Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 09, 2011, Page 2, Image 2

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P o r tla n d
c h i l d r e n ’s
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Opal School
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March é, 2011
when he lost control of the Triumph
Daytona and hit a tree. A bystander
performed CPR, but Golyshevskiy
died at the scene.
TLWeek in
The Review
Goldschmidt Portrait
Removed from Capitol
A portrait of former Oregon Gov.
Neil Goldschmidt was removed from
the Capitol building in Salem Mon­
day. Legislative leaders said they
took the action out of respect of a
sexual abuse victim who died re­
cently. Goldschmidt admitted to
having a sexual relationship with
the girl decades ago, starting when
she was 13.
Teachers Agree to Contract
The Portland Public School board
voted Monday to ratify a new labor
contract with teachers. The agree­
ment freezes Cost of Living Adjust­
ments for two years and includes
provisions for creating a new sys­
tem for how teacher performance is
evaluated. The agreement is likely
to save the district as much as $2.8
Truck and School Bus Collide
A school bus carrying students to
House Intruder Calls 9-1-1
schools in Gaston was struck by a
A case of criminal trespass led to an passing tracto r-trailer Tuesday
unusual set of 9-1-1 calls Monday morning, injuring 10 people. The
night - one from the Portland home- bus was stopped to pick up stu­
owner and one from the intruder. dents w hen the tra c to r-tra ile r
Timothy Chapek locked himself in a rounded a com er and the truck
bathroom and called 9-1-1 because slowed, but the trailer swung side­
he believed the homeowner had a ways and hit the bus. Some stu­
gun and would shoot him. The ho­ dents were injured in the collision.
meowner also called 9-1-1 having
returned to his home near W ashing­ Wu Stands Firm on His Job
ton Park to find Chapek taking a Oregon Congressman David Wu
said Monday he is still able to per­
form the functions of his office de­
Vancouver Teen dies in
spite his recent battles with mental
motorcycle accident
health that led several of his staff
A Vancouver teen died Sunday members to resign. The Democrat
evening in Hillsboro while appar­ spoke at the Washington County
ently test-driving a motorcycle prior Public Forum and said his recent
to a sale. Mark Golyshevskiy, 18, troubles led to him seeking out treat­
was 3astbound on a tree-lined road ment for his mental health.
Bomb Plot Defense: Entrapment
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(AP)— Lawyers for a young man
accused of trying to detonate a bomb
at Portland’s holiday tree-lighting
ceremony suggest in court filings
that they plan to argue that the FBI
tried to steer their client into a crime.
Mohamed Mohamud's lawyers
asked Monday in federal court that
the government disclose how it
trains agents for undercover opera­
tions, particularly stings such as
the one that led to Mohamud's ar­
They asked for any materials "re­
garding the issue of entrapment,"
adding that serious questions exist
about their client's "vulnerability,
predisposition and inducement."
The now -20-year-old Somali
American is charged with attempt­
ing to ignite a weapon of mass de­
struction. He has pleaded not guilty.
The men he thought were his
coconspirators were really FBI
agents and there was never a real
explosive device.
Prosecutors have until April 7 to
Homeowner Assistance
Forum for Seniors
The challenges seniors are facing
to maintain homeownership because
of economic hardships will be the
background for a homeowners’ as­
sistance forum hosted by the local
Minority Homeowners Assistance
Area residents are invited to be
part of the conversation to help find
solutions to keep local seniors in
their homes. The meeting will take
place Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m. at
the Oregon Association of Minor­
ity E n tre p re n e u rs, 4 1 3 4 N.
Vancouver Ave.
The collaborative was won fi-
nancial support from the Portland
Housing Bureau to assist senior
homeowners, 55 and older, in north
and northeast Portland who need
supportive services or referrals to
prevent foreclosure.
A free Homeownership Reten­
tion Program connects struggling
homeowners with community re­
sources such as loss mitigation ser­
vices, home repairs, tax deferments
and legal assistance.
For more information, contact
Shalonda Menefee at503-288-2923,
ex tension 123 or by em ail at
Shalonda@ pcrihom e.org.