Page 12 llft ^dnrtkinh (Dbserticr .. inistriis "An Interdenominational Church" ■ ti I I II < Í V o i < : < » CHURCH THEM E: /T ià H l> < i < i k A p r il 27, 2011 Arts x V IMIIIUSHIM I Ml 11 Reaching Teaching Preaching Relevance in McMenamins Opens Crystal Hotel 2011 M cM enam ins C rystal H otel & B allroom , the tw o-building property located on Southw est B urnside Street betw een 12th and 14th A venues in d ow ntow n Portland, opens its doors to s; JUditw grand opening celebration this w eek. Sfofiop SC & ££ecl Jladty £cvt£ean Si Stodge Sddto>d foodie*/Slevuiali6t O n T hursday, M ay 5, M cM enam ins w ill feature live m usic w ith M. W ard, C orin T u ck er B and, Scott M cC aughey & Sundays: Worship Service 12:00 — 2:00 P.M. Mission Studies: Wednesdays 6:00 — 7:00 P.M. Bible Study: Wednesdays 7:00 — 8:30 PM . “School O f The Prophets” (Training) Location: Friends, C harlie G abriel & T he M el B row n Trio, C arl Sm ith & the N atural G as C o. and a host o f others, along w ith D J’ed m usic, ales, w ines and spirits tastings, street buskers, b ag p ip ­ ers and m uch m ore. Concordia University Campus Som e events are free and open to the public, w hile others 2800 NE Liberty (The GRW Library, room 303) Portland, OR. 97211 I t ’s R e v iv a l T i m e A g a i n a t A W V C M i n i s t r i e s Sunday, M ay 15, 2 0 1 1 ® 3 :3 0 P.M . Bishop Jarnos Bailoy Rovivalist 2 8 1 1 NE Holman in Luther Hall (corner of 2 7 Ih & Holman) require tickets through locally ow ned C ascad eT ick m . A portion o f proceeds from the three-day event w ill be donated to G L A PN (G ay and Lesbian A rchives o f the Pacific A graphic celebrates the two-building McMenamins Crystal Hotel, opening this weekend on Southwest Burnside between 12th and 14th Avenues. N orthw est) as a w ay to celebrate the C rystal H otel b u ild in g 's form er history as part o f P o rtlan d ’s G ay T riangle. T he Z eus C afé in the C rystal H otel w ill be open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or ‘Poetry Man’ Singer, Dies at 60 Back By Popular Demand!!! on E n co reP eiform onceo^^^^ (A P) — Phoebe Snow , a bluesy singer, guitarist and songw riter w ho had a defining hit o f the 1970s w ith "Poetry M an " b u t th en la rg e ly d ropped out o f the spotlight to care for her disabled daughter, has died. Snow , w ho w as nom inated for best new artist at the 1975 G ram m ys, died T uesday m orning in Edison, N .J., from com plications o f a brain hem orrhage she suffered in January 2010, said Rick Miramontez, her long- tim e friend and public relations rep ­ resentative. She w as 60. Snow 's m anager. Sue C am eron, said the singer endured bouts o f blood clots, pneum onia and co n ­ gestive heart failure since her stroke. Jfdf Id IT ll" 1 V Z ¡P . ik ■ * rn ■' , “ ih " /Ti 1 iiil Will h 503-730-1156 Weddings "7 Women, 7 Stools" Corporate Events Saturday, May 7,2011 - 2:00pm Onsite 5x7 Printing EMMANUEL CENTER STAGE Online Proofs & Orders Phoebe Snow 1033 N. Sumner Portland, OR 97217 Come and see what the Housewife, College Student, Grandmother, Hustler, Cancer Survivor, Mistress & Abused Woman all have in common! Unique Food Venders Wanted Created & Written by: Lady Kitty Griffin & Delilah Rashell The Perfect Mother's Day Gift! TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!! Emmanuel Box Office - Phone:503-839-6507 Reserved Seating S35 - SOLD OUT! General Seating $30 WWW.EMMANUELPDX.COM OR WWW.EMERGETHEPLAY.COM fo r a Large Food and Music Festival in Vancouver’s Popular Esther Short Park For more information go to or contact Joycelyn Kelly email :eventscoordinator@ Phone: 360-263-3995 "The loss o f this u nique and untouchable voice is incalculable," C am eron said. "Phoebe w as one o f the b rig h test, fu n n iest and m ost talented singer-songw riters o f all tim e and, m ore im portantly, a m ag­ nificent m o th er to her late brain­ dam aged daughter, V alerie, for 31 years. Phoebe felt that was her great­ est accom plishm ent." K now n as a folk guitarist w ho m ade forays into ja z z and blues, Snow put h er stam p on soul classics such as "Shakey G round," "Love M ak es a W o m an " and "M ercy, M ercy M ercy" on o v er a h a lf dozen album s. N ot long after Snow 's "Poetry M an" reached the T op 5 on the pop singles chart in 1975, h er daughter, V alerie R ose, w as b o m w ith severe brain dam age, and Snow decided to care for h er at hom e rath er than place h er in an institution.