A p ril 20, 2011 ■Portiani» OObserürr Page 17 Fight Back Against Sexual Assault There are m ore than 300,000 rape- related phy sical a ssau lts ag ain st w om en each y ear in the U.S. N early one in six w om en wi 11 be the target o f an attem pted o r com p leted rape in their lifetim e. Y et despite its prev a­ lence, rape rem ains the least re ­ ported and punished violent crim e in the US. Sexual violence— including rape, date rape, incest, sexual e x p lo ita­ tion; sexual harassm ent, exposure, and voyeurism — is a term that d e ­ scribes unw anted, non-consensual sexual activity that is forced on one person by another. C rim es o f sexual violence are m ost often com m itted by a person that the victim know s and are m otivated by the desire to control, hum iliate or harm the vic­ tim , not by passion o r sexual desire. T he physical and m ental effects o f sexual violence on victim s can be profound and lifelong. W om en w ho have been sexually assaulted are at high risk o f contracting sexually transm itted diseases (S T D s) such as H IV , gonorrhea, chlam ydia, and HPV. R ape also leads to an estim ated 32,000 pregnancies each year. The risk o f pregnancy am ong sexually- ab u sed ad o lescen ts is esp ecially high because teens generally have WWaMWMail m i w ill iW W li l l u m il ■ low rates o f co n sisten t co n tracep ­ tive use and are often assaulted repeatedly in incestuous relatio n ­ sh ip s. F o llo w in g an a s s a u lt, m a n y w om en experience hum iliation, em ­ barrassm ent, self-blam e, eating and sleep d istu rb a n ce s, g en eral pain th ro u g h o u t the body, and m ood sw ings. M onths and y ears later, som e co n tin u e to have p sy ch o lo g i­ cal and physical reactio n s.su ch as p o s t-tra u m a tic stre ss sy n d ro m e , p h o b ias, flash b ack s, n ig h tm ares, substance abuse, and gynecologic problem s. If you have been sexually a s­ saulted, rem em b er that you are not at fault. N o m atter w hat a person w ears o r how they behave, no one “ask s” or d eserv es to be sexually a b u se d . M ake it a priority to see a m edical p rofessional, such as y o u r p h y si­ cian o r an em erg en cy room doctor, right aw ay. Y ou should be exam ined im m ediately and treated for p h y si­ cal injuries, exp o su re to ST D s, and unintended pregnancy. D uring your exam ination, physical evidence may be g ath ered for use by police or legal parties should you decide to rep o rt the crim e. D o not bathe, douche, use the bathroom , w ash out y o u r m outh, clean y o u r fin g er­ nails, eat, drink, o r sm oke before yo u rex am . * A s you begin the healing p ro ­ cess, it’s im portant to take good care o f y o u rse lf and tend to your g en eral w ell-b e in g . E at h ealth y fo o d s , e x e r c is e , m e d ita te , g et enough sleep, and surround y o u r­ self w ith supportive friends and fam ­ ily. Y ou m ay also w ant to speak with a co u n selo r o r m ental health profes­ sional to help you through this d if­ ficult time. T o find a rape co u n selo r or crisis cen ter n ear you, call the N ational Sexual A ssault H otline, 800-656- H O PE o r use the online hotline at o h l.rain n .o rg /o n lin e. Dr. Richard N. Waldman is presi­ dent o f the American Congress o f Obstetricians and Gynecologists. .fasten fksftop 3i. ¿L fleet J!ady Lattean 3 .Jtodqe Fasten/Jeachen /3Íeeioatist Sundays: Worship Service 12:00 — 2:00 P.M. Mission Studies: Wednesdays 6:00 — 7:00 P.M. Bible Study: Wednesdays 7:00 — 8:30 P.M. “School O f The Prophets” (Training) Location: Concordia University Campus 2800 NE Liberty (The GRW Library, room 303) Portland, OR. 97211 I t ’s» R e v iv a l T i m e A g a in a i IVW VC M in istr ie s» Sunday, M ay 15, 2 0 1 1 ® 3 :3 0 P.M . Bishop Jarnos Bailey Revivalist 2811 NE Holman in Luther Hall [comer of 27 th s Holman) To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or hodgehspks@msn.com www.nwvoiceforchrist.com WH" I l ili l i lilbW« WHliWmMiaWmWOlij Support for Alzheimer’s Caregivers M ultnom ah C ounty is offering a supportive program to A lzheim er’s caregivers. The program called ST A R -C is designed to help caregivers w ho are caring for som eone with A lzheim er’s disease or a related dem entia. C onsultants provide eight w eekly in-hom e visits w ith the caregiver to decrease challenging behaviors that are endangering their ability to keep their loved one at home. Som e o f the challenging behav­ iors addressed include sadness and depression; anxiousness and w orry; sleep issues; resistance to care; wan- dering; verbal and physical aggres­ sion; and social isolation. O nce the sessions are com pleted, consultants provide four follow-up phone calls. For program inform ation or eligi­ bility , call Bethany Chamberlin at 503- 988-3620, extension22020. Take Action Get Tested Multnomah County Health Department's HIV Community Test Site offers confidential HIV testing with or w ithout your name at these locations: Downtown Community Test Site Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. Mon I Thurs | Fri 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, Portland, 97204 Northeast Health Center ju st walk in Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:15 pm 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, Portland, 97211 ¡¡¡Fee w ith th is co u p o n ” XX I~ 1 ¡¡¡¡¿¡J™™ Se habla español: other interpretation by appointment. “ WHEN PRAISES GO UP BLESSINGS COMEDOWN” THE GOSPAL EXPLOSION IS HERE! PRAISE THE LORD APRIL 23, 2011 @ 3:30PM ST. JAMES PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 75 NE WYGANT STREET PORTLAND, OR 97211 HOSTED BY: RAINEOW OUTREACH MINISTRY PASTOR: CHARLES E. MCCLEOUD SR. WHEN: WHERE: Come one come all: Let's praise the Lord and Reunite our community in the name o f Jesus!