Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 16, 2011, Page 12, Image 12

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Portland Observer
M arch 16, 2011
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Saturday M arket - Port
W E fc
land Saturday Market is open
K 'll
* each Saturday and Sunday ' along
ow n The.
the waterfront in Old Town.
market has celebrated arts and crafts in the
Pacific Northwest for 38 years.
50 Y ears o f C ultural E xpression - The Alvin Ailey
Dance Theater celebrates five
decades of Revelations, an
American classic that will in­
spire, enlighten and entertain.
The New York company, rec­
ognized as cultural ambassa­
dors to the world, performs
Wednesday, March 16 at the
Arlene SchnitzerConcert Hall.
A frican A m erican P layw righ t — —
“Tough Titty” by the late African-
f X
American playwright and artist Oni
Perseverance: Black Pioneers in Oregon - A
unique exhibit, developed in collaboration with
the Oregon Historical Society and the Oregon
Northw est Black Pioneers, highlights the envi-
ronm ent and stories o f early Oregon black pio-
ing diagnosis o f breast cancer.
Shows through March 26 at Ethos at the Interstate
Firehouse cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave.
neers who lived in the state prior to W orld W ar II.
Now showing through April 3 at the Oregon His-
tory M useum, downtown.
Zim babwe Art Exhibited - The Beaverton Arts Commis­
N orm an Sylvester B and - Boogie Cat Norman
sion is hosting new exhibits throughout the month of
March at Beaverton City Hall, 4755 S.W. Griffith Dr., and
featuring works by an accomplished local artist as well
as authentic Zimbabwe village artisans. The art is for
Sylvester and his band performs Friday, March 18 at
the Candlelight; and Saturday, March 19 at Clyde’s.
M el B row n L ive — Portland jazz giant Mel Brown
performs at Salty ’ s on the Columbia every Friday and
Saturday night. Known as the
“Gentleman of Jazz,” Brown has a
career spanning over 40 years.
O ne F lew O ver the C u ck o o ’s N est
— The play by Dale Wasserman
from the Ken Kesey novel is now
playing through March 27 at Port­
land Center Stage at the Gerding
Theater at the Armory, 128 N.W.
11th Ave.
Corporate Events
C u rio u s G eo rg e: L e t’s G et C u r i­
Onsite 5x7 Printing
Online Proofs & Orders
o u s! — Portland C hildren’s M u­
Check out our new private nightclub suite.
8028 SE Stark St.
Portland, Oregon
St. P a tric k ’s D ay F estival - Kells
Irish R estau ran t
and Pub, 112 S.W. Sec­
ond Ave., opens its 20th
annual St. Patrick’s Day
festival with authentic
Irish music, dancers,
family entertainment and
the p u b ’s renow ned
Irish food and bever­
ages. The festival, ex-
tending this year from
March 17-19, has be-
come one of the largest
the Nor' hwes''
Faida Lampley is a journey of love,
courage, humor and healing as a SJk
family survives the rigors of mar-
riage and the unexpected life chang- |- .
H a m s Photography
sale and can be seen on
the first, second and third
floor corridors.
seum exhibit introduces children
to the world of that unforgettably
nosey monkey Curious George,
leading visitors on a fun, interac­
tive math, science and engineer­
ing-based adventure. Show runs
through June 5.
D isc o u n t T ic k e ts - Local low-
incom e fam ilies and individuals
can purchase $5 tickets to classi­
cal musical perform ances in Port­
land as part o f a unique program
called Music for All. Participating
organizations include the Oregon
Sym phony, Portland Opera, O r­
egon B allet T heater, C ham ber
M usic Northwest, Portland Youth
Philharm onic, Portland Baroque
Orchestra, Friends o f Cham ber
Music, Portland Chamber Orches­
tra, Portland Piano International,
P o rtla n d S y m p h o n ic C h o ir,
C appella Rom ana and Portland
Vocal Consort.