M arch 9. 2011 9'l,e ^Jorthutò (Dbgeruer Page 13 Arts ENTtCl ENTECTAINMtNI The Portland Cello Project is an ensemble o f local musicians who are dedicated to forming partnerships to build a stronger music community. Members o f the group will perform a family concert, March 11 at the Community Music Center, 33 50 S.E. Francis St. Cello Project to Present Fun, Family Concert The Portland C ello Project is cert Series at the C om m unity M usic presenting a free and fun concert C enter, 3350 S.E. Francis St. for parents and kids to attend to ­ Tickets are available at the door gether. with a suggested donation o f $5 or T he p ro ject’s "Indie C ello O r­ $15 for a family o f any size. Fresh chestra", perform s Friday, M arch popcorn, snacks and refreshm ents 11; at 7:15 p.m. during the Portland are sold at the door for a minimal price. P a rk s and R e c r e a tio n The Portland C ello Project is an D ep artm en t’s Fam ily Friday C o n ­ ensem ble o f 8 to 16 cellos. The local ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DAWPTTHEATER The percussive hit musical Stomp returns to Portland with some new surprises and full-scale routines. STOMP-ing Across America S T O M P is m aking its return to P o rtla n d 's K eller A uditorium this w eekend w ith five show s, beginning Friday, M arch 1 lan d continuing through Sunday, M arch 13. T he percussive o ff B roadw ay hit is a phenom enal show o f bashing, crashing, sm ashing, sw ishing, banging and kicking. T w o new full-scale routines utilize props like tractor tire inner tubes and paint cans. From its beginnings as a street perform ance in the U nited K ingdom , S T O M P has grow n into an international sensation over the past 14 years. T ickets available through T icketm aster. Story of Black Radical on Film T he B read and R oses C enter, 6834 N .E. G lisan St., hosts an Inter­ national W o m en ’s D ay show ing o f Assata Shakur the docum entary T he E yes o f T he R ainbow . In this film , A ssata S h ak u r tells h er story o f being a leader in the Black Panther Party and in the Black L iberation A rm y, and her political exile in C uba since 1986 after her escape from a U.S. prison. H er story can be linked to the current struggle against targeting o f activists, M uslim s, and im m i­ grants by the FBI. T he docum entary will be show n on Saturday, M arch 12 at 7 p.m. A $2 donation w ill be accepted at the door and everyone is w elcom e. A Latin A m erican buffet, w ith veg­ etarian option, will be available at 6 p.m. for a $7 donation. m u sician s have a p h ilo so p h y to build a stronger m usic com m unity w ith co llab o rativ e perform ances. M em bers include a "w ho's w ho" list o f Portland m usicians, from T he D andy W arhols to L aura G ibson, V agabond O pera, and Storm Large, as well as m ost o f the m em bers o f the D ecem berists. JU DITH JAM ISO N A R TIS TIC DIR ECTO R M a sazu m i C haya ASSOCIATE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR R o b e r t B a ttle ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OESIGNATE Two E xciting Program s both fe a tu rin g Revelations TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY white) bird ticketm aster 1-800-745-3000 and PCPA Box Office Info/Groups 503-245-1600 ext. 201 MARCH 15 & 16 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, 7:30pm w w w .w hitebird.org B onham s spo n so r ed by tSÜISES?-05 M« I h sw . ndells (O tv g o n ia n