Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 02, 2011, Page 9, Image 9

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March 02, 2011
^ortlaiií» (Observer
Page 9
New Prices
May 1,2010
Carpet & Upholstery
Residential &
Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG.
A sm all distance/travel charge
m ay be applied
2 Cleaning Areas or
more $30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
(Includes: ! sm all H allw ay)
1 Cleaning Area (only)
Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area
(Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs - With
O ther Services): $25.00
Stoking Fear about American Muslims
Hearings shouldn’t
demonize people who
practice Islam
M ichael B. K eegan
T he H ouse o f R epresenta­
tives w ill begin hearings this
m onth on preventing d o m es­
tic terrorist attacks. Rep. Peter
m ade it clear he intends to use
piciPo X u “
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A ngeles have been overw helm ingly astounded
by terrorist a tta c k s -lik e ev ery o n e e ls e -a n d
overw helm ingly co ncerned about a non-repeat
perform ance o f that kind, and are w illing to get
involved and help," B aca said.
W e've seen hearings like Rep. K ing's before.
In the 1950's, Sen. Joseph M cC arthy exploited
w idespread fears provoked by the C old W ar to
launch a ruthless hunt for w hat he saw as a w ide
w eb o f com m unist subversion in the U nited
States. M cC arthy targeted individuals not
by their actions, but by their identities and
affiliations. In doing so, he destroyed the
careers o f m any innocent people and su c­
ceeded in further spreading a culture o f
f£ar and suspicion that did nothing to m ake
the U nited States safer.
Rep. King, relying on speculation rather
than fact, and targeting a large and diverse
com m unity o f A m ericans sim ply because
o f their religion, threatens to do the sam e.
-- Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca
A m ericans don't w ant to return to the
fear and resentm ent o f the M cC arthy era.
lent extrem ists in A m erican M uslim co m m u n i­
If Rep. King is serious about his goal o f
ties w as " tin y .. .a m inute percentage o f the [U.S.
preventing violence, he should expand his in ­
M uslim ) population."
vestigation to include all form s o f d angerous
Local law en fo rcem en t officials agree. T his
extrem ism , and refrain from stirring up fear and
m onth, Los A ngeles C ounty S h eriff Lee Baca,
dem onizing m illions o f patriotic A m erican M us-
w ho oversees one o f the largest law enforce-
m ent operations in the country, in one o f the
nation's largest A m erican M uslim population
centers, said he hadn't seen any evidence o f the
lack o f cooperation that K ing claim s exists.
"M uslim A m ericans in the county o f Los
Heavily Soiled Area:
Additional $10.00 each area
cently said that "the co o p eratio n o f M uslim and
A rab-A m erican co m m u n ities has been ab so ­
lutely essehtial in identifying, and preventing,
terrorist threats."
T he actions o f a handful o f violent ex trem ists
don't represent the beliefs o f an entire faith
com m unity. In fact. N ational C o unterterrorism
C en ter D irecto r M ichael L eiter, in earlier testi­
m ony before Rep. K ing and the H om eland S ecu­
rity C om m ittee, said that the prevalence o f vio-
Muslim Americans in the county o f Los
Angeles have been overwhelmingly
astounded by terrorist attacks-like everyone
else--and overwhelmingly concerned about a
non-repeat performance o f that kind, and are
willing to get involved and help.
lims rather than explore critical
hom eland security issues.
O f course, w e m ust c o n ­
front and punish violent e x ­
trem ists. But o u r elected o ffi­
cials m ust be the first to ac-
k n o w le d g e o u r sec u rity is
threatened not by the m illions o f A m ericans
w ho practice Islam , but by a handful violent
extrem ists, M uslim and non-M uslim .
Rep. K ing, in his highly public hearings,
intends to explore the "radicalization" o f A m eri­
can M uslim s and w hat he sees as a lack o f
cooperation betw een M uslim com m unities and
law enforcem ent.
B efore he starts. King should look at w hat the
experts say. T he nation's top law enforcem ent
official, U.S. A ttorney G eneral Eric H older, re-
Area/Orientai Rugs:
$25.00 Minimum
Area/OrientaJ Rugs ( Wool):
T here s a place for a serious look into e x trem ­
ism in A m erica. But any such investigation
should be based on fact, not fear.
Michael B. Keegan is the president o f People
fo r the American Way.
(Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying)
Sofa: $69.00
Loveseat: $49.00
Sectional: $ 109 - $ 139
Chair or Recliner:
$25 - $49
Throw Pillows (With
Other Services): $5.00
• Area & Oriental Rug
• Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
• Deodorizing & Pet •
Odor Treatment
• Spot & Stain
Removal Service
• Scotchguard Protection
• Minor Water Damage
Call for Appointment
(503) 281-3949