Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 13, 2011, Page 15, Image 15

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    A p ril 13. 2011
^orttani» (Observer
Bugs Emerge in Spring to Bug Us Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service
Some pose
threat; most
bites are itchy
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Sto 1100. Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 0 4
Phono: 5 0 3 - 2 2 0 - 1 7 9 0
Email: hodgohspks@ m sn.eom
• (A P ) ~ It's that tim e o f year w hen
the bugs em erge to bug us.
Som e can pose real threats —
Lym e disease from tiny ticks. W est A live Brown Recluse Spider crawls in a dish at the Smithsonian
N ile virus from m osquitoes, o r life- Institution National Museum o f Natural History in Washington, D.C.
threatening allergic reactions to bee
N ot so w ith horse flies and black from W est N ile last year. Severe
stings. But m ost bug bites in this flies. T hey cause painful w elts, and
sym ptom s fortunately are rare but
country are an itchy nuisance.
they'll chase any blood m eal. A nd include high fever, neck stiffness,
H ow itchy or big the w elt d e ­ yellow jack ets m ay be a bane o f disorientation, com a, m uscle w eak ­
pends in part on your ow n skin, how sum m er picnics, but they're m ost
ness and paralysis, and the n eu ro ­
m uch o f the chem ical histam ine it aggressive in the fall, the reproduc­
logical effects som etim es are p er­
harbors. Yes, som e people really are tive m ating seaso n , C o d d in g to n
m anent.
m osquito m agnets. A nd no, m ost o f n o tes.
T o avoid m osquitoes, the C D C
the bites people blam e on spiders
M ost people face no risk other ad v ises w earing insect rep ellen t
aren't from them at all.
than infection from scratching, but containing D EET, picaridin or oil o f
"People call up really bum m ed there are som e im portant exceptions:
lem on eucalyptus. Em pty standing
out," says spider expert Jonathan
B lacklegged tick species, co m ­ w ater w here m osquitoes breed.
C o d d in g to n o f the S m ith so n ian m only called deer ticks, that are as
At least 40 people a year die from
Institution's N ational M useum o f sm all as poppy seeds can transm it
allergic reactions to stings from bees
N atural H istory, w ho points to ju st Lym e disease. T he C enters for D is­
or oth er insects, according to the
tw o w orrisom e types in the U .S., the e a s e C o n tr o l a n d P r e v e n tio n
A m erican A cad em y o f A llergy,
black w idow and brow n recluse fam ­ counted more than 35 ,0 0 0 confirm ed
A sthm a & Im m unology. Potentially
ily. Spider phobia, he says, is "out o f o r probable cases o f L ym e in 2009,
life-threatening reactions o ccu r in
all proportion to actual risk."
the latest data available.
few er than 1 percent o f children and
If it seem s every m osquito's after
A n tib io tic s e a s ily cu re m ost 3 percent o f adults.
you, well, there are about 3,500 spe­ people o f Lym e. But other than
But seek care quickly for signs o f
c ie s a r o u n d th e w o rld a n d Lym e's hallm ark round, red rash,
a n e m e r g e n c y , B la c k w e ld e r
C oddington says m ost don't bite early sym ptom s are vague and flu ­
stresses: Sw elling on the face or
hum ans, preferring other anim als like. People w ho aren't treated can
neck, shortness o f breath o r feeling
instead. But those w ho do can be d evelop arthritis, m eningitis and
attracted by sw eat, alcohol, p er­ som e other serious illnesses.
Bites from a black w idow or brown
fum es and dark clothing.
D ifferent tick species around the recluse can require m edical care,
B edbugs are the latest headline- country can transm it additional dis­
although fatalities are incredibly
m aker. Scientists can't explain w hy eases, such as R ocky M ountain
rare. You m ay not feel the black
th e y 'v e su d d e n ly re b o u n d e d in spotted fever, tickbom e relapsing
w idow 's bite, but w ithin about an
m any U.S. cities after all but vanish­ fever, and STA R I o r Southern tick- h o u r pain spreads through the ab ­
ing in the 1940s and '50s. But once associated rash illness.
dom en, w ith cram ping o r rigid ab ­
they're in a building, they're famously
W est N ile virus is the m ain m os­ dom inal m uscles. Poison centers
hard to eradicate. You w on't feel quito concern in the U.S. A lthough stock antivenom , but m ost people
their needle-like bite, but you m ight cases have dropped in the last d e­ do fine w ith m uscle relaxants and
see a line o f red dots in the m orning. cade, the C D C recorded 45 deaths oth er care.
W eight Loss H e lp -T a k e OffPounds
Sensibly (TO PS) m eetings are held
every W ednesday from 8:45 to 10
a.m. at the H ollyw ood Senior Center,
1820 N.E. 40th Ave. A nyone inter­
ested is invited to visit and learn
more. For details, call 503-287-0731.
H ealth W atch
safe exercises, including stretching.
Call 503-256-4000 to register.
quired. Toregister.call 503-251-6313.
B etter B reathers - An asthm a ed u ­
cational support group m eets on
the 1st T uesday o f the m onth from
1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m . at A dventist
M edical Center. For information, call
Fam ilies with M ental Illness - A
free, 12-week course forpeople whose
fam ily m em bers live with mental ill­
Cardiac-Rehab Exercises - A medi­
ness is offered at Em anuel Hospital,
Em powerm ent through Relaxation
cally supervised exercise program for
Mt. H ood M edical C enter and Provi­
— Free inform al m editation classes
people dealing with heart conditions.
dence M edical Center. The course
that address breathing techniques,
For information, call 503-251 -6260.
has been described as “life-chang­
som e gentle ancient A frican yoga
Stroke A lert Screening - Check ing” by form er participants. Registra­ poses and m ental balancing tech ­
your carotid arteries with a painless tion is required by calling 503-203- n iq u e s. P e o p le h a v e le ft th e se
ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee 3326.
classes jo y fu l and w ith a peaceful
$40. To schedule a screening, call
view oftheirlives. Call Dr. Marcelitte
M an agin g C hronic H epatitis C -
T hird W ednesday o f each m onth at Failla a t503-228-6140.
F ree B ody B asics — This physician
recom m ended class is appropriate
for all ages and health conditions.
Plan to attend this one-session class
and learn the sim ple guidelines for
5 p.m. The inform ative session is led
by a registered nurse to help you
m anage side effects o f m edications
and dosage preparations and ad­
m in istra tio n ; d o c to r referral re-
Tenderfoot C are -- Treat your feet
with a soak, nail trim, buffing and
m assage from a licensed nurse at one
o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-
251 -6303 for more information.
Fax: 1 + 5 0 3 - 2 2 0 - 1 8 1 5
Dr. H. L. Hodgo. Ph.D.
Licensed Christian Counselor
Counseling God's Way
Services include:
Dr. Hodge on the radio:
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Saturday, May 7,2011 - 2:00pm
1033 N. Sumner Portland, OR 97217
Come and see what the Housewife,
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Survivor, Mistress & Abused Woman all have in common!
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L a d y K it t y G r if f in & D e lila h R a s h e ll
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