Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 2011, HOUSING special edition, Page 16, Image 16

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$îortlani> OObscrUer
special edition
C lassified /B ids
March 30, 2011
M ultnomah
CALL NOW! (8 8 8 ) 4 08 -8 880
Program D irector, $ 1 0 2 ,2 9 4 -
$148,323 annually. D eadline: 4/
(Toll Free 24Hours)
$52,339 annually. Deadline: 4/8/
Administrative Assistant, O re g o n
C o n v e n tio n C e n te r. $ 1 4 .9 3 -
$20.16 hr. D eadline: 4/7/11.
To apply: please visit ou r w ebsite
at: w w w .oregonm etro.gov/jobs for
the com plete jo b an n ou n cem en t
a n d a lin k to o u r o n lin e h irin g
Data Base A d m in istra to r. T h is
p o s itio n is r e s p o n s ib le fo r
m a in ta in in g all S Q L d a ta b a s e s
deployed in the organization and
p r o v id in g d a ta a n d r e p o rtin g
services for all departm ents. Info:
w w w .u n ite d w a y -p d x .o rg . C o ve r
le t t e r
re s u m e :
e m p loym e n t@ u n ite d w a y-p d x.o rg.
Jo b # 4 0 0 . C lo s e s 4 / 1 0 / 1 1 or
w hen filled. An Equal O pp ortun ity
Em ployer
W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from all
interested firm s in cluding disadvantaged,
503 .2 4 1 .2 8 7 5
f l f t P |O k l
c o n s t r u c t o r s llc
C C B #151105
Dundee, Oregon
Dundee WWTP Schedule A
Bids Due: April 19th, 2011, at 2:00 PM
Plans and S pecifica tion s are available online at w w w .stellarj.com
owraaa«« ■
AA/EEO Employer
Drivers: O/OP’s- Class “A”,
llk'Portland Obserwr
Western States and Dedicated Run,
2yrs exp., Clean DMV, weekly pay:
Ask about our $6,000 sign-on Bonus.
Dependable Highway Express
Call 503-28 8 -0 0 3 3
Advertise with diversity in
new m aintenance building, and new sin gle -fa m ily residence only.
m inority, w om en, disabled veterans and em ergin g sm all business
United Way seeks experienced
8 8 8 -4 3 4 -3 6 6 9
L ife W orks
V ie w all open positions at LifeW orks NW or
" 0 " T H w 1 i ’ a p p ly online: h ttp ://w w w .lifew orksn w .org
Be a vital part of a lead in g non-profit organization th a t value s a
diverse w orkforce and provides quality culturally-responsive mental
health & a d d ictio n tre a tm e n t, p re ven tio n & related se rvice to
children, adults & fam ilies in the Portland M etro area.
Open positions include:
• Behavioral Health P rovider/Licensed Professional
• Child and Fam ily Th erapist - Bilingual Preferred
• Clinical Supervisor
• Crisis R esponse Therapist
• Dual Diagnosis Therapist
• M ental Health Therapist, On Call
• PM H NP/Psychiatrist
• R ecovery M entor, On Call
• Residential Treatm en t Hom e M ental Health A ssociate, On Call
• S ervice C o ord in ator 1, On Call
• Supported Em ploym ent Specialist
• Treatm ent Foster Care Parent
Equal O pportun ity Em ployer
1363 Down River Drive • W oodland, W A 98674
Phone: (360) 225-7996 Bid Fax: (360) 225-8007
C C B # 127903 W A # S T E L U C 0 4 5 J9
P e rfo rm a n c e & P a y m e n t B o n d s a re re q u ire d o f E le c tric a l
S ub con tracto rs and m ay be required from other Subcontractors.
W e are an equal op po rtu n ity e m p loye r and request su b-b ids from
all s u b c o n tra c to rs and s u p p lie rs in c lu d in g M in o rity, W o m e n ,
D isadvantaged and Em erging Sm all Business Enterprises
O U U S C II DC ’ Fill O ut & S end To:
'|Inrtianh (Dhsmier
A ttn : Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208
D ocum ents are available on PCL FTP site
$60.00 forò months • $110.00 for 1 year • $200.00 for 2 years
(please include check with this subscription form)
N ame : ______________
T elephone :
A ddress : _
or em ail subscriptions@portlandobserver.com
Position: F a c u lty a n d C h a ir o f
Intercultural S tud ies M ajor
Starting Date: Ja n u a ry 1 ,2 0 1 2
Q u alificatio n s: A p p lic a n t s a re
expected to have;
• A term inal degree in Intercultural
S tu d ie s , M is s io lo g y, o r c lo s e ly
related discipline.
