^ortlanh (Observer Page 2 Week ¡n Review Legal filed the suit Tuesday on behalf o f Alec Esquivel, 42, an Oregon Court o f A ppeals clerk. Transgender Sues State New Cigarette Warnings A national civil rights group has filed a law suit against the state o f Oregon, claim ing it denied insurance cover­ age o f a medical procedure for a transgender state worker. Lam bda The Food and D rug A dm inistration announced the first change to cig a­ rette p a c k ’s health w arnings in 25 years on T uesday w hen they u n ­ veiled nine graphic w arning labels, w hich cigarette com panies w ill be required to print by the fall o f 2012 on the top h alf o f every cigarette pack, and 20 percent o f every poster o r advertisem ent. Timbers Win A second-half goal by forw ard Eddie Johnson helped the Portland T im ­ bers gain a 2-1 win over the San Jose lu n é '22, 2011 E arthquakes R eserves in an M LS R eserve L eague m atch at JE L D - W EN Field in Portland on T uesday afternoon. State Promotes College T he O regon H ouse voted 46-14 T uesday in favor o f a pro p o sed law that adopts the goal to have 40 percent o f O regonians w ith a co l­ lege degree by the year 2025. T he bill goes next to Gov. John Kitzhaber, w ho plans to sign it into law. Urine in City Water The Portland W ater B ureau sent eight million gallons o f drinking water do wn the drain alter a 21 -year-old man was caught on a security cam era urinat­ ing into Mt. T abor Reservoir. uce plywood and paychecks in Rogue River. The plywood mill has always been the biggest employer In this tight-knit southern Oregon community. When it shut down two years ago, a lo tu f families fe lt the impact. Now, thanks to funding from the Oregon Lottery, the plant is up and running again, employing more than 100 workers. “I t just brings stability to a lot of people’s lives,” says local resident and mill employee Joshua Mize. “Rogue River is a really nice place to live, and having jobs keeps the town alive.” A business - and - - ' a community - brought back to life. I t ’s just one more example of how Lottery dollars work to keep Oregon working. OREGON LOTTERY It does good things*