®lft Jordanit (ßbsertier March 16, 2011 SAFEWAY O your groceries, your choices, your schedule, Ingredients for life Roasted Pork Loin delivered! Each time you spend* SSO or more in a single transaction. e > ’ • L i t \a f a > T ’ y * SAFEWAY, com 2-DAY Sr. P atricks D ay • - À > X Succulent pork roast with fragrant garlic, . * rosemary and wine, SALE $ 3/16 &. 3/17 O M y - Ingredients • 3 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary • salt and pepper to taste • 2 pounds boneless pork loin roast • 1/4 cup olive oil • 1/2 cup white wine Pork Loin Assorted Chops C lu b P rice Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C). 2. Crush garlic with rosemary, salt and pepper, making a paste. Pierce meat with a sharp knife in several places and press the garlic paste into the openings. Rub the meat with the remaining garlic mixture and olive oil. 3. Place pork loin into oven, turning and basting with pan liquids. Cook until the pork is no longer pink in the center, about 191 Bone-In. Or Pork Loin Chops. $2.99 lb. Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $1.80 lb. R ancher's Reserve® B oneless Beel Round Steak Club Price B S ee W e e k ly Art Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $ 2 5 0 lb Safeway Corned Beef Brisket Point Cut Eating Right® Boneless Skinless Chicken IB lb w aterfront BISTRO® Cooked Shrimp Breasts or Thighs ! Or Tend« » Ttwi Stasi S?99Si Club Price B I S W uptoS i ’ o r Club Price Club Price 1-lb. S w eet S traw b e rries 01 to ItO -c t Guoked. fro/en/thaw ed SAVE up to S3 0 0 lb Or Safeway Comed Beef Brsket Flats $2.69 lb White suppkes test SAVE up to 90s t SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 Club Price B DAYS ONLY) Salt & Pepper Shrimp Rice flo u r is the "secret ingredient" in this dish and is used to make the flavorful coating fo r the shrimp. But if you can't fin d it, cornstarch makes a fin e substitute. Serve with rice noodles or brown rice and a sprinkle o f chopped scallions. 2 servings; Active Time is 30 minutes; Total Time is 30 minutes. INGREDIENTS • 2 tablespoons lime juice • 2 teaspoons reduced-sodium soy sauce • 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil • 1/2 teaspoon sugar • 3 cups thinly sliced cabbage, preferably napa (about 1/4 head; see Tips for Two) • 1 small red or orange bell pepper, very thinly sliced • 2 tablespoons rice flour (see Note) or cornstarch • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper • 1/2 teaspoon five-spice powder, (see Note) • 10 ounces raw shrimp, (21 -25 per pound), peeled and deveined • 1 tablespoon canola oil • 1 jalapeno or serrano pepper, seeded and minced Open N ature 1 00 % N atu ral Bread Club Price B 24 o; Selected varieties SAVE tip tn 5 0c Golden Sw eet Pineapple Club Price B I W h i- 4 . h t ite j 1.1 k <■ ,< >\ x . i i k ' c s e x . n it e CJub Price: 50c lb. SAVE up to 98 c on 2lbs Club Price DAYS ONLY! Oroweat Rye Breads Simply OJ. Apple Grapefruit or Minute Maid Pomegranate. Blueberry 59 M i « w i S A M » !,a «tvs CUOPna $ 3 0 0 n SAVE up lo 96t on 2 Club Price 16-02. Tide D etergent Lucerne® Shredded or Chunk Cheese 50-oz 2x L kjuk J Selected varieties SAVE up to $ 3 0 0 3 2 - « Medium Only. Club Price Selected varieties SAVE up t o S I .40 GUINNESS DAYS ONLY; Safew ay SELECT® Ice Cream Club Price B 1 5 tn ? - qt Selected varieties Glut) Pnce $3 0 0 e a SAVE up lo St 98 on 2 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Club Price 14 5 or or Cocoa PeMMes 11-oz Cereal SAVE up to S1 50 K raft Salad Dressing Club Price B 14 to 16-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to $ 1 5 0 8-Pack Guinness Draught’ 12-Pack Henry Wembards. «1 Light Line or Gotden Wheat 149-02 Guinness carta or 12- m . bottles Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon R - SIMPLY C L E A N \ 3 m l .u n i Buy ANY or more sugar in n Luge bowl until the sugar is dis- solved. Add cabbage > and bell pepper; toss b L to combine. 2. Combine nee flour I (or cornstarch), salt. pepper ami live-spiee Jonagold or Granny Sm ith Sold Whole SAVE up lo S IO O e a PREPARATION I Green Cabbage L-t ' * it * * s 'R L‘. • . Look (or Buy 3 Save $3 tags on participating items F J W ip i" -fr 3 O*tfS ONI ’ 4 * * ~ bowl. Add shrimp and . > toss to coat. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium- high heat. Add the shrimp and cook, stirring often, until they are pink and curled, 3 to 4 minutes. Add jalapeno and cook until the shrimp are cooked through, about 1 minute more. Serve the slaw topped with the shrimp. Rodney Strong, Duck Pond or Gnarly Head That'll our promise... that's Ingredients for life. powder in a medium 750-ml Selected varietals Clark Skamania and Klickitat Counties. Items ottered tor sale are not available to other dealers or wholesalers Sales ol products contammo e o h e d rm e m e . X n h r m L n law Quantity rights reserved SOME ADVERTISING ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES S o t o advertised « K a y b X n t o y ^ Z T ^ t ^ f S K l T S " T ro, rece,*e ttl,e second "OT ,,0e « W O °«ers are not 1/2 price sales It only a angle item [ w S d Z r e g ^ p r ^ e l p ? e s Mai on purchased items only - not on tree itggis t unit one coupon per purchased item. Customer will be responsible for t o and deposits ie re o u ire d h v la w ™ t o excess of 52 gallons No I k w sates tor resale Liquor sales at licensed Safeway stores only © 2 0 , , S T O w a y ^ • X R X * Z S £ s^e PO-OB n « r