Page 16 ®lf* sportiani» (Dbsemer K is ia iitiiu a iU n s "An Interdenominational Church" r i n CHURCH V ( » i < ; < » Reaching Teaching THEME: < ï Preaching Relevance in S P < » < I k s; . 2011 L aw & Impact of Emmett Till’s Death Explored in New Book —— r r r ~‘ — - - Paata* Sliafuip 3i. ii ££ed Jlady Eaticatt P. Ptudge Paata* 1Peacfa* I Oleuiualiat Sundays: Worship Service - 12:00 - 2:00 P.M. Mission Studies: Wednesdays - 6:00 - 8:30PM. Bible Study: “School Of The Prophets” (Training) 7:00—8:30PM Based on A Civil Location: Concordia University Campus 2800 \E Liberty (The GRW Library, room 303) Portland, OR. 97211 To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or Hodge C om prehensive Counseling Service For An A p p o in tm e n t— C all C hu rch P hone DR. IIODGE ON TIIE RADIO “A Way Out KPDQ True Talk 800 AM — 1:00PM Saturdays!! The Ghost of Emmett Till: Based On Real Life Events. A Civil Rights Primer by W. James Richardson explores the I - J j J í I significant impact that 14-year-old Emmett Louis Till’s death had in regard to the modern-day civil rights movement, which makes this novel suitable for secondary and college Real Life Events, Rights Primer students, as well as adults. A good number of individuals aren’t aware that Till’s death so outraged citizens throughout the United States that it culminated into over 50.000 people viewing his gruesomely deformed body in his hometown of Chicago in 1955 after he allegedly whistled at a white woman in Mississippi while there on vacation: and was brutally murdered for the deed. Many don’t know that Rosa Parks garnered her courage to not vacate her seat on the Montgomery, Ala. bus because she was staunchly angry about Emmett Till's murder three months earlier. And it's conceivable that Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. would not have risen to prominence relative to the civil rights movement if it had not been for the execution of Emmett Till. The Ghost of Emmett Till explores these suppositions and edilyingly associates Till's death to the Montgomery bus boycott, student sit-ins demonstrations, and the courageous efforts of the Freedom Riders during the civil rights era. Double Whammy of Race and Gender Celebrating Purim « k Itl March 16, 2011 Come join us on this Special Night of Purim Friday, March 18th at 7pm New Song Community Center 2511NE MIK Blvd. Corner of NE M IK Blvd and Russell street Doors open at 6pm for every service. For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 or log onio www.nifhrniiortlanil.coni Single black women fare worse on wealth For households headed by white single men with children, the median wealth (excluding the value for vehicles owned) was $43, 800. For blacks, the figure was $7.900. A new survey shows that single But the racial differences were black women have median wealth even larger for households headed of only $100. This is a tiny frac­ by single women. The median tion of the median wealth of single wealth for households headed by white women. single white women (again, ex­ Studies of wealth are difficult cluding the value for vehicles to undertake and the Census Bu­ owned) was $41,500. For blacks, reau attempts this research infre­ the median wealth was only $ 100. quently. Census data for 2002 Some 46 percent of black house­ showed a median net worth of holds headed by single women $87,056 for white families and had negative net worth. $5,446 for black families. Over Homeownership is one of the the past generation, various stud­ largest components of family ies have shown that black fami­ wealth. Only one third of single lies on average have mean net black women own their home. wealth that is about one tenth the For single white women, 57 per­ figures for white families. cent own their home. Now a new study by the Cen­ This data on the very small level ter for Community Economic De­ of wealth among single black velopment in Oakland, Calif, pre­ women is of particular importance sents some shocking statistics. because 36 percent of all African In 2007 married black families Americans reside in families headed had median wealth of $46, 900. by a single woman. In contrast, For married white families, the only 9.5 percent of all non-His­ median net wealth was close to panic whites live in families headed $200,000. by a single white woman.