May 18, 2011 ^lortlanb (Dbseruer PageA5 Two Arrests Made in Teen’s Murder Information needed in pursuit of other suspects Police say more than lOOofficers forcemenCl^an^arid^lJS M ^ ^ ? forctment Team and US Marshals As a respected activist, civil rights leader and one of Dr. King’s closest aides to witness his murder, Rever­ end Samuel Billy Kyle will tour the Portland Community College dis­ trict and give a talk, “A Bullet Can’t Kill a Dream,” to both honor and explore Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and death. Bom in Shelby, Mississippi, in 1934, Reverend Kyle has been a pastor of the Monumental Baptist Church in M em phis Tennessee since 1959. For more information, contact Kendi Esary at (503) 978-5781 or kesary@ friends at Holladay Park across from the whe" A s h o ts were fired, Investigators also said they lo- cated a 1980s white Mercedes Benz that was described as the suspect vehicle. ■ ' ' ' ' a, »''W SS sML - Police have made two arrests in last month s fatal shooting of 14- year-old Shilo Hampton near the Lloyd Center mall. Detectives served search war­ rants Thursday and arrested 20- year-old Jimmie Ray Sanders-Garcia and 21 -year-old Edward Mohr. Both are booked in the M ultnom ah County Detention Center on mur- dercharges. A new s conference was held at City Hall Fri­ day asking fo r m ore help in the p u rsu it o f o th er su s­ p ects that Jimmie Sanders- police b e ­ Garcia lieve were in v o lv e d . Mayor Sam Adams and le a d e rs from the city’s Afri­ H ■ can Ameri­ can c o m ­ munity at­ tended the Edward Mohr news con­ ference. Police said tips from the public led to Thursday's arrests, but more information is still needed. Hampton was found shot in the head and stomach on a sidewalk in Holladay Park shortly after the April 18th shooting. He was freshman at Madison High School and lived in a foster home. One of Dr. King’s closest aides visits PCC Service worked together on the in- "e “ "’ . h Hampton was with a group of . y? - ‘v TALKI NG HELPED ME GET MY LIFE BACK. ■M W * Before I started gambling, I talked to my friends and fam ily about everything. When my gambling got out of control, I lost all my connections. When I finally realized I couldn’t handle my gambling issues alone, I called for help and started talking again. It turns out getting help was just something I already knew how to do, which was talking. Need help with a gambling problem? We’re here to talk! call 1-877-MY LIMIT orchatat 1877MYLIMIT.ORG