2'1’* ^îortlanb CObserüer Page 6 Advertise with diversity in 7116 Portland O bserver Call 503-288-0033 Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service Portland Congress Center 1001 2\A/ Fifth Avenue. 2to 1100, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 Phono: 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 7 9 0 Email: hodgohspks@man.oom Fax: 1 + 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 8 1 5 www.hodgooounsoling.oom Dr. H. L. Hodge. Ph.D. Licensed Christian Counselor Counseling God's Way March 16, 2011 In Loving Memory Brenda Brown B renda M arie Brow n was bom on June 7 ,1 9 5 3 , to V iola and Phillip G. Sanders Sr. in Sioux C ity, Iowa. She was a strong single parent o f three children, w hom she loved so . very m uch. H er ultim ate jo y in life was her three grandchildren, w hom she adopted eight years ago. She m ade sure they w ere well -taken care o f and that they experienced uncon- - ditional love and felt safe. B renda enjoyed spending tim e with her fam ily and playing Y ahtzee w ith her sons. She also enjoyed spending spare tim e at the casino, the ocean, and cam ping. She w as h o n ­ ored by being em ployed in the Seattle Parks and R ecreation D epartm ent for 24 years. She w as in v o lv ed w ith sev eral o rg a n iz atio n s throughout the parks departm ent, including the p ro ­ gram she started, N orthern Stars, w hich involved youth education. She w as very proud o f the o p p o rtu ­ nity to becom e a m entor, giving students a chance o f a lifetim e to attend Stanford U niversity on a four-year scholarship. She felt good about being recognized for her re­ m arkable accom plishm ents, achievem ents and d ed i­ / \ cation to the parks d epartm ent by form er Seattle M ayor Norman B. Rice. She also m odeled for a tim e during the 1970s for Shades o f B eauty. B renda w as a B uddhist and p rac­ ticed under Soka G akkail Interna­ tional U SA . She w as very grateful for h er fam ily, friends, co-w orkers, and people she m et along the w ay. She appreciated every step she took. T he fam ily thanks ev eryone w ho knew and loved her. She w as preceded in death by her father; a sister G lenda Sanders, and a nephew P atrick H ardy. B renda passed into perfect peace on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011. T hose rem aining w ho will continue to c e l­ ebrate the life o f th eir beloved, are her children, B obby B row n, C orey B row n Jr. and D ana D ildine; beloved m other V iola Sanders; eight grandchildren, Sykell Brown, D ’Zekeo Reed-Brow n, Corey Brow n Jr. Chalise D ildine-B row n, B obbiauna B row n, C herish D ildine- B row n, Sam D ildine, and C haun W illiam s; five sisters, V ictoria M yles, B everly Sanders, A ngela Sanders, Phllis Sanders, and June Sanders- M oore; tw o b ro th ­ ers, T errance Sanders and P hillip Sanders Jr.; and a host o f aunts, uncles,nieces,nephew s, cousins, other fam ily, and lots o f friends. Services Include: Dr. Hodge on the radio: Saturdays @ 1:00 PM • Stress Management • Grief Counseling • PTSD “AWAY OUT” KPDQ True Talk 800 A M • Motivational Speaker Your Care Our First Priority " r l Y ’ Æ Dr. Marcelitte Faill a C h iro p ra c tic P hysician Church Dedication Sunday A d e d ic a tio n c e le b ra tio n fo r Bethesda Baptist C hurch' s new loca­ tion at 10249 N.E. Clackam as St., will be held Sunday, M arch 20 at 3 p.m. All are invited to be part o f this historic event. The church will continue a 17- year local m inistry led by Pastor R obert C. Jointer and his w ife. First Lady C laudette Jointer. Rev. Jointer was pastor o f the N ew H ope M is­ sionary B aptist C hurch. He returned to Pearl, M iss, in 2009 to serve as the pastor of the Mt. Elam M issionary B aptist C hurch and then returned to Portland last D ecem ber. Pastor Robert C. Jointer Portland children’s Kindergarten - 5th Grade A public c h a rte r school su p p o rtin g quality academ ics by in tro d u c in g th e arts an d sciences as languages o f c o m m u n ic a tio n an d tools o f th e im ag in atio n . (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! pasto r o f the M orning Star M is­ sionary B aptist C hurch and state president o f the G eneral B aptist C onvention o f the N orthw est, as guest preacher. W ith restored confidence in pas­ toral m inistry and the favor o f G od, Pastor Jo in ter seeks to help lead B ethesda believers to abide in His w ord. H is w ill, and H is w ay, during w orship services every Sunday at 10 a.m ., including church Sunday school at 11 ;30 a.m . and bible study every T uesday at 6 p.m . Opal School * W? are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 S u n d ay ’s dedication service w ill feature Rev. A. W ayne Johnson, (503)228-6140 Lottery application available starting March 1 : - online at portlandctn.org - at the Museum -o r c a ll (503)471-9917 Applications are due (not postmarked) at the Museum by close of business, March 31, 2011