Page 2 Cl,i $3ortlanh (DbsrrUer A Family’s Anguish S heriffs Office, volunteers con­ tinue to sweep the grounds of March 19 at his father's northeast Rocky Butte in N ortheast Port­ Portland home, where authorities land near B e n n ette's fa th e r’s say they found blood and DNA house. Friends, family and sup­ evidence linking the male teen to porters have spread search ef­ Vaughn's death. forts throughout wooded areas in Led by the M ultnomah County the Portland M etro area and cir- c o n t i n u e d f r o m front culate flyers to places where she and her friends hung out, as well as local businesses. A media briefing was held at Rocky Butte on Sunday, but there were no significant updates. Au­ thorities said the search for evi­ dence related to the Yashanee’s dis­ appearance and presumed death would continue. Portland police detectives are still in terested in hearing from A p ril 13. 2011 anyone who has in fo rm atio n about the case, including w here Y ashanee was last seen and w here any evidence m ight be lo cated . You can report any in fo rm a ­ tion to C rim e S toppers at 503- 823-H E L P (4357), leave a tip o n lin e at c rim e s to p p e r s o f o r e g o n .c o m , or text 823H ELP plus your tip to CRIMES. Week ¡n The Review Joblessness Holds Steady Oregon’s seasonally adjusted un­ employment rate was lO.Opercentin March, essentially unchanged from 10.2 percent in February. The U.S. seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 8.8 percent in March, es­ sentially unchanged from 8.9 per­ cent in February. Teen Killed in Drive-by A 1 9 -y ear-o ld found dead after a drive by shooting around 1 a.m. on S a tu rd ay at N o rth ea st 86th Avenue and Sac­ ramento Street has been identified as M ario A lexander M arin o f Gresham. Detectives cannot yet say if the shooting was gang-related. h Elder Driver Hits Pedestrian An 87-year-old woman is accused of driving a car that hit and killed a p ed estrian cro ssin g N o rth east Kililngsworth Street near 60th Av­ enue around 10:30 a.m. Saturday. The victim, Mary Anne Turner, 63, was not using the crosswalk. Police said the driver, Helen Quimiro, con­ tinued driving from the crash site and also struck three parked cars. Equity Line of Credit Nuclear Severity Grows Japan ranked its nuclear crisis at the highest possible severity on an in­ ternational scale — the same level as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster — even as it insisted Tuesday that radiation leaks are declining at its tsunami-crippled nuclear plant. The h ig h er ratin g Is an open acknowledgement that the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant is the second-worst in history. 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As of March t . 2011, the variable rate for lines of credit ranged from 3 99% APR to 9 25% APR Hraher l — f rat^3 aPP*Y tofDh'9*!r LTV " tower credrt limrt rate *'11 not vary above 25% A P R rw Petow 2.99% APR An annual fee up to $90 may apply after the first year Otter is subiect to normal rmrirt L f MOf S X r T n m X n h u T n i0 Consu,t your bX a<,v'SOf rRqarri,n9 deductibility of interest Some restrictions may apply. Home EquityLoans and Lines of LtNOCff Credit are offered through U.S. Bank National Association ND. 02011 US. Bancorp All rights reserved. Member FPtC Carl Lewis Eyes Senate Olympic gold med- alistCarl Lewis will run again — for New Jersey Senate. T he 4 9 -y e a r-o ld New Jersey native announced his bid to represent his hom etow n o f Willlingboro on Monday. Lewis says he hopes to inspire people, encourage communities and im­ prove educational opportunities for children. Applebee’s Promises Fix The Applebee's restaurant chain said on Monday it was immediately retraining its workers nationwide after a server at a suburban Detroit location accidentally served alco­ hol to a toddler. Police Protesters Arrested Police arrested 11 adults and one juvenile Thursday after about 40 anti-police protesters m arched from the so u th p a rk s b lo ck s th ro u g h d o w n to w n P o rtla n d . Some of the protesters were ac­ cused o f throw ing firew ork type * devices at officers.