Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 06, 2011, Page 11, Image 11

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Japan Disaster Perspectives
Red Cross
Hosts Student
Art Exhibit
T hroughout history, artists have
used th eir talents to portray and
record the hardships o f natural and
m anm ade disasters.
In collaboration w ith ju n io r and
senior art students from L ake O s­
w ego H igh School, the O regon Trail
C h ap ter o f the A m erican R ed C ross
has assem bled "The A rt o f D isas­
ter: V iew s on the Japanese E arth ­
quakes," an exhibit o f 27 m ixed m e­
dia pieces that depict a variety o f
perspectives on the M arch 2011
Japan earthquake and tsunam i.
"This is a w onderful opportunity
to experience the w ork o f a new
generation o f artists," said T y ler
G rant, R ed C ross coordinator o f the
exhibit. "Each thought-provoking
piece tells a story o f the Japan e arth ­
quake and the events surrounding
it in a new and creative w ay."
T he show w ill run through the
Tyler Grant o f the American Red Cross, 3131 N. Vancouver Ave., hangs student art influenced by the Japan earthquake
su m m er and is open to the public,
___ V j T
free o f charge. It can be view ed on
the second flo o r o f the R ed C ross
building, 3131 N. V an co u v er A ve,
during regular business hours.
Don't Let Mosquitoes
Make a Meal of You !
w ater in b ird baths, ponds, w ading
pools and pet and anim al troughs
tw ice a w eek; repairing leaking fau ­
c e ts a n d s p r in k le r s ; c le a n in g
clogged gutters; and covering trash
containers so they don't accu m u ­
late w ater.
T o av o id m o sq u ito bites, use
m o squito repellent w hen you are
outdoors; install o r rep air screens
on w indow s and doors; co n sid er
staying indoors at daw n, dusk, and
early evening w hen m osquitoes are
m o st a c tiv e ; w e a r lo n g -sle e v e d
shirts, long pants, shoes and socks
and hats outside; and place m o s­
q u ito netting o v er infant carriers
w hen outdoors.
A wet spring
plenty o f
habitat for
A s sum m er arrives, m osquitoes
are announcing them selves. A w et
spring created plenty o f m osquito
A v o id in g m o sq u ito bites and
rem oving containers o f standing
w ater and o th er item s that can b e ­
com e habitat for breeding m o sq u i­
toes is y o u r best defense against
W est N ile Virus, a potentially deadly
disease carried by m osquitoes.
M ultnom ah C ounty health o ffi­
cials say the best w ay to reduce the
m o sq u ito p o p u la tio n is to drain
sources o f standing w ater such as
old tires, flo w erp o ts, w heelbarrow s
and o th er containers.
O ther tips call for changing the
S te p Two
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