A p r il 27, 2011 (The $îortlanh (Obstruer Page 19 Get to the Bottom of Fertility Problems M ore than 7 m illion people in the U .S.— roughly 12 percent o f the re­ p r o d u c tiv e - a g e p o p u la tio n — struggle with infertility, the inability to conceive after six m onths to a year o f unprotected sex. Infertility can m ake the jo u rn e y to having a child a frustrating and confusing one. F ortunately, m any people w ho are treated for fertility problem s are able to conceive after therapy. Infertility affects m en and w om en nearly equally. A bout one-third o f cases can be attributed to the m ale partner, one-third are related to the fem ale partner, and the rem ainder are caused by a com bination o f prob­ lem s w ith both partners or by u n ­ know n factors. In w om en, increasing age, irregu- For Your Health by D r . R ichard N. W aldman lar ovulation (release o f eggs from age, but at a slow er rate. Infertility in the ovaries), abnorm al anatom y, or m en usually involves problem s with scarring o r blockages in the fallo­ the sperm . Sexually transm itted d is­ pian tubes are the m ain causes o f eases (S T D s) or an injury to the infertility. G ynecologic conditions, testicles, such as o verheating (from such as polycystic ovary syndrom e, spending too m uch tim e in a hot tub, endom etriosis, and fibroids, can also for exam ple) or a reaction to m edica­ m ake it difficult fo r a w om an to co n ­ tion, can lead to short term fertility ceiv e. L ifesty le facto rs such as issu es. sm oking, eating a poor diet, o r being If you are having trouble getting underw eight, overw eight, o r obese pregnant, see y o u r ob-gyn. Y our m ay also m ake it h ard er to get p reg ­ d o cto r m ay ord er tests to u n d er­ nant. stand w hat is causing the problem . M ale fertility also d eclin es w ith Y ou m ay also be referred to a doctor L eg A lert S creen in g — C heck for peripheral arterial disease w ith this safe, sim ple screen­ ing using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call to 8:30 p.m . F o r m ore inform ation, call 503- 503-251-6137. 256-4000. S m oke-F ree Support G roup - M eets M on­ A bdom inal A neurysm Screening — Free 10 days, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For information, call 503- m inute health screenings to detect a deadly 256-4000. vascular con d itio n - called abdom inal aortic H eart T alk Su pport G rou p - M eets on the aneurysm w ill be offered for Portland-area second M onday o f each m onth; from 6 p.m. residents on S aturday, Feb 5 from 8 a.m . to 5 to 8 p.m. F o r m ore inform ation, call 503-251 - p.m . at the K m art pharm acy in T ualatin. 6260. A dvance registration is required by calling F am ily C aregiver S u pport G rou p - This 866-371-3592. topic-oriented group offers a safe place to M ind B ody H ealth C lass — Learn and p rac­ discuss the stresses, challenges and rew ards tice techniques to help you im prove your o f providing care to an older relative or m ood, health and w ellbeing, including effec­ friend. M eets the first T hursd ay o f each tive w ays to m anage difficult em otions and m onth at 3 p.m . at L egacy G ood Sam aritan chronic stress o r illness. R egistration is $70 H ospital. for K aiser P erm anente m em bers and $95 for C hronic P ain S u pport G rou p - M eets the nonm em bers. Call 503-286-6816. first W ednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the Red C ross C ertification - The O regon Trail third W ednesday o f each m onth, from 7 p.m. C h ap ter R ed C ross now offers credits to H e a l t h Attention Small Business Owners Do you want the computer skills that can help you: W w ho specializes in infertility (rep ro ­ ductive endocrinologist) o r other counselors and specialists. Standard fertility testing for women includes a physical exam and a health history survey that focuses on m en­ strual function and a w om an’s his­ tory o f pregnancy, STD s, and birth control use. Blood and urine sam ples may be analyzed to confirm that nor­ mal ovulation is taking place. X-rays or ultrasounds may be used to view and inspect the reproductive organs for any abnormalities. T otest form ale fertility, a sem en sam ple will be checked for the num ber, shape, and m ovem ent o f the sperm and for signs o f infection. Infertility can be treated in a va­ riety o f w ays d ep en d in g on the a t c h helps p rofessionals m aintain licensing or certificatio n . F o r a cu m u lativ e list, visit pdxinfo.net. W eigh t L oss H e lp — T ake O ff Pounds S en­ sib ly (T O P S ) m e e tin g s are h e ld ev ery W ednesday from 8:45 to 10 a.m. at the H ol­ lyw ood S en io r C enter, 1820 N.E. 40th Ave. A nyone interested is invited to visit and learn m ore. For details, call 503-287-0731. C ard iac-R eh ab E xercises — A m edically supervised exercise program for people d eal­ ing w ith heart conditions. For inform ation, call 503-251-6260. Strok e A lert S creenin g - C heck y o u r c a ­ rotid arteries w ith a painless ultrasound to assess y o u r risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call 503-251 -6137. M an agin g C h ronic H epatitis C - T hird W ednesday o f each m onth at 5 p.m. The inform ative session is led by a registered nurse to help you m anage side effects o f m edications and dosage preparations and adm inistration; d o cto r referral required. T o register, call 503-251-6313. B etter B reath ers - A n asthm a educational support gro u p m eets on the 1 st T uesday o f the m onth from 1:15 p.m . to 2:45 p.m . at A dventist M edical C enter. For inform ation, call 503-251-6830. E m p ow erm en t th rou gh R elaxation - Free inform al m editation classes that address breathing techniques, som e gentle ancient A frican yoga poses and m ental balancing techniques. People have left these classes jo y fu l and w ith a peaceful view o f their lives. Call Dr. M arcelitte F aillaat 503-228-6140. T en d erfoot C are — T reat y o u r feet w ith a soak, nail trim , buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics o r at your hom e. Call 503-251 -6303 for m ore inform a­ tion. M u ltn o m a h C ounty Health D epartm ent's C all or em ail us tod ay to get started! (5 0 3 )6 2 1 -6 3 6 8 info@ L B 3C om putingS olution s.co m ■ . - Computing Solutions "Making Sense of IT A ll" in 11H P( »rtland Observer Gall 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob scrver.com j HIV C o m m u n ity Test Site offers | confidential HIV te sting j w ith or w ith o u t your nam e | at these locations: I We offer computer training and technical support to teach you the valuable and practical skills you need to run your business more effectively Advertise with diversity Dr. Richard N. Waldman is presi­ dent o f the American Congress o f Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Take Action Get Tested •Create and manage your own website •Reduce your costs •Improve your sales LB3 cause. If you are o v erw eig h t or obese, losing w eight m ay im prove y o u r chances o f getting pregnant. M edications that stim ulate the o v a ­ ries or regulate blood insulin levels (w hich can interfere w ith ovulation) m ay be prescribed. Y our d o c to re an also help you decide if surgery or a ss is te d re p ro d u c tiv e th e ra p ie s, such as in vitro fertilization, are right for you. For m ore inform ation, the A C O G P a tie n t E d u c a tio n P a m p h le ts “E valuating Infertility” and “T rea t­ ing Infertility” are available in E n ­ glish and S panish at acog.org/pub- licatio n s. Public H ealth P e p jrtm e n t Downtown Community Test Site Call 503.988.3775 fo r an a p p t. M on I Thurs | Fri 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, P ortland, 97204 Northeast Health Center I Just w alk in Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:ì 5 pm 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, P ortland, 97211 Se habla español: other interpretation by appointment | | | |