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    jfJnrtlanò (Observer
Page 8
May 4, 2011
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A Big Media Circus of his Own Making
Donald gets
by J udge
G reg M athis
After weeks of allega­
tions, led by Donald
Trump, that he was not
bom in the U.S. and, as a
result, not legally able to
serve in the n ation’s
highest office. President
Obama released his long term birth
certificate to the public.
According to the official docu­
ment, the President was bom in the
U.S., Hawaii to be exact, and not in
Kenya or Indonesia, as his critics
would have you believe.
Fringe groups have been alleg­
ing that Obama w asn’t born in the
U.S. since he announced his run
for the presidency three years ago.
At the time, he subm itted an
o ffic ia l re c o rd o f
b irth , a d o cu m en t
most states give to
a n y o n e se e k in g a
copy o f their birth
certificate, as proof
o f his citize n sh ip .
B ut th e b i r th e r s -
those who m aintain
Obam a was not born
in the U.S. - d id n ’t accept that
docum ent; they wanted to see his
original birth certificate.
The President, who chose to
rise above the foolishness, said it
was finally time to dispel the ru­
mors because the media was giv­
ing more attention to this non­
controversy than it was to im por­
tant national issues, such as the
^.lortlatlb (ObBerUcr
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econom y and public safety.
When Obama released the docu­
ment, he pointedly compared those
who were making an issue out of
where he was bom to side shows
and carnival barkers...and he was
right; that is exactly what Trump has
No one outside of the fringe is
taking Trump seriously as a presi­
dential candidate. Instead, people
tune in to see what shocking thing
h e ’ll say next. Am ericans aren ’t
looking to Trump to leadership -
they are looking to him for laughs.
Now, Trump wants to see the
President’s school transcripts, say­
ing he doesn’t know how the Presi­
dent, who admitted to not being the
most studious youngster, was ac­
cepted into Harvard Law. Trump
maintains the President got into
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Harvard because of affirmative ac­
We d o n 't know how Obama got
into Harvard L aw ...b u t he did.
And he went on to edit the Harvard
Law Review at the end of his first
year and becam e president o f the
journal in his second year. Even if
affirm ativ e action opened the
doors o f Harvard to Obam a, he
made the m ost o f the opportunity
given to him and excelled. And
that is all that matters.
The President should nqt bow to
these latest dem ands...he should
treat Trump like the clown he is:
trapped in a big media circus of his
own making.
Greg Mathis is a form er M ichi­
gan District Court judge and a
current syndicated television show
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