Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 27, 2011, Page 20, Image 20

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'r*!e sportiani» (Obstruer
A p ril 27, 2011
your ¡ro iitits ,
your choices,
your schedule.-- k
Ingredients for life..
L o o k in g f o r G lu t e n F r e e ite m s ?
n u tritio n
You'll find hundreds of them
throughout the store.
,r'° n
Look for SimpleNutrftion green ta gs!
Rancher’s Reserve®
Boneless Beef Chuck Pot Roast
Mango Rice Shrimp Salad
Or Bottom Round Roast
Pork Shoulder
Country Style Ribs
Bone-In. Extrem e Value Pack.
Club Price
W ith c u r r y - m a r in a te d s h r im p , c o c o n u t- tin g e d rice,
c r u n c h y v e g e ta b le s , a n d d i s t in c t iv e l y f l a v o r e d
?1 8
April 27>30
m a n g o , th is d is h is d e lic io u s a n d f a s t .
• 1 tablespoon m inced fresh garlic
• 1 tablespoon m inced peeled fresh ginger
• 1 tablespoon low -sodium soy sauce
• 4 teaspoons curry pow der
• 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
• 1 /8 teaspoon ground cum in
• 1 1/2 pounds m edium shrim p, peeled and deveined
(about 36 shrim p)
• 2 cups w ater
• 2/3 cup light coconut m ilk
• 1 1 /4 cups uncooked long-grain rice
• 3/4 cup shredded carrot
• 2 cups diced peeled m ango (about 2 m angoes)
• 1 1/2 cups diced red bell pep p er
• 1/2 cu p sliced green onions
• 1 tablespoon cho p p ed fresh cilantro
• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
• 2 tablespoons fresh lim e ju ic e
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• C ooking spray
• C ilantro sprigs (optional)
Eating Right® Boneless Skinless
Chicken Breasts or Thighs
93% Lean Ground Beef
or 90% Sirloin
Or Tenders or Thin Sliced.
Extrem e Value Pack
waterfront BISTRO®
Large Raw Shrimp
Tropical Mangos
31 to 40 -ct. Frozen/Thawed
SAVE up to S4.00 lb
Club Prie»
4 D ays O n ly! |
Club Prie»
Red or Ataúlfo.
Club Price: 50« ea
SAVE up to S1 98 on 2
4 Days O n ly!
W«tn«d.iy thn. Satuntoy
S a fe w a y H o t Dog
o r H a m b u rg e r B uns
Fresh Express or Eating
Right* Complete Salads
Ju m b o
C a n ta lo u p e
Selected varieties
75 to 13 8-w Seeded varieties. Clue
Price S2 5C ea SAVE up to $2 38 on 2
SAVE up to S2 00 ea
$ lu te m *
P re p aratio n
>«w »•« v»e“rt
1. C om bine first 6 ingredients in a m edium bow l. A dd
shrim p; toss to coat. C o v er and chill 1 hour.
2. Bring w ater and coconut m ilk to a boil in a m edium
D a iry G len M ilk
saucepan; add rice. C over, reduce heat, and sim m er 15
m inutes or until the liquid is absorbed. A dd carrot and
next 7 ingredients (through salt); toss g ently to com bine.
3. Prepare grill o r grill pan to m edium -high heat.
4. T h read 3 shrim p onto each o f 12 (6-inch) skew ers.
Place skew ers on grill rack or grill pan coated w ith
cooking spray; grill 3 m inutes on each side or until shrim p
are d o ne. S erve sk ew ers o v e r salad. G arn ish w ith
cilan tro sprigs, if desired.
o '2, ! 8; 0 ? ?
e F ill O u t & Send To:
I 'ri,f j.Inrtktnò (Dbsemer
I Attn'. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208
I $60.00forò months • $1 lO.OOfor 1 year • $200.00 for 2 years
I (please include check with this subscription form )
I N ame : _________________________
I T elephone :
I A ddress : _
I o r e m a il s u b s c rip tio n s © p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m
Gallon Whole. 2% . 1%
or Eat Free.
Lucerne® Y o g u rt
K ellogg’s Raisin Bran
6 oz Selected varieties
Club Price: 40e ea
SAVE up to SI 00 on 10
25 5-oz or Rice Knspies 18-oz
Cereal Club Price $2 50 ea
SAVE up to S3 98 on 2
SAVE up »U S O
CJtf# »»ire
re fre s h e W a te r
Saleway SELECT* Ice Cream
24 pack. I6 9 o z
Plus deposit in Oregon
SAVE up to 60c
1.5-qt Or 2-qt Lucerne“ Creamery
Fresate Cream. $379 Selected
varieties Club Price $3 00 ea
Safeway Softly Bath Tissue
or Thirsty Paper Towels
24-OouWe Ron Tissue or ’2-Big koi low*
Seearmess SMFelotl.M
Subscribe f
That's our promise...
that's Ingredients for life.
M t* 111 L"I VIM Y
tflis a<1
? Ä
w ed tmur
u El
Wednesday. April 27 thru Tuesday, May 3.2011.
ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store.
Wednesday April 27 thru Tuesday. May 3. 2011 in all Safeway stores in Oregon (except Milton Ereewaten and S W Washington stores servino Wahkiakum Cowlitz
N ö t’’» AVM A r Ì
PrOrtUCtSS ntainm° ephWtrine f * * ud° « Ä n e or p h e n y lp i^ r w ta ^ n e h i-m tby
aw uunnwy r qnis rese veo bUM t AUVtHiibiNG iltM ò MAY NOI BE AVAILABLE IN ALL Sf ORES Sone advertised pnees may be even lower in sone stores On Btiv One Get One free ("ROGO') nfforc
1? 2 ? P'" r ^
,he ",st " T 10 “
" * 880X1(1 lt8m 1(88 80(50 ofl8’ s are no« t /? pr.ee .sales It onty a single item p u rc h a s e d ^
no » P ^ h a s ^ 'te m s only - » not on tree items Limit one coupon per purchased item Customer w tl be responsible for Sx and deposits as required by law w the o u r c S K
m excess ot 52 gallons No liquor sales tor resale Liquor sales at I,censed Safeway stores only
< I
C 2 0 1 1 Safeway h e
Availability ot items may va™ by s to r i