Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 16, 2011, Page 10, Image 10

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    ^lortlanb (Observer
Page 10
March 16, 2011
Been There
A f ir s t class resale
A consignm ent
f o r plus sizes.
For women who
like a more
polished look.
Earn Money!!
Consign your
gently used
clothes and
For more info see
KrisAnn’s Been There
on Facebook
Motown Flashback
Celebrating the
spirit of the 60s
The Portland Gay M en’s Chorus
will present Motown Sound, a full-
stage production celebrating the
spirit of the 60s and the musical
artists who provided its soundtrack
at two concerts, Saturday, March 19
at 8 p.m. and Sunday, March 20 at 2
p.m. in Kaul Auditorium at Reed
College in southeast Portland.
Soloists, small ensembles, and
the entire 130-voice chorus will sing
some of the most popular songs
from one of the most important eras
in American pop music, including
such classics as “Baby Love”, “Heat
W ave” and “W hat’s Going On..
Filled with music to inspire and
empower, Motown Sound will dis-
play the distinct style and passion
which have come to define the Port­
land Gay M en’s Chorus experience.
Motown Sound is a performance
that is artistically and conscien­
tiously mindful of M otown’s his­
toric importance and the role it
played in inspiring a generation of
music lovers. Tickets are available
at buy.pdxgmc.org or by calling 503-
Entry Level Firefighters Wanted
* Q n p n in g in F p h n ia r y .a t.
7831 SE Stark Street
7 Portland. OR 97215
A recruitm ent cam paign is un­
d e rw a y to h ire e n try le v e l
firefighters in Tacoma.
The Tacoma Fire Department is
a professional organization that
prides itself in delivering the high­
est level of quality service pos­
Wanted are employees who care
about the city, and who strive to
serve citizens witlr service, integ-
rity, accountability, respect, stew ­
ardship, innovation, and team ­
w o rk , sa id F ire C h ie f R on
He said the department is also
recognized as one of the most pro­
gressive, innovative, and dynamic
fire departments in the nation.
“The Department takes great
pride in its ability to serve the needs
o f o u r d iv e rse c o m m u n ity ,”
Stephens said. “Each day, our citi­
zens call upon us to respond to a
variety of emergencies, including
structure fires, emergency medical
responses, hazardous material, and
technical rescue situations.”
For information about this job
opportunity, go the City of Tacoma’s
w ebsite, cityoftacom a.org/jobs.
Click on “Current Jo b s,” then
$21.96 - $30.26 Hourly
We are seeking disciplined individuals who
would like to serve their community and are
drawn to challenges.
This is your opportunity to join one of the most
progressive, innovative and dynamic fire
departments in the nation. This is demonstrated
each day through the dedication and hard work
of our 400 + firefighters and 35 civilian staff
members. The Department takes great pride in its
ability to serve the needs o f our diverse commu­
nity. Each day, our citizens call upon us to
respond to a variety o f emergencies including:
structure fires, emergency medical responses,
hazardous material and technical rescue situa­
Firefighters are primarily responsible for the
protection of life and property through
firefighting activities. This is general duty
firefighting work including combating,
extinguishing and preventing fires, providing
emergency medical services and maintaining fire
department equipment, apparatus and quarters.
Requires graduation from High School or
equivalent and a minimum of 18 years o f age.
Go online fo r an application:
Visit www.dtyoftacoma.org/jobs.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
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