Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 13, 2011, Page 18, Image 18

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___________________________ 'r i "’ s p o r t i a n i » ( O b s e r v e r _______________________________Aprii b . 2011
Return o f the Mack
R andy S tarr and the Players are looking forw ard to
perform ing for you in the y ear o f 2011. D ebuting the
beautiful sounds o f classic R& B from the 1970’s w hile
keeping tim es current w ith the new age R& B that keeps
y o u r party m oving. T his group has a soulful pop, golden
classic and funky edge sound w ith a sw eet harm ony that is
p rom ised to keep any function entertained. T his eight piece
band has a m agical touch and sm ooth grooves to set any
m ood, w hether y o u ’re looking to kick back and enjoy the
angelic beats, or if you need R andy and T he Players to
keep the beat up and the party dancing.
Available for corporate functions, private parties and
special events. Show Hours availability 7 days a week
9:30pm-10:20pm • 10:40pm-11:45pm
ll:55pm -12:45am • 1:05am-1:55am
Contact Randy Starr@ 503-312-4814
from fron t
Though a deeper understanding
of the human spirit is one ultimate
goal Gion takes from his art work, he
also revels in sculpting animals,
mostly dogs.
Using a similar process as with
humans, Gion would rather have the
live animal with him to capture the
dog’s personality and take measure­
ments. Often, he will go to dog shows
to commission portraits for owners'
prized pets. Over the course of a
three- or four-day show, Gion ac­
quires the shape of the dogs’ head
and takes a series of photos that he
uses to complete the sculpture back
in his studio, and up to sixteen weeks
later, he delivers the piece.
One family wrote a testimonial on
his website thanking Gion for a re­
markable portrait of their pet:
"To us, our Golden Retriever,
Tiger, is a one o f a kind dog. We
wanted to find a way to capture
these special qualities that en­
dear him to us so much. The bronze
o f T iger could not be more realis­
tic. It captures so well the details
that make him what he is. You can
actually see and feel his personal­
ity in this piece. W hile we hope to
have T iger with us for many years
to come, we are thankful that we
will always have this wonderful
rem em brance o f him to treasure
Gion's finished pieces range in
size, from four inches to life-sized
sculptures, and in material from
bronze to precious metals, glass,
terra cotta, and mixed media.
Since the Oregon native began
playing with clay as a youngster,
his interest in sculpting images has
never flagged.
As a young man serving in Viet­
nam, Gion sought out an old Viet­
namese sculptor from whom he
learned to make bronze castings.
Upon returning from the war, Gion
Advertise with d iv er »ity in
1K' Portland Olisci ver
C a ll 503-288-0Ì 133
studied Fine Arts at Oregon State
University and Portland State Uni­
versity where he received his Bach­
elor of Arts degree, and graduated
from in OSU in 1976.
Soon after graduation, Gion re­
turned to Asia where for 10 years, he
lived and worked in Japan, main­
taining a studio producing numer­
ous works in clay and plaster. In
1984, Gion returned to the U.S. and
built his own foundry where he be­
gan casting and finishing his own
bronzes, and later expanded his work
in terra cotta, raku and steel.
Gion ’ s work can be found in local
and international collections, and
he has completed commissions for
private and religious organizations,
in clu d in g P o rtlan d 's Jap an ese
American Historical Garden in Wa­
terfront Park, Lewis & Clark College,
Saint M ary’s Catholic Church, Ev­
ergreen Airlines, and many others.
For more information and photos
of Jim Gion's work, visit his website
at artdog.info or e-mail him at
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Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need.
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Part 13. Shoulder Pain: Why many people
cannot, and should not, take it lying down.
: My shoulders hurt so bad bursitis at one office, tenosynovitis the cause was there long befoi
at times, I can hardly sleep. at another and so on until they the pain itself. By treating th
What can Chiropractic do for return
home confused, frustrated cause, we not only relieve the paii
that no one else has been able to? and still in agony. As Chiroprac­ d o n ’t suffer through anothe
: Shoulder pain ism without tors, we are concerned about nerve sleepless night. Call for an ap
question, one of the most flow to the various parts of the pointment to find out how Chirc
debilitating types of pain we en­
body. Of course, we look to see if a practic can eliminate the cause c
counter. Because the shoulder is bursal sac has been traumatized or the problem once and for all. O
so intricately related to the spine, if a tendon has been injured. But feel free to call us if you have an
virtually any movement can be more importantly, we look to see questions whatsoever about you
excruciating. It is not at all uncom­ what caused the injury. You see, health.
mon to see cases like yours where
patients’ hurt so bad, they cannot
even get a decent night’s sleep.
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212
To Complicate matters, many pa­
tients go from doctor to doctor
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
seeking relief, being told they have
flowers' Chiropractic Office
"An Interdenominational Church"
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ZPadio* Siiafiop 3(.
i Fleet £ady. Fasltan SI ¡kiulut
Saata* / Seacât*/Sìuùualiat
Sundays: W orship S ervice - 12:00 - 2:00 P.M.
M ission Studies: W ednesdays - 6:00 - 8:30P.M .
B ible Study: “ School O f The P ro p h ets” (T raining) 7:00— 8:30P M
Location: Concordia University Campus
2800 ME Liberty (The CIRW lib rary, room 303)
Portland, OR. 97211
To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or
Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service
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