• Extensive expe rien ce in cross-
c u ltu ra l a n d fo re ig n m is s io n s
• D e m onstrable stra te gic vision
and p rogram -bu ilding aptitude
• P roven le a d e rs h ip s k ills and
experience in team contexts
• Excellent record o f tea ch in g in
the higher education arena
• A g re e m e n t w ith in s titu tio n a l
ethical and doctrinal values
• A g re e m e n t w ith M u ltn o m a h
core values
Institution Information: M ultnom ah
B ib le C o lle g e a n d M u ltn o m a h
Biblical S e m in a ry are sch o o ls o f
M ultnom ah University, featu ring a
f o u r -y e a r
c o e d u c a t io n a l,
interdenom -inational Bible college
a n d g r a d u a t e -le v e l s e m in a r y
Additional Subcontracting Opportunities Available: www.stellarj.com
lo c a te d in P o r tla n d , O re g o n .
Founded in 1936, the college and
s e m in a ry h a v e e s ta b lis h e d a
Project Name - Powell Butte Reservoir No. 2 Phase 2
renow ned heritage o f excellence
Owner - City of Portland
in b ib lica l e d u c a tio n e q u ip p in g
C h ris tia n m e n a n d w o m e n to
Bid Date - April 7,2011 @ 1:00 pm
tra n s fo rm o u r c u ltu re an d th e
PCL is requesting scope o f work and bids, Wednesday,
w o rld . T h e c o lle g e o ffe rs B .A .
April 6 ,2 0 1 1 @ 1:00 pm
degrees as well as three university
M .A . p ro g ra m s . T h e s e m in a ry
PCL Construction Services, Inc.
offers the M .A., M .Div., and Th.M .
15405 SE 37th Street, Suite 200
degrees. M ultnom ah U niversity is
Bellevue, W A 980 0 6
accredited with the Association for
FAX for Bids (480) 8 2 9 -8 2 5 2
Biblical Higher Education (ABHE),
and the Northwest Com m ission on
Description of Work: New tw in-cell 50 MG Reservoir, pipelines, new
C o lle g e s
U n iv e r s it ie s
valve and flo w m e te r vaults (both inside and outside o f the Powell
I (N W C C U ). M u ltn o m a h B ib lic a l
Butte N ature Park) and m odifications to existin g piping & vaults in
S e m in a ry is a ccred ited with the
the ROW. The project also includes new interpretive center building
Association of Theological Schools
with perim eter enhancem ents and new parking lot, a m aintenance
(A T S ). In a d d itio n , M u ltn o m a h
building and yard, sin gle -fa m ily residence, tra ils and oth er park
U niversity is an affiliate with the
im provem ents, civil /site im provem ents, landscaping, electrical/
Council for C hristian colleges and
instrum entation im provem ents and incidental construction.
U niversities (CCCU).
W e are requesting bids from Subcontractors and Suppliers, including
u n iv e r s it y
e m p lo y s
M inority and W om e n ow ned busin e sses, and E m e rgin g Sm all
B usinesses for the follow ing: concrete - form ing, placing, and
reinforcing steel, m asonry; m etals; rough and finish carpentry;
w a te rp ro o fin g ; sh e e t m etal; doors and w indow s; p a in tin g and
flooring; fire suppression; plum bing and equipm ent; HVAC; electrical
w ork; earthw ork; e xterior im provem ents; utilities; w aterw a y and
m arine construction; piping and support; and handling equipm ent-
S llh ^ rrih p f
P ro je ct D escrip tion : C onstruction o f the new interpretive building,
Parks and Property Stew ardship
Executive Assistant, O re g o n Zoo,
Powell Butte Reservoir No. 2 Phase 2
Bids Due: Thursday, April 7,2011 - 8 am
or in PCL’s office in Bellevue, W A
Em ail - se attleb ids@ p cl.com for FTP site inform ation
Q uestions regarding site work, vault and reservoir related w ork
contact Glen Lam oreaux @ 4 8 0 -8 2 9 -6 3 3 3
Q uestions regarding park center, m aintenance building,
single-fam ily residence, park trails, fencing, landscape and
irrigation contact Derek Pizzey @ 425-519-7325.
Advertise in Thc Portland
Observer 503-2288-0033
ap proxim ate ly 50 full-tim e faculty
as well as several part-tim e and
ad ju n ct fa cu lty m em bers. S p rin g
2011 enrollm en t is 915 students
Process: A p p lic a t io n s w ill be
received through April 30, 2011.
Salary: S a la ry is co m m e n su ra te
w ith ed u cation and e xp e rie n ce .
(A ssista n t P ro fe sso r s a la ry with
t e r m in a l d e g r e e b e g in s a t
$ 4 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 .) F u ll b e n e fit s
Contact: Dr. W ayne G. Strickland
Vice President/ College Academic Dean
8435 NE Glisan S treet
Portland, OR 97220
udub@ m ultnom ah.edu
5 0 3 .2 5 1 .6 4 0 1