Page 6 special edition Fortiani» (Observer HOUSING April 6. 2011 Girl Killed, Teen Friend Charged continued v , .. . , photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Yashanne Vaughn s grandmother, Reynelda Hayes (right), helps coordinate search efforts for her missing granddaughter with Renee Thomason (left) and Jennifer Mau of the group Guardians of the Children. Dozens of people, joined friends and family on Saturday at Powell Park in southeast Portland to help with the search event and pray during a memorial service. from front body or other evidence was held over the weekend but there was no sign of the missing girl. Family and friends were also work­ ing diligently to bring her hope, circu­ lating fliers with her photo at places she and her friends hung out, includ­ ing Lloyd Center, bus stops and tran­ sit centers. R eynelda H ayes, Y ashanee’s grandmother said Tuesday that the family was thankful for all the help they have received in trying to find her. “We would also like to thank all of the media, volunteers and agencies that continue to keep Yashanee’s flyer and information in the public; we en­ courage anyone with information to call Crimestoppers (503-823-HELP),” she said. A statement from the family a day earlier expressed “the faith that jus­ tice will prevail on those that may have done harm to Yashanee and we will be united soon with our baby.” A Yashanne Vaughn search fund was established at US Bank to help with search efforts not traditionally covered by law enforcement. The fam­ ily said if Yashanee is found de­ ceased, the account will be used as a memorial fund. Own your first home the right way. Affordably. We’re a nonprofit serving folks for more than ten years. • • • • • homes priced below market ($100k-$140k) monthly payments close to current rents reduced property taxes (by about 10-30%) low down payments (just $5OO-$15OO) lots of help and support (before & after you buy) Give us a call. A 503.493.0293 xlO | | se habla español PROUD GROUND