Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 27, 2011, Page 16, Image 16

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    Fortiani» (Observer
Page 16
A p ril 27.2011
First Family Attends Easter Service
President B arack O bam a and his fam ily
attended E aster service Sunday at a W ash­
ington church founded in 1863 by freed
The first fam ily entered Shiloh B aptist
C hurch to a round o f applause on a sun-
splashed day in the nation’s capital as m em ­
bers o f a choir dressed in black, w hite and
gold sang "Total Praise."
O bam a shook a few hands and hugged
som e m em bers o f the congregation as he and
his wife, M ichelle, and their daughters. M alia
and Sasha, w alked to a second-row pew.
A ccording to the church's pastor. Dr.
W allace C harles Sm ith, 21 freed slaves m ade
it to the nation's capital from Fredericksburg,
Va., to establish a place w here they could
w orship freely and w here "they could reach
others w ith the good new s o f their salva­
President Barack Obama,
First Lady Michelle Obama,
and daughters Mali a and
Sasha attend Easter
church service Sunday at
Shiloh Baptist Church in
Washington, D.C.
L ocated about tw o m iles north o f the
W hite H ouse, Shiloh B aptist is one o f the
oldest A frican-A m erican congregations in
the city.
Father, Grandfather Remembered
Oscar Hicks Jr.
Join us for a
We will be having a very special
night of teaching on this powerful .
revelation from God's
Word. You won't
Jerry & Annie
want to miss this!
Friday, May 20th at 7pm
N e w S o n g C o m m u n ity C o m e r
2511NE MIK Blvd • Portland, OR 97212
Corner of NE MIK Blvd and Russell Street
Doors open at 6pm for every service.
For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481
or log on to w w w .m fh m n o rtla n fim m
I I I ♦ I I
voted husband, father, and diddy
(g ra n d fa th e r), fu ll o f w is d o m ,
strength, courage and love.
He taught his children how to read
by singing to them. He would sit them
on his lap each night and read them
books, then create and sing songs
like, Cinderella, The Fair Has Com e to
Tow n T oday, G eography, T w o Little
B lackB irdsSittingonaH ill, and many
others. He taught them the art o f
critical thinking, to be problem solv­
ers, to be self-sufficient, and to be
great team leaders and m em ­
bers. He taught them the
im portance o f respecting
and challenging authority.
He taught them to be fun
loving, thoughtful, and cou­
O scar w as alw ays w ill­
ing to give advice and help
to anyone w ho had lost
their w ay. H is light alw ays shined
bright. T hat light was the light o f
C hrist. He w ill be greatly m issed by
his fam ily and all w ho knew him.
O scar w as preceded in death by
W alter, W allace, Edm ond, H urley,
H attie-M ae and Jam es.
Left to cherish his m em ories are
his w ife o f 52 years, E dna M. H icks;
children, M ardica Y. Hicks, O scar R.
(H e id i) H ic k s III, R o sa ly n M .
(M ichael) Scaife, M onica L. H icks,
R odney O . (K o rrie) H icks, and
Jacqueline Hicks; 14 grandchildren;
sisters G ertru d e G ray and D oris
H icks; a host o f nephew s, nieces
and cousins; friends o f St. A ndrew
and Im m aculate HearJ parishes; and
other neighbors and friends.
Funeral services for O scar Hicks
Jr. w ere held T uesday at St. A ndrew
C atholic C hurch.
He was b o m Dec. 8, 1936, the
sixth o f nine children o f the late
O scar H icks Sr. and T rudi Jackson
o f G u lfp o rt, M iss. H e b e ca m e
h e av e n 's new est blossom on A pril
18,2011. A fter a tw o-year battle with
his first stroke, he passed quietly
into his final rest after another m as­
sive stroke.
O scar w as a graduate o f
N o rth G u lf p o r t H ig h
School; he also attended
M ississippi V alley State
U niversity and M ississippi
Southern University where
he studied social studies,
political science and w as a
jo u rn ey m an o f electrical
and carpentry trades. M ost o f his
p ro fessio n al c a re e r co n siste d o f
w ork in public adm inistration. He
proudly served in the U. S. A rm y as
a tanker w here he also began to
m aster his culinary skills. U pon his
honorable discharge in 1977, he
becam e m em ber o f the A rm y R e­
serves w here he becam e a staff ser­
geant overseeing hospitality for the
104th D iv is io n A rm y R e s e rv e
T im berw olves out o f V ancouver
and Fort L ew is, W ash. He received
num erous aw ards and m ilitary co m ­
m endations.
His hobbies included hom e im ­
provem ent projects, fishing, cam p ­
ing and helping others as a h an d y ­
man. He was a m em ber o f the Knights
o f St. Peter C laver.
Arrangements entrusted to Terry
O scar w as an outstandingly de- Family Funeral Home.