Page 14 Fortiani» (Observer July 13, 2011 BROAD m I x ROSE ■ HEATRE C O M PANY IMIIIIISHIM THE B IO A D W A Y M USICAL Big musical. Big hair. N O W PLAYING THRU J U L 2 4 W in n e r o f e ig h t Tony A w a rd s in c lu d in g Best M u s ic a l. TIIlllIlTlillilltlttlll I’ l \R S O N I [\ \\| I \| (¡Kill |> ’ociciw SW Durham Rd., Tigard y o u r c W f c ,^ / Y \ 4 Be the next / Gong Champion From YouTube clips and home­ made videos, local filmmakers will share their newest projects at the Video Gong Show, returning to the Hollywood Theatre in northeast Port­ land on Monday, July 25 and con­ tinuing every last Monday of the month. Clips that fail to wow and entertain the crowd risk being “gonged” dur­ ing the month events, while pieces that stand audience scrutiny the long­ est will earn a prize upon being crowned as Gong Champion. Content for videos is “anything goes” (exception, no pom). The more ridiculous, revealing, and shameful the better. Clips should be no longer than five minutes. Formats include Vimeo or Y ouTube URL, DVD, Bluray, VHS, or a lap top with a VGA adapter. Bring only what you want shown because there will not be time to scan a disk or file for your clip. Tickets are $7 and available online at or at the Hollywood Theatre box office. / Medical, dental and vision care; regular checkups; preventive care; prescription drugs; mantel health and chemical dependency services; and medical equipment and supplies. AAHC is providing application and enrollment assistance for Oregon Healthy Kids Come into our office to set your appointment to meet with an enrollment specialist Step Tw Receive free discount Rx card; one per household ONCE APPROVED: you will receive help with the next steps to access services SHO W DO G S G R O O M IN G SA L O N & BO U TIQ U E 9 2 6 N L< )MRARI) PC » R T I - A N I X < >R 9 7 2 17 5 0 3 -2 8 3 -1 1 7 7 T O E S -S A T 9 A M -7 P M ................ .................. * Call 503-413 1850 M-F 830AM- Email Edith Forthan Or visit 2800 N Vancouver V O D A W Q IS G O N N A LOOK. L IK E A S H t >W D A W O A N D Y< H -R K IT T Y W IL L BE P R E T T Y