Page 4 a-l?e ^ortlanh (©bscruer HOUSING special edition March 30, 2011 Ri vergate Commons Completed Habitat homes energy efficient, affordable The City o f Portland, Portland General Electric and the Homebuilders o f M etropolitan Portland are celebrat­ ing a partnership that helped usher in the construction o f six energy-effi­ cient, all-electric row houses built by Habitat for Hum anity through the City ot P ortland’s Energy Efficiency HomePilot(PEEHP). T he affo rd ab le hom es, called R ivergate C om m ons on N orth O lin A venue in the St. Johns neighbor- hood, have been built to be 15 and 30 percent m ore efficient than the 2008 O regon Energy Code. H abitat will sell these hom es with 1 percent dow n and a 0 percent interest m ortgage to six pre-selected, qualified buyers earning betw een 30 and 60 percent o f the m edian Portland incom e, or about $21,000 to $43,000 for a fam ily o f four. “T his outcom e is a direct result o f the contributions o f o u r private sector partners, w ho have taken a leadership role in bridging the gap betw een efficiency and affordability in residential co n stru ctio n .” said Paul Scarlett, d irector o f P o rtlan d ’s B ureau o f D evelopm ent Services. Habitat for Humanity volunteers and families gather for a kick-off event for the construction of Rivergate Commons in north Portland last summer. Photo from Blue Collar Interactive agency website. PG E served several roles in the creation and co n stru ctio n o f the hom es including acting as a techni­ cal adviser in providing design re- Helping Families Hardest Hit Saving people money so they can live better. prim ary reasons w hy they w ere at risk for eviction. s a id M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o m ­ H alf o f those served were in fam i­ m i s s i o n e r D e b o r a h K a f o u r y . lies w ith children, and 44 percent o f “ S h o r t-te rm re n t a s s is ta n c e is all people served w ere children. th e w is e s t in v e s tm e n t w e c an A lthough the Short T erm R ent A s­ m a k e fo r fa m ilie s in o u r c o m m u ­ sistance program allow s assistance n ity w h o a re s tru g g lin g to m a k e for up to 24 m onths, the average e n d s m e e t." length o f assistance w as u n d er three L ooking at results for the entire m onths. program , 77 percent o f the fam ilies O verall, 80 percent o f households helped were living in houses or apart­ receiving short-term rent assistance m ents, but w ere at im m inent risk o f w ere still in housing six m onths after becom ing hom eless. M any cited jo b this assistance ended, officials said. loss or reduced hours at w ork as the "Though this stim ulus funding c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t We are hiring Drivers for our Transportation Office! Hermiston, OR A driving job with Walmart Transportation gives you the chance to continue your driving career with competitive pay and enjoy health benefits for you and your family. Walmart sets the standard for distribution and transportation and is an ideal place to work. Professional Truck Drivers can learn about opportunities, view the minimum job qualifications and apply online at, Walmart Transportation Walmart w ill not tolerate discrimination in employment on the basis o f race, color aqe sex sexual orientation, religion, disability, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, veteran status, or other legally protected status. has clearly helped, there is still m ore need right now than w e have re­ sources to address. M ore than 2,500 people sleep in em erg en cy shelters o r on o u r streets ev ery night," says M argaret V an V liet, director, P ort­ land H ousing B ureau. W h ile fe d e ra l fu n d in g fo r th e p ro g r a m e n d s in J u n e , C ity o f P o r tla n d , M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , a n d H A P b u d g e t r e q u e s ts fo r th e u p c o m in g f is c a l y e a r p r io r i­ tiz e s h o r t- te r m re n t a s s is ta n c e in an e f f o r t to k e e p th e p ro g r a m ru n n in g at its c u r r e n t le v e ls . A Foundation to Flourish, Build On c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t Ken Meyer 503.997.4120 km pdx@ PORTICO HOME INSPECTION LLC OCHI »1252 Oregon CCB L b *178729 view and technology direction to the fourth P E E H P grant aw ard. Pre- greatly increase the efficiency and vious aw ards have funded efficiency com fort o f each hom e. m easu res in eig h t sin g le fam ily R ivergate C om m ons represents hom es and row houses. professional, thorough home inspection reach is spread through p ay -en v e­ lope inserts, posting flyers in break- room s, and at em ployee m eetings. As m any as 70 em ployees o f the m arket have learned about the ins and outs o f hom eow nership by at­ tending the inform ation sessions. E m p lo y e e s le a r n about hom eow nership and gain access to hom es they can afford to buy— w ith m onthly paym ents not m uch m ore than (and often less than) w hat they w ere paying in rent. T he em p lo y er gains em ployees w ho are stable and rooted in o u r com m unity. The com m unity experi­ ences econom ic grow th and n eig h ­ b orhood stability w hen m ore fam i­ lies ow n their ow n hom es. “ A n im portant part o f financial Independence is hom e ow nership. N ew S easons M arket is very happy w ith o u r partnership w ith P roud G ro u n d ,” said N ew Seasons M arket H u m an R eso u rc e D ire c to r R ick H ow ell. “W e're thrilled that w e have been happy to co n n ect so m any o f o ur staff w ith Proud G round's hom e- o w nership p ro g ram .” H older also has great praise for P roud G round and the support p ro ­ vided. “It is a hand up, not a hand o u t,” she explains. “I felt like I learned som ething in the process. P roud G round w as as interested in m y success in becom ing a h o m eow ner as I w as!” she said. Stability and success are great, but one o f H o ld e r’s favorite things about being in h er hom e isn ’t inside at all. “I love to g ard en ,” she says. “I like know ing I can plant a biannual and know I w ill be around to see it bloom .” F o r m ore inform ation, visit the w ebsite, p ro u d g ro u n d .o rg .