Fortiani» (Dhserurr March 16, 2011 IN S ID E Week ¡nThe Review Fred Meyer What's on your list today?, page 2 S ports > - This page Sponsored by: Page 3 page 4 k f R eligion O pinion pages 8-9 pages 6-7 X . "TlltS SFECI« HiRMtP fb« IMXa» OF Ite.TwaTlS'W CSdWJy 0»T «EUT ftcnucr w c * the , V is e e n bcrtBÇN ¿ORPOUS AMPLÍA AHO COIWUWST chira , « a o s i T Ti REVUÑOMfT $7 .... kt « ‘ R-. photo by C liff P fenning /T he P ortland O bserver The Benson High School Techmen pose for a team photo after going all the way to the state finals of the 5A tournament. Benson Falls Just Short r zf ••• ' Title game goes to double overtime Arts V fN tMllllISMtNI Iftl pages 10-14 C lassifieds page 15 M page 18 arch C alendar Benson had the final shot in both regulation and the first overtime, and led 66-64 in the second overtime when the Spartans went on a 10-0 run to take control of the game. Andrews played all 48 minutes of by C liff P fenning the final and was a unanimous se­ T he P ortland O bserver lection to the all-tournament team. Despite a dominating perfor­ Junior Bryce White also earned a mance from senior Andrew Andrews, spot on the al 1-toumament first team. the Benson Techmen had to settle Benson's playoff run was its first for second place at the OSAA/U.S. that reached a state final since 2001. Bank/Les Schwab Tires Class 5A The final was the fifth straight year boys basketball state tournament a team from the Portland Interscho­ Saturday night at the M atthew lastic League has reached the 5A Knight Arena in Eugene. final following three straight titles Andrews scored 41 points and by Jefferson and a runner-up finish grabbed five rebounds, but Benson by Roosevelt in 2007. lost 79-73 to Corvallis in double Andrews, who is headed for the overtime in the championship game. University of Washington, led the tournament in scoring at 27.3 points per game. Earlier Saturday, Wash­ ington won the Pac-10 Conference title with an overtime win against Arizona. In other tournaments, Roosevelt played to within five seconds of the Class 4A boys state final at Gill Coliseum in Corvallis and placed fifth. Lincoln finished fourth in the Class 6A boys tournament at the Rose Garden. Jesuit won both the boys and girls titles in the Class 6A tourna­ ment, becoming the largest school to win both titles in the same year. Jefferson won both titles in the Class 5A tournament last year. ■■■■■■ Mercy Corps Bolsters Relief Efforts page 19 F ood 91 page 28 • Il» ’ » * » « » « » A " T he g lo b a l h u m a n ita ria n agency Mercy Corps is sending its first em ergency responder into Japan’s earthquake zone. Veteran aid worker Randy M ar­ tin, who directs the Portland based agency’s Global Emergency O p­ erations team, left for Japan T ues­ day. M artin will work to bolster the relief efforts of Mercy Corps’ part­ ner agency Peace W inds, which is distributing vital resources in the earth q u ak e -d ev a stated city o f Kesennuma, in Jap an ’s Miyagi Prefecture. “The ch allen g es facing the Japanese people are immense, and our partner Peace W inds is doing an incredible jo b getting vital sup­ plies to fam ilies trapped in a very hart-hit and d ifficu lt-to -access area,” noted M artin. M artin is a veteran o f disaster resp o n se , h av in g c o o rd in a te d Mercy C orps’ relief efforts after crises including the earthquake in B am , Ira n (2 0 0 3 ), C y c lo n e Nargis in Myanmar (2008), the hu­ m a n ita ria n c r is is in D a rfu r, and last y e a r’s earth q u ak e in Haiti and m assive floods in Paki­ stan.