Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 13, 2011, Page 17, Image 17

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    A p r il 13.2011
jpnrtlarih (Dbseruer
C lassified /B ids
PSU Science Building 2
Bid Package #7 - DRB20 Lab Improvements
Pre-Bid Meeting: 10:00AM, April 12
Bids Due: 2:00PM, April 18
Bid Documents - Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) or
w w w .b xw a .com
Page 17
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all Interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Our company is looking for part time
account managers,$900 a m onth
plus benefits and takes on ly little
of your tim e.Should be a com puter
literate. 2-3 hours access to the
in te rn e t w e e k ly . 1 9 yrs a b o v e .
M ust
E ff ic ie n t
D e d ic a te d .in te r e s te d C o n ta c t
Linda: w illm ortln@ gm ail.com
Retirement Living
Smith Tower
515 Washington Street
Vancouver, Washington
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
Advertise with diversity
Affordable Quality Retirement Living
/liberta Simmons Plaza
• Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments
• Federal Rent Subsidies Available
• No Buy-In or Application Fees
6611 NE Martin Luther King Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
• Affordable Rent includes all Utilities
except telephone & cable television
for Seniors 62 years and older
nx Portland Observer
Call 503-288-0033
a d s @ po rt I an dob
• Ideal urban location near shopping,
bus lines, restaurants, and much more!
O n e -B e d r o o m A p a r tm e n ts w ith
Portland State University
Position will a ssist the Dean and
D ir e c t o r o f D e v e lo p m e n t in
se curing support for the program s
and facilities o f the School o f Fine
a n d P e rfo rm in g A rts . P rim a ry
fo c u s w ill b e to a s s is t w ith
co n stitu e n t contacts, proposals,
a n d p la n s , a s w e ll a s d o n o r
a c k n o w le d g e m e n t
stew a rd sh ip , w o rk in g all annual
fu n d a c tiv itie s , d e s ig n in g FPA
C a le n d a r o f E vents, d e ve lo p in g
and m aintainin g FPA website, and
event coordination. Portland State
University is an Affirm ative Action,
Equal O p p o rtu n ity institution and
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a t io n s fro m
d iv e r s e
c a n d id a t e s
ca nd id ates w ho su p p o rt diversity.
For co m plete position description
and ap plication instructions, visit
w w w .p d x .e d u / h r / u n d e r th e
h e a d in g
" F a c u lt y
Adm inistrative O penings.” Review
a p p lic a t io n s
b e g in s
im m ed iate ly and co ntinu es until
fin alists are id e n tifie d .
S tar Park is looking for individuals
w ith e xce lle n t cu sto m e r se rvice
skills and a positive attitude to join
o u r te a m o f p a r k in g f a c ilit y
o p e ra to rs . P o s itio n s in c lu d e :
Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier,
an d V a le t, w ith O p p o rtu n ity fo r
a d v a n c e m e n t. N o e x p e rie n c e
necessary, m ust be d ependable.
8.5 0 + /hr, m edical, dental, 401k
w /m atch, sick & vacation pay.
610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221
Portland, OR 97205
F u ll S iz e d K it c h e n s a n d L iv in g
A reas
• P la n n e d A c tiv itie s , L a u n d r y
F a c ility , C o n f e r e n c e & M e e t in g
R o o m , E le v a t o r a n d L ib r a r y
• C o n v e n ie n t ly L o c a t e d to
S h o p p in g , R e s ta u r a n ts ,
P h a r m a c y a n d M e d ic a l O ffic e s
I The O regon University System (OUS) is acce ptin g sealed bids for a
public im provem ent project at the University o f Oregon cam pus until
| 3 PM, Pacific Time, May 5, 2011 for the PE and Rec Fields 3 & 4
R enovation p roject located on the ca m pu s o f the U n ive rsity o f
O regon, in Eugene, O regon. The project includes erosion control,
I site preparation, earthw ork, lighting, subd rainage, syn th etic turf,
asphalt paving, concrete, irrigation, and planting for the conversion
o f two sand base recreation fields to synthetic tu rf with field lighting.
| A mandatory pre-bid examination of the site and conditions w ill be
conducted at 10 AM Pacific Time, April 19,2011. Bidders shall m eet
with O US' Representative at the project site, Reid 3, near the intersection
| of 18th Avenue and Agate Street for that purpose. A tte nda nce will be
The University of Oregon is soliciting qualifications from architectura
fir m s in te re s te d in p ro v id in g d e s ig n th ro u g h c o n s tru c tio n
adm inistration services for the Student Recreation Center Expansion
and R en ovation p roject on the U n iversity o f O regon ca m pu s in
Eugene, Oregon.
