Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 06, 2011, Page 16, Image 16

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    ^lortlauh (Observer HOUSING special edition
Page 16
Take Action Get Tested
Multnomah County Health Department's j
April 6, 2011
HIV Community Test Site offers |
confidential HIV testing |
with or without your name |
at these locations:
Downtown Community Test Site
Call 503.988.3775 for an appt.
Mon |Thurs | Fri |
426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, |
Portland, 97204 |
“ Free with this coupon”
Public Health
Hejilh D^nment
Northeast Health Center
Just walk in
Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:15 pm
5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, |
Portland, 97211 |
Se habla español: other interpretation by appointment.
Northeast Portland’s Alberta Rose Theater will host a week of
performances by Israeli choreographers Yossi Berg and Oded Graf
and their critically acclaimed work 4Men, Alice, Bach and the Deer.
Imaginative «
Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need.
____________ THE____________
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession.
Part 12. Regular Checkups: As important to
your back as they are to your eyes or teeth.
: I d o n ’t have any serious
back problem s. W hy should
I see a C hiropractor?
: T hat is a good question.
Som etim es we d o n ’t realize
that a sm all crick in the neck or
som e slight back discom fort is b e ­
ginning o f larger problem s w hich
are often m uch m ore difficult to
treat at a later stage in life.
U nfortunately, eight out o f ten
A m ericans will be struck dow n by
severe low back pain at one time or
another. The m echanical or struc­
tural defects o f the back usually
develop slow ly and with very little
pain, but if left untreated, may disable
you for days, m onths or som etim es
perm anently. The likelihood o f dis­
ability increase dram atically in over
30. Fortunately, we are able to avoid
m any spinal problem s with regular,
precautionary checkups. Just as an
eye exam or dental checkup prevents
potential problem s o r corrects the
problem s or in its early stages, so do
C hiropractic checkups. D etected
early, spinal defects are not only
easier to treat, but may save a lot o f
pain and money, as well as reducing
the chance o f a disabling spinal
d iso rd er. T o arra n g e fo r y o u r
checkup, or for answ ers to any
questions you m ight have about
your health, call our office at the
num ber below.
flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock. Portland Oregon97212
Phone: (503) 287*5504
P o rtlan d 's W hite Bird U ncaged gifted and im aginative choreogra­
dance series concludes its current phers and dancers. T hey created
season w ith the Portland debut o f 4M en in 2009, and im m ediately their
tw o o f Israel’s m ost talked-about work for four versati le male perform ­
c h o reo g rap h ers, Y ossi B erg and ers generated unanim ous acclaim.
O ded G raf, and their critically a c ­
S how s are at 8 p.m „ W ednesday
claim ed work 4M en, Alice, Bach and April 13 through Friday, A pril 15;
the Deer.
and Saturday, A pril 16 at 7 p.m . and
Since they started collaborating in 9:30p.m .
2005. Yossi and O ded have quickly
A lberta Rose T heatre is located
achieved recognition both in Israel in the form er m otion picture house
and Europe as two o f Israel’s m ost at 3000 N.E. A lberta St.
Friday April 15th, 2011
( J r b a n A r t s D a n c e C lo m p a n y
Under the direction o f Jenelle Yarbrough
& Dana Ingram Presents.....
Newmark Theater
1111 SW Broadway, Portland, Or
Show begins at 8pm
Join us fo r the preshow mixer at 7pm