Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 15, 2011, Page 2, Image 2

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Week in
The Review
Fortiani» (Db sr ruer
lune 15. 2011
Cho Hired at Charlotte
The Charlotte Bob­
cats on M onday
hired former Port-
landTrail BlazerGen-
eral Manager Rich
Marshall High Closes
Cho as their new
Students, parents and administra­
GM. Cho was fired by Blazer owner
tors of Marshall High School said
Paul Allen in May after working
their goodbyes on Tuesday during
with the Trail Blazers for less than
the southeast Portland school’s fi­
a year.
nal day of classes. Marshall is the
first high school in the city to be Homeowner Stabs Burglar
shut down in three decades, after A homeowner stabbed an intruder
the school board voted 4-3 in the fall shortly after 3 a.m. Tuesday after
to close it and send its students to he awoke to find the burglar in his
Madison and Franklin.
house near Northeast 43rd and
Saxophonist Suffers Stroke
E Street Band saxo­
phonist C larence
Clemons suffered a
stroke on Sunday
night and under-
went two brain sur-
geries. Clemons, an integral part of
the Bruce Springsteen band, also
recently performed on Lady Gaga s
new album “Bom This Way.
Coasters Singer Dies
Siskiyou Street. The intruder took
off and has yet to be located.
Paraglider Arrested
A paraglider jumped off the Astoria
Column on Saturday and posted
the video ofhis stunt on YouTube,
41-year-old Dell Schanze of Salt
Lake City was arrested Monday
and charged for violating city code,
Astoria police Sgt. Brad Johnston
said the column is an icon and an
Astoria treasure and the stunt is
both dangerous and will not be
C arl G a rd n er, a
founding m ember
and lead singer of
Jobless Numbers Improve
the C oasters, the
O regon's u n em ploym ent rate
renowned R&B vo­
dropped to 9.3 percent in May,
cal group, died at the
closing in on the national 9.1 per­
age of 83 on Sun-
cent level as the state added 1,300
day. For 50 years, the Texas-born jobs. The rate has fallen over the
Gardner was with the Coasters band, past five months, from 10.6 percent
whose hits included Yakety Yak,' in December. It peaked in June 2009
Charlie Brown’ and Poison Ivy.'
at 11.6 percent
photo by M indy
Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen speaks at a celebration to welcome one of the first electric
vehicle charging stations in Oregon at a public parking lot at 3620 N.E. Martin Luther King Boule­
vard, north of Fremont Street.
Charged Up for Portland’s Future
First electric car charging station opens on MLK
by M indy C ooper
ing lot that serves more than 20 tion the company ECO tality, a
local businesses on N ortheast leader in clean electric transporta-
A new solar electric vehicle M artin Luther King Boulevard, tion, has rolled out, explained Rich
charging facility, located in a park- was celebrated June 8 during a Feldman, the project m anager for
special grand opening.
the Electric Vehicles Project from
M ultnom ah County C hair Jeff Portland to Ashland.
Cogen attended the cerem ony,
W ith the level-tw o charging
Oregon Symphony
which highlighted im provem ents station, EV drivers can charge their
to the P o rtlan d D ev elo p m en t car from zero to full battery in six
Com mission s parking lot at 3620 to eight hours. “People can drive,
M artin Luther King Blvd, where charge up, do errands and charge
individuals throughout the com- back up,” he said.
m unity can now charge their elec-
At the cerem ony, Pacific Core
trie vehicles conveniently, while provided power for a dem onstra-
sim ultaneously draw ing custom - tion o f a short charge for the EV
ers to area retailers.
Nissan Leaf.
“We really are at the dawn o f a
“I could ride up here, charge my
new era,” said Cogen after thank­ bike and ride back home again,”
ing stakeholders for locating the said Chris Hoffm an, the chief ex ­
station conveniently in the heart ecutive officer o f Ryno Motors.
o f Northeast Portland.
Throughout the event he could
“Portland Developm ent C om ­ be seen riding his electric pow ­
m ission is here because they think ered micro cycle, which he said is
this has an econom ic upside, revo­ half the bike and twice the per­
lutionizing our transportation sys­ sonal transportation.
tem and our econom y.”
Although he lives in Southeast
From a PDC standpoint, said Portland, he explained the drive to
Public Affairs M anager for PDC the charging station will be a nice
Shawn Uhlman, the charging sta­ destination for a Sunday after­
tion is an exam ple o f how the noon drive.
agency is furthering their invest­
Some o f the local businesses
ments in the neighborhood and nearby, include Bandini Pizza and
dem onstrating to the com m unity Pasta, A phrodite H air Design,
their cluster industries, which in Kings Closet, D & J Nails Spa, Not
this case is electric vehicles.
C ho’ Stuff Gifts, Varsity Blue Bar-
“W e’re utilizing the space here B Que and King Blvd Liquor Store.
so any resident in the local area
“What we are trying to do is
can park here, charge their electric make it clear that the neighbor­
vehicles, and then visit the local hoods of Portland will receive the
businesses that are around,” he attention on par with the central
city ,” said Uhlman. “And these
As the first o f its kind within are resources we hope to make
the Portland area, the locally con­ available by replicating this model
structed charging station is the throughout other Portland neigh­
second major community installa- b o rh o o d s.”
T he P ortland O bserver
The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra
with Wynton Marsalis
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♦ » I I
C ooper /T he P ortland O bserver )