March 23, 2011 $Lrtlanò (Obseruer Page 9 Latin Musical Giants Honored M usical giants Tito Puente and sam ba, Latin jazz and salsa. C arm en M iranda are bringing Postal Service Vice President some Latin flavor to U.S. postage M arie Therese D om inguez said stam ps. the stam ps are "a lasting tribute to The new set o f five forever five extraordinary perform ers." stam ps also honor C elia Cruz, Form al cerem onies for the re­ Selena and Carlos Gardel. They lease o f the stam ps were held in represent a range o f Latin m usical Austin, Texas, as the stam ps went styles, including Tejano, tango, on sale across the country SHOW DOGS GROOMING SALON AND BOUTIQUE TREAT yOUR DOG OR CAT FOR THE NEW YEAR m e ro sta / service s rorever stamps nononng Latin musicai giants lito rúente (rrom iert), carmen Miranda and Celia Cruz. MM CALL AND SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY nmh NRHKSMMB 503-283-1177 926 N. LOMBARD Learning at New Columbia PCC offers classes for young Latinos Portland Community College plans to give young Latinos a better chance to achieve their educational goals through specialized classes at the New Columbia housing de­ velopment in north Portland. Latino students between the ages of 16 to 20 who are English language learners will have a chance to im­ prove their English proficiency while working towards other educational and career goals. Students will study math, social studies and science in Spanish and can earn their GED in Spanish. At the same time, they will study En­ glish to improve their proficiency in the language. The Multicultural Academic Pro­ gram, which is operated through the PCC Prep Alternative Programs, is a partnership with local school dis­ tricts, making it free to eligible stu­ dents. Classes start spring term on Monday, March 28. The New Co­ lumbia classes will not only prepare the youths for college, but will give eligible students a 12-credit tuition waiver to start college at PCC. PCC first piloted this model at the Willow Creek Center in W ashing­ ton County. “This model works because it really serves the need that students have to complete a high school cre- ' / ■ '/ dential in their first language while building their English skills,” said Jeff Laff, manager of the program. “We want to extend these same opportunities to Latino youth liv­ ing in North Portland.” To learn more about how to en­ roll, contact Jana Daugherty with PCC Prep at971-722-6213. li V <> i < Reaching Teaching Preaching Relevance in S l> o