Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 2011, HOUSING special edition, Page 19, Image 19

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    M arch 30, 2011
®’* $JorUanì» ©baeruer HOUSING special edition
In Memory of Mother
Nakia ‘NeNe’ Watkins Harvey
F u neral serv ices for N akia
“NeNe” Watkins Harvey will be held
on Friday, April 1 at 1 p.m. at the
International Fellowship Family,
4401 N.E. 122nd Ave.
Nakia was bom on Sept. 17,1974
in Portland, to her father L.G. Harvey
Jr. and mother Eliza Watkins. She
made the transition from this earth
to be with the Lord on March 21,
She was raised by her father and step­
mother Pamela Harvey whom she considered
her mother in Portland, where she attended
various elementary schools. The family
moved to Vancouver in 1986 and Nakia at­
tended Sunset Elementary, Covington Jr.
High and Evergreen High School.
After giving birth to her eldest child
LaQuisha in 1991, she went on to have 7 more
children. Nakia worked as a service worker at
Bruce Maurice Williams
various places in the area. In
1999 she began her employ­
ment at Emanuel Hospital
where she was employed as
a housekeeper until 2010.
Nakia enjoyed listening to
music, dancing and spend­
ing time with family. She was
a strong willed and indepen­
dent person. As a single
mother she worked very hard
and did the best she could to take care of and
provide for her family.
She was preceded in death by her beloved
mother Pamela Harvey. She is survived by
her eight children LaQ uisha, Tyeisha,
Clairease, Mario, Mya, Eseana, Shakia and
Eric Jr.; her father L.G. Harvey Jr.; biological
mother Eliza Watkins; brother L.G. Harvey
III; sisters Alishia Harvey and Falina Watkins;
as well as nieces, nephews and a host of
aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends.
In Loving Memory
P aul Joseph A n c til
Mass of the Christian Burial for Paul Jo­
seph Anctil, a local business owner and
community volunteer, was celebrated Tues­
day at St. Pius X Catholic Parish. Burial
followed at Mt. Calvary Cemetery.
Anctil died March 23, 2011 after a long
illness. He was bom on July 9, 1935 in
Lynnwood, Calif. He owned and operated
Anctil Sheetmetal on North Williams Av­
Page 19
enue, now known as Anctil Heating and
He is survived by his wife, Barbara A.;
so n s, M ic h a e l, T h o m a s, D av id and
D o n ald ; d a u g h te rs, V ic to ria Q u in n ,
Catherine Robeson, Valerie Anctil and
Loretta Bell; 28 grandchildren and two
great grandchildren.
Arrangements by Terry Family Funeral
Sept. 21. 1949 ■ M a rch 15, 2011
Bruce M aurice W illiams, 61, died
at his N ortheast P ortland residence
o f a h ea rt attack.
Mr. W illiams w as b o rn in Waco,
Texas, to M aurice an d Earline
Williams. He is the b ro th er o f Beverly
Mr. W illiam s atte n d e d W oodlaw n
E lem entary an d Jefferson High
School, w here he w as a star ath lete—
a p itch er for the s c h o o ls baseball
team w ho was sco u ted by th e then
P ortland Beavers baseball team .
Shortly after h e g ra d u ated from
Jefferson, Mr. W illiam s m arried his ch ild h o o d sw eeth eart, Lois
Johnson, P o rtla n d s first African A m erican Rose Festival Princess.
He enjoyed a successful career a t N ordstrom D ep a rtm en t Store in
Portland, w here h e b ec am e am o n g th e sto re s first African A m erican
buyers a n d sales representatives. Later, Mr. W illiam s transferred his
sales skills to th e au to m o tiv e industry, w here he w orked for m an y years
as salesm an, an d Ioan officer, until his recen t re tire m e n t
Mr. W illiams vo lu n teered w ith various recovery program s
th ro u g h o u t the P orltand area to help th e d o w n tro d d e n stay clean an d
sober, frie n d s d escrib e him as "a good m an w ith a w in n in g sm ile w ho
w ould give you th e shirt off his back."
Bruce W illiam s is survived by his form er wife, Lois W illiams; sons,
iru ce S hannyn W illiams, Akiel Kayne W illiams, B randynn W illiams,
a n d O rin Shalev; grandchildren, Deja W illiam s an d D evan W illiams;
sister, Beverly W illiams; niece. Am ani Ivie; an d a h ost of cousins—
am o n g them , Rhone, Vet ta a n d Sheila Franklin, H enry Jones, a n d M ary
A m em orial s e n ice for Bruce W illiams will be held at 1 p.m . .Saturday
April 2, 2011, in Z eller's C hapel o f the Roses, 2107 N.E. B roadw ay St.,
Portland, w w w .zellerchapeloftheroses.com .
Please sign the online guest book at tviviv.oregonliue.corn/obits
Joyce Washington H igh S chool C lassic
The 11 th Annual
Basketball Game
Saturday, May 21 at Portland Community
College, 705 N. Killingsworth
Doors open at 12 p.m.
Girls Classic at 1 p.m.
Boy’s Classic at 3 p.m.
Tickets available at
The Portland Observer
4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Looking for High School Boys & Girls to Participate
fo r more information contact Tony or Mark Washington at 288-0033
'Dedicated to our mother, whose purposeful life
is our family inspiration. ” — The Washington family
« , p ort|a ni> (Ohatrutr
team athletics