Hit and Run Tragedy Positive Influences Vigil honors woman killed Diversity guides youth theater group See page 3 See page 12 Read back issues of the Portland Observer at WW W .portland n h se rve r com Volume XXXXI, Number 16 Wednesday • April 20, 2011 2011 H eidi Henderson, C entral C atholic Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Festival Court Anne N ienow Birch St. M arys C assandra Hamann, D avid Douglas Erica IVu, Benson M aya Allen, Gt IOO YEARS J 'reyesha Brannon, C leveland Nadia M artinez, M a rsh a ll % J 1 K ristin C ubbison, R oosevelt Sarah Schreiter, Lincoln Lam arra H a y n e \B ra n k li Taylor Ballard, Parkrose Fourteen princesses represent their local high schools on the 2011 Re take place just prior to the Portland Rose Festival Grand Floral Par Taylor Gerst, G lencoe