Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 13, 2011, Page 18, Image 18

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"Making Sense of IT AN"
f c f c e i l V o ic e f t r C
f e l i i f c
PHOTO BY M indy C ooper /T he P ortland O bserver
Deep Roots Farm in Albany supplies the fresh organic produce for the Farm Fresh Buying Club inside
Holy Redeemer Church. The effort to bring healthy foods to members o f the community is the result
o f support from Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon’s Interfaith Food and Farms Partnership and Holy
Redeemer Parish.
"An Interdenominational Church"
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Reaching :
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S u n d a y s: C h u r ch S ch o o l
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W o r sh ip S e r v ic e 1:0 0 —
M issio n S tu d ies: W e d n e sd a y s
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S c h o o l O f T h e P r o p h e ts” (T ra in in g ) 7 :0 0 —
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Portland, OR. 97211
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From the Farm to the Congregation
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 2
throughout the communities. While
the majority of tables are located at
religious sites on Sundays, she ex­
plained there is also a table on Fri­
day at a local Mosque.
“The fanners we try to work with
are either new or immigrant farmers
as a way to help promote what they
are doing and give them a bigger
market base to work with,” said
She said cooking and food pres­
ervation classes, offered at a dis­
counted price for members, will also
take place this summer for anyone in
the general public.
One farmer’s table will be held at
Holy Redeemer church on Sundays
from 10:45a.m. to2p.m .,andpickup
for the buying club is held on
Wednesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. through
in fo rm a tio n
e-m ail
foodandfaith@emoregon.org or call
503-221 -1054, extension 215.
Michelle Obama’s High Marks on World Stage
Africa visit
warmly received
( AP) - After more than two years
as America's first lady, Michelle
Obama won't say she's hit her stride.
Her recent performance on a good
will mission to Africa, including an
JULY 29TH 7:00 PN.
First lady Michelle Obama and daughter Malia listen to their guide
during a safari in Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa. (AP photo)
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For more info call (503) 488-5481
w w w .m fh m p o rtla n d .c o m
emotionally rousing speech about
youth leadership and a packed itin­
erary that rivaled her husband's trav­
eling schedules, said otherwise.
On her second overseas busi­
ness trip without the president, and
to the black motherland, America’s
first black first lady was warmly re­
ceived everywhere she went, often
with song and to the point of almost
being moved to tears.
She spoke passionately about
her causes, tickled and danced with
some of the youngest Africans, and
sat with presidents and first ladies,
including Nelson Mandela, South
Africa's former president and a hero
of the anti-apartheid movement.
She held 20 public events in five
days, landed on newspaper front
pages and was fashionably dressed,
as usual, including outfits with an
African connection.
In between all that, Mrs. Obama
squeezed in dinner .with gal-pal
Oprah Winfrey, who was in South
Africa for unrelated business.
It was the first lady's biggest
moment on the world stage.
She was reluctant to grade herself,
telling reporters that it embarrasses
her to "talk about my stride and being
on my game. "But she does realize her
power as first lady and says it’s a time-
stamped opportunity that she doesn't
want to waste.