Pase 12___________3J3ortlanb (Observer HOUSING special edition March 30,2011 Been There A f i r s t class resale <4 consignment shop fo r plus sizes. KrisArwi Owner Earn Money!! Consign your gently used clothes and accessories For women who like a more polished look. For more info see KrisAnn’s Been There on Facebook WiabaU*• — u-’Tir " -•■ 7831 SE Stark Street 7 Portland. OR 97215 ^503-282-5669 Tuesday-Saturday 11am - 7pm Sunday 1pm - 6pm I M I I IÁISHIM Comedy Tackles Courage and Fear Artists Repertory Theater pre­ sents the Northw est prem iere of ‘Jack Goes B oating’ a contem po­ rary rom antic com edy about the courage and fear involved in ev­ eryday people hacking away at the jungle o f a city searching for love, m eaning and lasting rela­ tionships in this day and age. Love blossom s in the grungy reality of Ne w York when a regular guy nam ed Jack - a lovable loser who is desperately rom antically challenged - finds the girl o f his dreams. His plan to win her heart includes a boat ride in Central Park and cooking a gourm et meal - never mind the fact that he doesn’t know how to swim and can ’t cook. W ith the help o f his friends, Jack learns to swim, cook. ■MMM scene rrom Jack Goes Boating, a play about facing one’s fears and how the power o f love can transform a life. a smoke pot and lo v e -a ll to a reggae through April 15 on the th eatre’s soundtrack. But meanwhile, those M orrison Stage at Southwest 15th best friends roil in the com plexi­ Avenue and M orrison Street. For ties o f a m odern m arriage that is tickets and more inform ation, call slowly becom ing unhinged. 5 0 3 -2 4 1 -1 2 7 8 or v is it P e rfo rm a n c e s c o n tin u e artistsrep .o rg . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■B Art Show for Social Change A group of local African and African American men dedicated to creating social change in our com- munity through the arts is sponsor- day, April 2, from noon to 6 p.m. at Caffe D ’Arte, 1615 N.E. 15th Ave., ing an art show this weekend to between Broadway and W eidler generate the support needed to help near Lloyd Center. The show will them create their own art center. feature artwork by national artists The show will take place Satur- and international artworks. UNLOCK 2 ,0 0 0 Y EA RS ----------------- o f------------------- E G Y P T IA N M Y S T E R Y M U S E U M A D M IS S IO N THE FIRST S U N D A Y TO O M S I IS O N L Y $2 OF EVERY M O N T H ! Bani» of Amanea