Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 2011, HOUSING special edition, Page 17, Image 17

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    March 30, 2011
f o r i l a ni» (Obstruer HOUSING special edition
Dear Deanna!
I have been designated as the
babysitter and caregiver for my
younger brothers and sisters. My
m other started having kids again
after I turned thirteen. Now I’m in
college and I c an ’t get my hom e­
work completed, I stay tired all the
time. I try to talk to my m other but
she is alw ays fussing about her
boyfriends, my siblings’ fathers
and money. I d o n ’t want to quit
college or ruin my relationship
but it looks as if th at’s where
things are heading. W hat can I
do? - T a m y r a J a c k so n ; O n -L in e
A sk
Real People, Real
A n advice colum n know n fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
R eader
Dear Tamyra:
Families stick together no matter
what and in your case, you have to
be the glue. You may not see it, but
your mother is doing the best she
can with what she has. All you can
do is hang in there, help the best you
can and push yourself harder to
become better and achieve. You
should work out a schedule with
your mother, college and the kids
and be sure to rest and stay fo­
cused. You will get your reward in
the end after you’ve done the right
Dear Deanna!
I am fresh out of a long term relation­
ship and I really enjoy my single life
and freedom. My girlfriends all envy
me and now their boyfriends are
accusing them of cheating and look­
ing for men when they hang out with
me. I am not going to water down my
lifestyle right now and my friends
are having a hard time with this.
They say that I am acting loose and
as if I don’t have any morals. I think
they’re tied down to balls and chains
and are jealous. Am I wrong? —
H appy a n d F ree; O n-line R eader
Dear Happy:
The men of your friends are inse­
cure and obviously don’t know their
job, he’s not abusive and he’s
involved with the children in­
stead of being on a milk carton
like a dead beat dad. Take an
analysis of the pros and cons in
your marriage and if the nega­
tives are more than the positives
seek counseling, hang in there
and do the best you can to moti­
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M.
Write Ask Deanna! at the email
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264 S.
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H ills, CA 90211. W ebsite:
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w ith or w ith o u t yo ur nam e |
women as well as they think. If your
behavior is affecting them, you need
to cool off and slow it down a bit
when you’re around them. These
are your friends and you need to still
show some respect and regard for
the differences in your relation­
ships, or lack thereof. At the end of
the day, enjoy your life and realize
that everyone is responsible for their
choices. Yours just appears more
fun right now
Dear Deanna!
My husband is very selfish and
inconsiderate. We have a healthy
relationship, our finances are good
and we are good parents to our
children. The biggest issue in the
relationship is the fact he won’t help
with anything. I have to do all the
shopping, cleaning, planning for
activities and everything to run the
household and our lives. If I don’t
do things he’ll sit like a lump on a
log. If things don’t get done, we
argue. How can I get him to meet me
in the middle? -T ir e d ; T oledo, O H
vate your husband and get him
Page 17
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Dear Tired:
Your husband is a lost cause if you
don’t have him trained or house
broken by now. You should look on
the bright side and be glad he has a
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