A p r il 27.2011 _’H’* ^orttani» (Dbaeruer Page 17 Ebenezer Baptist Restoration Complete Church was cornerstone to MLK’s legacy (A P) - T he voice o f the Rev. M artin L uther K ing Jr. again filled the halls o f E benezer B aptist C hurch in A tlanta and a pipe organ triu m ­ phantly announced the reopening o f the sacred sanctuary regarded as the birthplace o f the ci vil rights icon's vision o f ju stic e, equality and a nonviolent society. The King fam ily was jo in ed April 15 by m em bers o f the civil rights m ovem ent and Interior Secretary Ken S alazar Friday in celebrating the reopening o f E benezer, called the cornerstone o f K ing's legacy. S alazar said the church is "hallow ed ground for a nation still very m uch in progress." E benezer's H eritage Sanctuary has been restored to its original appearance from 1960 to 1968, when K ing co-pastored there w ith his fa­ ther. W ork began on the $8 m illion project in 2000, and includes a re­ turn o f the original pulpit furniture Martin Luther King III, the son of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., speaks during a April 15 ceremony to and furnishings, architectural and mark the restoration of the sanctuary of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta where his paint finishes, the baptism al pool father preached. (AP photo) and ch o ir loft seating. It also restored K ing's m ost im ­ at the cerem ony. "Much com es to m y m ind as I and c h ie f executive o fficer o f T he p o rta n t title: p re a c h e r, said his Excerpts o f K ing's m ost fam ed stand here this afternoon, because K ing C enter, told the audience, youngest daughter, B ernice King, serm ons w ere piped into the sane- I grew up in E benezer," a sm iling H is daughter, Y olanda R enee w ho delivered the keynote address tuary before the cerem o n y began. M artin L uther K ing III, president K ing, opened the cerem ony by ring- In Loving Memory Bill Moore W illiam C urtis “D oc” “ B ill” M oore w as a m an changed by his w alk w ith the Lord. L ike Saul to Paul, he stood boldly for the gospel w ord. H e proudly served St. Jude C hurch as a deacon and adult Sunday School teacher. A s a volunteer at V olunteers o f A m erica M en's R ehabilitation C enter, he loved, cared and served U>e com m unity. H e w as bom Sept. 8, 1942 and died on A pril 3 ,2 0 1 1 . Left behind are his w ife K athy; son R icco B rack; sister M artha Ervin; and m any fam ily, step-fam ily, church fam ily and loved V O A fam ily members. A m em orial service w ill be held Saturday, M ay 7 at 11 a.m . at St. Jude C hurch, 5503 N .E. P rescott St. In lieu o f flow ers, it is Bill's w ish that any donations be m ade to the V O A A1 Forthan S cholarship Fund, 2318 N .E. M artin L uther K ing Jr. B lvd Portland, O R 97212. Advertise with diversity //? "H* Portland Observer Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads @ port lan dob servcr.com T erry F amily F uneral H ome ing a liberty bell near the pulpit. T h e R ev. Jo se p h L o w ery a t­ te n d e d the c e re m o n y an d said he h ad m an y fo n d m e m o rie s o f the c h u rc h , w h ere he o fte n m et to d is ­ c u ss stra te g y fo r the S o u th e rn C h ristia n L e a d ersh ip C o n fe re n ce , w h ic h he c o -fo u n d e d w ith K ing in 1957. "I can't tell you how it feels to me to be standing here in this spot, in this place, at this hour," Low ery said from the pulpit w here K ing d eliv ered his serm ons m ore than four decades ago. "This church and this m inistry have been significant in the history o f this country for a long time. I thank G od that it rem ains here to be seen." K in g w as b o rn ju s t b lo ck s from E b e n e z e r on A u b u rn A v en u e in d o w n to w n A tla n ta , an d g rew up in the c h u rc h . H is fa th e r, th e R ev. M artin L u th e r K ing Sr. — k now n as "D ad d y K ing" p re a c h e d th ere an d w as a lo cal c iv il rig h ts a c tiv ­ ist. H is g ra n d fa th e r, A .D . W ill­ ia m s , p r e c e d e d h im a n d a ls o fo u g h t s e g r e g a tio n d u rin g th e e a rly 2 0 th c e n tu ry . K ing is also buried next to the church, in a crypt alongside his w idow , C oretta Scott King. E benezer is the an ch o r o f the M artin Luther King Jr. N ational H is­ toric Site, which w elcom es more than 700,000 national and international visitors annually 2337 N. Williams Ave, Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal. You make the tribute personal. Evety time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary, otdet flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime. Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one ” Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395