc A SCROGGINS, bass virtuoso •"? BEN JONES & a rotating cast ( of Portland’s hottest percuss- * w ionists each week. Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 What could be better? We are located on the corner o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Z B * E « Parking Area s 5J* CL Russell St S ... Well, you never know what amazing, surprise guest musician will sit in! 0 c II I R O I’ R A C r i c & OI phtotography by Brandy Mayzahian-Rown | « » ■■W A June 5 J u n e 12 J u n e 19 J u ly 3 J u ly 10 J u ly 17 J u ly 2 4 J u ly 31 A ug 7 A ug 1 4 A ug 21 A ug 2 8 Sept 4 S e p t 11 S e p t 18 Sept 25 EBT Cash-Benefit CARDS ACCEPTED HERE (DoesNOTinclude Food-Stamp benefit account: Food -Stamp benefits are not accepted here)