^lortlanò OObseruer March 30, 2011 HOUSING special edition Page 9 Po't&iuul Community. Reinvestment initiatives PCRÏÏ • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 1,550-1,620 square feet, open floor plan • Private fenced yards • City parks 2 blocks away • Energy efficient appliances • Heating & cooling • io-year property tax exemption • Prices as low as $185,000 photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver A newly constructed home in northeast Portland goes up for sale. New Home Sales Extremely Low (AP) — Sales of new homes in the United States have slumped to the lowest level since the 1960's, official data shows, offering more evidence of an lingering real estate crisis. Sales tumbled nearly 17 percent in February, the Commerce Depart­ ment reported last week, to a sea­ sonally adjusted total of 250,000 sales during the month. That marked the lowest number of units sold since 1963, when records began. At the current rate it would take almost nine months for the all the new homes on the market to be sold - if no more homes are built. The National A ssociation of Realtors said sales of already- owned hom es fell 9.6 percent in February. Despite low home prices and ul­ tra-low interest rates the market has faltered as banks have tightened up loan requirements, ending years of profligate consumer borrowing. Call us at (503) 288-2923 ext. 129 (Ask for Ben) These homes are set aside for households at or below 80% of the area median family Income (MFI). Additional details about the home buying process and requirements are available at PCRi. PCRI is a nonprofit community-based affordable housing organization. Affordable Rentals Also Available Now! Celebrating 29 years of providing quality, affordable housing and opportunities for individuals, families and communities to thrive. 1135 SE S a lm o n St P o rtla n d , O R 9 7214 £3 REACH 5 03 .2 31 .0 68 2 w w w .r e a c h c d c .o r g r Community Development