Briefly, the project is to create a facility th a t fu lly m eets cu rrent and
future needs for student recreation and academ ic program m ing. As
cu rre n tly envisioned, the p roject includes a new natatorium for
aquatics recreation, fitness, and education: new or expanded locker
room s; additional cardio and w eigh t-train in g space; a gym nasium
and m ultipurpose athletic courts; new racquetball and squash courts;
expansion o f the existin g S tu d en t Tennis C enter from 6 courts to 8
10 courts; suitable adm in istrative space to sup po rt the operations,
program s, and classes o f the expanded facilities; social and stu d y
space with ju ice bar (or other healthy eatery) and pro shop; additional
m ultipurpose space for program m ing and classes; and public spaces
c o m m e n s u ra te w ith a m a jo r u n iv e rs ity b u ild in g an d c a m p u s
recreation ce n ter ad eq uate to sup po rt high-volum e d a ily use.
Architectural firm s responding to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
m ust have an office location in O regon and be licensed or have an
application in process to practice architecture in Oregon.
Firm s m ay obtain the RFQ by registering electronically at the following
w eb address:
or m ay phone or w rite to:
C a m pus P lanning and Real Estate
1276 University of O regon
Eugene, OR 97403-1276
Telephone: (541) 346-5 5 6 2
S u b m issions o f qualifications m ust be received in the UO's Cam pus
P lanning and Real Estate office by 4:00 P.M. PDT, Friday, April 22,
he U niversity o f O regon is an A ffirm ative Action/Eq ual O pportunity
institution com m itted to cultural diversity and co m plia nce with the
A m erican s w ith D isabilities Act.
d o c u m e n te d th ro u g h a s ig n -in s h e e t p re p a re d by th e O U S
representative. Prime bidders w ho arrive m ore than 5 m inutes after
I start o f tim e of the m eeting (as stated in the solicitation and by the
I OUS rep re sen tative ’s w atch) or after the discussion portion o f the
m eeting (w hich ever com es first) shall not be perm itted to sign in
and will not be perm itted to subm it a bid on the project.
Bids may be physically delivered to:
U niversity of O regon
Department of Facilities Services
Capital C o nstruction
1295 Franklin Blvd
Eugene, OR 97403
Bids may be mailed to:
University of Oregon
Department of Facilities Services
Capital Construction
1276 U niversity of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1276
Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on M ay 5 ,2 0 1 1 at 3:01
PM, at the U n iversity o f O regon, Capital C o nstruction conference
room, 1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, O regon, 97403 by the OUS
representative or designee.
Bids will be received on a lum p-sum basis fo r all o f the w ork. Bid
packets m ay be obtained on the OUS Procurem ent G atew ay w ebsite
(h ttps://secure.ous.edu/bapp/bopps/index). Contract do cum ents
m ay also be obtained at Central B lueprint and R eprographics, 47
| W est 5th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401; P: (541) 3 4 2 -3 6 2 4 for the cost
of reproduction.
I All bidders m ust co m ply with requirem ents o f the p re va ilin g w age
law in O R S 27 9 C.8 0 0 through O R S 279C.870. All bidders m ust be
registered with the C onstruction C o n tra cto r’s Board at the tim e of
bid subm ission. No bid will be considered unless fu lly com pleted in
| the m an ner provided in the "In stru ction s to B id d e rs” upon the Bid
Form provided and accom panied by Bid Security. O U S e nco ura ges
bids from M inority, W om en, and E m erging Sm all B usinesses.
By: Frances Dyke
V P Finance and A dm inistration
University o f O regon