April 6, 2011 ^Jortlanb (JObserucr HOUSING special edition Page Families Celebrate New Neighborhood Habitat for Humanity is thanking local building material company Parr Lumber for supplying materials for the final phase of nine homes and the new community center at the Jubilee Commons neighbor­ hood. The 23-home neighborhood is located in the Rockwood area at 635 S.E 197th Ave. Jubilee Commons is Habitat for Humanity’s largest neighborhood in Or­ egon. Since work began on the project, Parr Lumber has provided building materials for all 23 homes. Officials of Habitat for Humanity estimate that the company’s help and donations have saved over $20,000. Parr Lumber is one of Habitat for Humanity’s largest donors in the Port­ land metro area, supplying many of the building materials for Habitat’s local projects. Habitat for Humanity is known for reaching out to families that are one step away from homelessness. The organiza­ tion sells the homes at cost, making no profit. Houses are sold below market value because of volunteer labor and donations. Families pay a 1 percent down pay­ ment on a 0 percent-interest mortgage. Instead of being in a vulnerable and frag- , ■ - . -_OB1— ——— r - ile economic position, Habitat families Residents in the Rockwood neighborhood o f east Multnomah County celebrate the construction o f Habitat find themselves in a position of strength, for Humanity's Jubilee Commons. ' ' ---------------------------------------------- I ■ .1 .11— ni H Celebrating 29 years of providing quality, affordable housing and opportunities for individuals, families and communities to thrive. 1135 SE S alm on St P ortland, OR 97214 503.231.0682 w w w .re a c h c d c .o rg Community Development