Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 06, 2011, Page 5, Image 5

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    ®l?* flartlanh (Pbseruer HOUSING special edition
A p ril 6.2011
Smoking Ban
tacles and em pty them more fre­
quently," Eric continued, "And
Sm okers are asked to dispose the sm oking thing needs to be
o f their cigarette butts in desig­ m oved closer to the boundary
nated receptacles located within line."
the zones.
As for the ash cans provided, it
A Good N eighbor zone was appears that the borders of the
implemented at PCC Sylvania, but cam pus, including neighborhood
has not yet com e to other PCC grounds are instead the preferred
cam puses like Cascade in north disposal m ark for many sm okers,
Portland where cigarette butt lit­ w ith c ig a re tte butts sc attere d
ter is widespread.
about sidew alks, streets and front
"For each cam pus, it is up to the lawns.
cam pus leadership if they will de­
Though students are now sub­
cide to m odify their policy," said ject to a doubling of fines from the
Jam es Hill from PCC's office of old $25 to $50 for tobacco use in
Public Affairs. “For PCC Cascade, non-designated areas, and $75 in
due to its close proxim ity to the forested areas or other fire hazard
outercom m unity,” Hill said "they zones, the lack of enforcem ent has
probably d idn’t feel that it was left opportunity for significant lit­
tering, especially near residential
On the first day of school after areas.
spring break, between classes and
However, the ham m er com ing
p a ssin g rain c lo u d s on the down on sm okers who litter may
Killingsworth Street facing campus, grow even stronger if a proposed
a host of students rush to the back law that Oregon lawm akers are
edge of campus just opposite a sign considering in Salem m akes the
that reads "Smoke Free Zone," in­ cut.
stalled during last year’s ban.
The Senate Judiciary Com m it­
W hen their 10 minute break is tee recently approved legislation
up, upon w alking away, many that would levy a $90 fine for lit­
sm okers plainly toss their empty tering if a sm oker was caught toss­
butts onto the in tersectio n of ing a cigarette to the ground.
North Kerby Avenue and Jessup
A supporter of the bill, Rep.
Street, cluttering the curbs and Carolyn Tomei, D-Milwaukie, tes­
clogging nearby drains.
tified that the river of cigarette
Ten yards away, the closest ends that litter parks, beaches,
plastic ash can rem ains ignored, sidewalks and parking lots around
except for two stray individuals the state is an environm ental trav­
who rem ain sm oking.
"I don’t think people realize that
"People who would never even
their cigarette butt goes down the consider throwing their coffee cup
drain, into the w ater system , and or napkin on the ground don't
eventually, into the ocean." says think tw ice about putting their
one irritated PCC Cascade stu­ cigarettes on the ground," Tomei
dent, Heidi, who prefers her last said.
name rem ain anonymous.
O bjectors of the bill, mostly
Heidi's friend and fellow stu­ from the Republican side, argued
dent, Eric last name anonym ous, that anti-littering laws already
says he thinks the cigarette butt cover cigarettes, and questioned
problem is due to the lack of en­ why lawmakers were wasting time
forcem ent and m onitoring.
on trivial matters while Oregonians
"From my experience, I think are losing jobs by the thousands,
they need to have m ore recep­ sm okers or not.
Buying a new
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Registration and Networking
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