Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 09, 2011, Page 3, Image 3

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    March 9, 2011
■Jìortlanò (Observer
S ports
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Fred Meyer
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page 2
page 4
College Grad Earns Title
I -technology
O pinion
Named Miss
Black Oregon
USA 2011
pages 6-7
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pages 8-9
pages 10-14
H elen Kidane took hom e the co v ­
eted title in the ‘‘the Crow ning Event,”
o fth e M iss Black O regon U SA 2011
pageant held at the Scottish Rite
In a m arvelous display o f intelli­
gence, grace and total theater p er­
form ance, 12 beautiful, talented and
educated young w om en com peted
in the Feb. 27 scholarship event.
The “ Battle R oyal” took place in
five categories; personal interview ,
health and fitness, talent, evening
gow n, and a question and answ er
segm ent from the judges.
K idane, 21, graduated from Port­
land State University with bachelor’s
d eg rees in H ealth S cien ces and
C om m unity H ealth Education.
She will advance on to represent
the state o f O regon in the N ational
M iss B lack USA Scholarship 2011
com petition in W ashington D.C.
E m erging from the beautiful har­
m ony o f glam our, dance, song, spo­
ken w ord poetry and intellectual
brilliance, the oth er top finishes in
the com petition w ere first ru n n er up
Dy visha G ordan, 17, o f De La Salle
H igh School. T he second ru nner up
w as Sandrina Pow ell, 17, o f St.
M ary ’s A cadem y. T he third ru n n er
up w as R aynetta Stew ard, 21, a
graduate o f D avid D ouglas. T he
C lassifieds
page 15
C alendar
page 18
A uto
R eview
page 19
page 28
F resh C hicken
C ooking C ontest
Helen Kidane is crowned the new Miss Black Oregon USA.
forth runner up w as Lauren Lucas,
17, o f G rant H igh School.
T he M iss Black O regon S cholar­
ship Foundation cultivates ex cel­
lence and aw ards scholarships to
further the education o f deserving
young w om en. The organization is
a com m unity-based group ad v o cat­
ing and dem onstrating com m unity
Despondent Man Fires on Police
injured officer
expected to
fully recover
A 61 -year-old man opened fire on
police from inside his southeast
Portland hom e Sunday, w ounding
one o fficer at the front door and
another at a park across the street,
authorities said.
A ccording to court docum ents,
Ralph Turner
R alph T u rn er w anted to com m it
suicide because o f ongoing m edical after getting a report that he was
problem s and hoped police w ould despondent and threatening to corn-
shoot and kill him .
m it suicide by taking pills, Portland
T w o officers checked on T u rn er Police C h ief M ike R eese said.
The officers knocked on the door
and w ere m et w ith gunfire, he said.
O ne o f those officers, a nine-year
veteran, received m inor injuries from
shrapnel, and the oth er retreated to
call for help.
A third police o fficer w ho re­
sponded to the scene was shot by
the suspect w ith a scope rifle, Reese
said. Parik Singh, a 13-year veteran
o f the b u reau ’s East Precinct, was
hit in the low er abdom en and u n d er­
w ent surgery at Legacy E m anuel
M edical C enter in Portland. H e is
expected to m ake a full recovery.
N e g o tiato rs ev en tu a lly talk ed
T u rn er out o f the hom e, w here p o ­
lice found a handgun, shotgun and
'W '
on page 5