July 13. 2011 ^gortlanh (Observer Page 17 Fireworks Cause Lost and Found Pet Numbers to Rise by M indy C< x > per “Not all of them are lost or m iss­ ing, but it is m ore than double what we see in a typical three-day holiday w e ek e n d ,” said M ike O sw ald , the D ire c to r o f the M ultnomah County Animal Shel­ ter. After the Fourth o f July H oli­ day weekend, M ultnomah County Animal shelter said they have re ­ ceived a drastic increase of lost and found anim als brought into their shelter in Troutdale. Your Care Our First Priority J-...?. ■■ s Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician f Mike Oswald, the Director o f Multnomah County Animal Shelter, gives a treat to dog Squishy, who is staying in the shelter until her adoption. Avalon Flowers 520 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204 • 503-796-9250 We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) ; W • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 • I ■ A full service flower experience • Birthdays • Funerals • Anniversaries • W eddings w Open: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am til 5:30pm Saturday 9am til 2pm. 1 ^1 S -I and Cannon’s Rib Express Present: REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’^X ALL STARS Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave (Next to New Seasons) O’. w Sunshine, BBQ and a FREE, all-ages, outdoor show by a New ÌW Orleans’ sax legend, Grammy nominated pianist JANICE SCROGGINS, bass virtuoso BEN JONES & a rotating cast < of Portland’s hottest percuss- •> ionists each week. What could be better? ... Well, you never know what amazing, surprise guest musician will sit in! V C « p h to to g ra p h y by B ra n d y K ayzufcran R o w * • ' ' Website: avalonflowerspdx.com Cori Stewart— email: avalonflowers@msn.com Owner, O p era to r We Offer Wire Services Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service NWVC Portland Congress Center 1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Ste 1100, Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 P hone:503-220-1790 Email: hodgehspks@msn.oom June 5 J u n e 12 J u n e 19 J u ly 3 J u ly 1 0 J u ly 17 J u ly 2 4 J u ly 31 A ug 7 Aug 14 A u g 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 S e p t 11 S e p t 18 S ep t 25 Counseling Cod's Way Ser vices include: • • • • reggiehouston.com EBT Cash-Benefit CARDS ACCEPTED HERE (Does NOT include Food-Stamp benefit account; Food -Stamp benefits are not accepted here) Fax: 1+ 50 3 -2 2 0 -1 8 1 5 www.hodgeoounsoling.oom 501c.3 and Sliding Fee Scale Relationship Specialist Stress Management Grief Counseling PTSD • M otivational S p eak er Oswald explained pet owners and residents often d o n ’t know what to do when they have lost an anim al, and it can be a difficult experience. “If you have lost your dog or cat, com e to the shelter in T routdale,” he said. “This is the one place for people to look and it is critical for people to look.” The sh elter, w hich is open seven days a week, exists to serve all o f the cities within M ultnom ah County. “Animal welfare and pub­ lic safety are our priorities,” he said. “We receive around 8,000 anim als a year.” He explained their first jo b as a shelter is to find the owners o f the anim als. ““This is why licensing and m icro chipping is so im por­ tant,” he said. “The dogs and eats that end up in the shelters rely on their ow ners.” He said the reason for the high level o f anim als brought into the shelter over the holiday weekend can be traced to the noise levels throughout the county. “Pets and fireworks don’t mix well,” he said. “They frighten the pets, and when pets are frightened they tend to run.” Beginning on Saturday, July 2, through Tuesday July 5, he said the shelter received a total o f 73 dogs and 60 cats from the county. “We are the com m unity animal shelter,” said Oswald. “We get all o f the lost, stray, injured, sick anim als in the com m unity.” In addition to lost and found dogs, the shelter also provides opportunities for pet adoptions. Com ing up on Saturday, July 16, M ultnomah County Animal Shel­ ter welcom es the entire com m u­ nity to "Petlandia," for its fourth annual pet adoption party. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the shelter, which " is located at 1700 W est Colum bia River Hwy. For more inform ation, go to ww w .m ultcopets.org