March 16. 2011 Making a Difference for Women, Girls KOIN Channel 6 Reporter Alexis Del Cid has been hon­ ored for giving a voice to women and girls victimized by sex traf­ ficking. KOIN Channel 6 Reporter Alexis Del Cid (center) is honored for her work exposing the growing problem o f sex trafficking and for her public service efforts. Human trafficking survivor and Soroptimist member Jeri Williams (left) and local Soroptimist president Jan Haig are also pictured. K ■A " Ì S Soroptimist International of S outhw est W ashington p re­ sented Del Cid with their annual Ruby A w ard at a M arch 8 W om en’s International Day cer­ emony in Vancouver. Del Cid has been a journalist for over a decade. Over the years she has done numerous reports exposing the growing problem of sex trafficking and most recently exposed a man who was making a living off of trafficking victim ’s stories. The exclusive story resulted in an FBI Investigation. She has also served as a vol­ unteer, emceeing events, and dishing up strawberry shortcake on M other’s Day for domestic violence shelters. Local ATM Robberies Arrest Portland police have arrested a 19-year-old in connection with a string of armed robberies in north­ east Portland. Dylan Paul Smith is charged with three separate robberies last month at the Wells Fargo ATM at 42nd Avenue and Going Street, and for a Feb. 13 armed robbery at Tonalli's Donut Shop, located at 2805 N.E. Alberta St. Smith is also expected to face charges in Salem related to tin armed robbery where a shot was fired at a Cricket Wireless store, authorities Dylan Paul Smith said. Advocate Charged for Taxes Paul Stanford, the 50-year-old founder of the Hemp and C an­ nabis Foundation, was charged last week with failing to file per­ sonal state ncome taxes in 2008 and 2009. His arraignm ent is scheduled for M arch 21. The Hemp and Cannabis Foun­ dation, founded in 1999, operates offices in nine states. A ccording to its website, it has helped more than 100,000 patients obtain state perm its for medical marijuana. It lost its federal tax-exempt sta- Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. SPINAiCOLUMN An ongoing scries of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 9. Low Back Surgery: he unkindest and most unnecessary cut of all : Should I try ch iro p ra ctic for m y low back pain or ave su rgery and get it “fixed g h t? ” Paul Stanford tus last year. Stanford also hosts C a n n a b is C o m m o n S e n se , a weekly local cable access show. : W ehear this question quite often and considering many lysicians’ pro-surgery preoccu- ition, it’s no wonder people ask ch questions. That is, until they .amine the facts. The truth is that about 90% oflow back pain, the To Place Your Classified Advertisement oblem is mechanical. Chiroprac- ■ has had and continues to have i best technique for treating inal m ech an ical p ro b lem s Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: rough gentle, exact adjustment th highly skilled hands. And liropractic requires no drugs. surgery, recuperation or expensive to 99% are unsuccessful. Before hospital bills. With Chiropractic, the you make any decision, heed the only side effects are the disappear- advice o f the “father” o f low ance of symptoms and the recur- back surgery: “exhaust all meth- rence of vitality. ods o f conservative care before / "S : W hich tech n iq u e has considering surgery to the lum- b etter resu lts for low bar (low back) spine.” To find back problem s, C hiropractic or out how C hiropractic can help su rg ery ? you avoid back surgery, or for A : A ccording to a recent issue answ ers to any questions you Z A o f Com puter M edicine, low m ight have about your health, back surgery is one o f the least effective procedures. In fact, 75 ilO V ^ C lT S please call us at the phone num- her displayed below, C lllF O p r « tC tlC O fflC C 2124NE Hancock, Portland Oregon97212 PIlOllC. (5 0 3 ) 2 87 *5504