April 13, 2011 Page 19 Remembrance E llen B rister Funeral services for Ellen Brister w ill be held T hursday, A pril 14 at 11 a.m . at E m m an u el T e m p le C hurch, 1033 N. Sum ner St. Public view ing w ill be held on W ednes­ day, A pril 13 from 4 p.m . to 7 p.m . at T erry Fam ily Funeral H om e. She w as bom on A pril 1 3 ,1 0 3 0 and died April 3,2001. To read a full obituary and sign the guestbook visit terryfam ilyfuneralhom e.com . A rrangem ents entrusted to Terry Family Funeral Home. Homegoing Service O dessia W illiam s Young A h o m e g o in g s e r v ic e fo r O dessia W illiam s Y oung w as held T hursday. A pril 7 at N ew H ope Baptist Church. Interm ent followed at W illam ette N ational C em etery. She w as b o m Feb. 4, 1926, in A rcadia, La., and she passed into perfect peace on A pril 4 ,2 0 1 1 . She m oved to V ancouver in February 1949. She leaves to c h er­ ish h er m em ory, five children , J e a n e tte W a rd , M ary C lis b y , Juanita Y oung, M ark Y oung and C arl Y oung; four grandchildren; tw o great grandchildren; son-in- law H ow ard W ard, and daughter in-law , L inda H om buckle-Y oun g and num erous fam ily and friends. A rrangem ents by V ancouver Funeral Chapel. Devoted Mother, Grandmother and Friend B ern ice D un n B ernice D unn w as b o m on A pril 14, 1934 to the late M aggie and Jim m y D unn in E utaw , A la., the eldest o f six daughters. O n A pril 2, 2011, G od dispatched H is H eav ­ enly A ngels dow n to earth and called B ernice to h er new H eavenly home. W hen she w as at the young age o f eight, h er g ran d m o th er M uggie D avis led her to accept Jesus C hrist as h er personal savior. She w as baptized and becam e active in Sunday school, the C h ild re n ’s C h o ir and began a faithful p ray er life. In 1942, h er m o th er b rought h er daughters to P ortland to begin a new life. B ernice com pleted elem entary school and later attended Lincoln H igh School. She was affectionately called “A unt Bern’’ and gathered m any friends throughout the Portland area. She was a loving, caring and devoted mother, Praying w as h er favorite pastim e and she began her day w ith a celestial devotion, singing, reading the B ible and then praying som e m ore. She w as a m issionary in h er church, and in 2000 traveled to A rgentina serving on a m onum ental m ission trip. W hen Aunt Bern w asn’t praying or giving young people G odly advice and direction, she enjoyed playing Scrabble and Solitaire. She also had a great time finding bargains at vintage and thrift shops, once buying a m ink coat at a shop for ju st 99 cents! She sported that coat for years. M ost will miss seeing Aunt Bern walk, strut, and even run in church w earing one o f her w on­ derfully designed and colorful N ubian African outfits. A lso m issed will be her w onderful and delicious Sunday afternoon dinners that she so graciously served in her hom e to her family, adopted family, her church family and many friends. Preceding h er in death w ere h er parents; a son R onald D unn; sisters, R uby H agler, Shirley W arren, Jim m ie Lee M cN eal and R ebecca Dunn; and a brother, M ichael. She leaves to cherish her m em ory, son Stanley D unn and daughter Jenean D unn; 15 grandchildren and 21 great gran dchil­ dren. She also leaves her loving fam ily in Detroit, M ich., sisters V era, V ikki, Peggy, M ona, M arsh, Jim m ie D ale and Judy; and brothers T im othy, Phillip and Rudy; a host o f nieces, nephew s and m any friends. Mission to Host Easter Brunch In Loving Memory U nion G ospel M ission is p rep ar­ T his Saturday, A pril 16 from 11 ing an E aster Sunday brunch fo r the a.m . - 2 p.m ., the m ission w ill be hom eless and people in need. T he h o stin g a H o p e T o te c o lle ctio n event w ill take place E aster Sunday, party. D ro p o ff H ygiene item s, food, A pril 24 from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . at coffee and financial donations at U nion G ospel M ission, 15 N .W . th is e v e n t a t th e m is s io n 's T h ird A ve. L ast year, the m ission L ifeC hange C en ter at 3 N .W . T hird served 621 E asterm eals and d istrib ­ A ve. Call 5 0 3 -274-4483 o r visit the uted 432 H ope T ote hygiene kits. w ebsite u g m p o rtlan d .o rg . T erry F amily F uneral H ome grandm other, aunt and dear friend. You could alw ays depend on Aunt Bern! She first jo in e d N ew H ope M issionary B ap­ tist C hurch and later becam e a m em ber o f M aran ath a C hurch and w as active in m any m inistries. She w ould plan her jo b vacation tim e at the sam e tim e o f M aran ath a’s V aca­ tion B ible School so she w ould be available to teach there. In 1992, she united w ith Im m anuel Free M ethodist C hurch, later renam ed Life C hange C hristian C enter, under the pastorate o f Rev. M ark Strong. T here she faithfully served on the Intercessory P rayer T eam , the C om - m union M inistry and as su perinten­ dent o f the Sunday school. A unt B ern w orked fo r Safew ay for 32 years until retirem ent. She had alw ays studied h er B ible and truly ch erish ed G o d ’s w ord. She enrolled in the B ible Study F ellow ship series, striving to be the best ed u cated and trained C hristian she could b e­ come. H er favorite passage o f scripture w as the 91 st Psalm and her favorite song was “Days o f Elijah.” H er m ost m em orable phrase w as “G lory, G lory, G lo ry !” She m ost certain ly is chanting those w ords and reciting those verses as she w alks around heaven all day. 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, rend obituary, order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime. Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one ” Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395 B obbie J ea n L arry Funeral services for B obbie Jean Larry, w ho d e ­ parted this life on A pril 8,2011, will be held Saturday, April 16 at 11 a.m. at the W alker Tem ple C hurch o f G od in C hrist, 5023 N. M ichigan Ave. Public view ing will take place one hour prior to the service from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. She was bom on Feb. 2 1 ,1 9 4 0 in H am m ond, Texas to M ae O la Savage and Lee A. Jackson. She attended public schools in D allas, Texas. She m arried A lfred E. Larry on July 22, 1957. T o g eth er they w ere blessed w ith seven children, Joyce Phillips (T im othy), D elkin Larry (D ebra), D orene W illiam s (U lysees, deceased), R odney L arry (d e­ ceased), D rexall Larry (M ichelle), C ristie B arfield (R andy) and R andy Larry; along w ith a host o f grandchildren and great grandchildren. T o re a d a fu ll o b itu a r y a n d s ig n th e g u e s tb o o k , v is it terry fam ily fu n eralh o m e.co m . A rrangem ents en tru sted to T erry Fam ily Funeral H om e. Greater Saint Stephen Missionary Baptist Church hosts our 6th Patoral Appreciation for Eldar Kimberly K. Black It's a Holy Ghost party........ Come get your praise on with us Sunday, April 17th at 4:00 PM 3605 Northeast Mallory ~ PtId, OR 97212 featuring... Special M usical Guest Evangelist Robin H enderson o f U niversity Park, WA Along with Portland’s own from Dallas, TX Psalmist Ledra McClinton & Triumphant Praise For more information please call 503.281.5200