Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 02, 2011, Page 6, Image 6

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^ortlanb (DbscrUer
March 02. 2011
Îlîl ^jnrtlcînh (©hseruer
S u s ta i n a b i h ty
Explore Benefits of Green Roofing
T he P ortland B ureau o fE n v iro n - Thursday, M arch 3 from 5:30 p.m. to
m ental S ervices is inviting the p u b ­ 6:30 p.m. at the Portland B uilding,
lic to learn about the benefits o f 2ndfloorauditorium , 1120S.W . Firth
green roofing during a series o f eco- A ve.
ro o f events this m onth.
Brenneissen will discuss his work
G reen ro o f and biodiversity e x ­ and research in B asel, Sw itzerland.
pert Stephan B ren n eissen ’s p resen ­ A ttendance is free.
tation “G reen roofs from pilot to
O n Saturday, M arch 12, take a
mainstream: Pushing the m arket with guided tour o f d ow ntow n Portland
w ildlife v isions” w ill take place ecoroofs w ith Bob S allinger o f the
Portland A udubon Society, M ike
H ouck o f U rban G reenspaces In sti­
tute and T om Liptan o f E n v iro n ­
m ental Services.
A ttendance on the tour is free,
but registration is required. Em ail
B ES E ooroof @ port 1 an d o reg o n . gov
or call 503-823-7863.
The B ureau o f E nvironm ental
Services provides city residents with
We’re all about that
Leaders worldwide are recognizing the benefits o f green roofing.
3T a.rd /h o v ÿ y / X
program s to protect w ater quality
and public health, including w aste-
w a te r c o lle c tio n and tre a tm e n t,
*Ja.z w ile old. /o be a.4 PC.C,
&v4 every day X zee z/vden/z
tubo are older •tha.n me
a.nd i / inzpirez me 4-o
succeed in my §oaJz
Water Use, Energy
7 Assessments Taken
Pvlvre Social bô&rjter
offered help
at savings
. .
Spring registration
starts March 8!
< 9 > Community
We’re all about
your future.
sew e r c o n stru c tio n an d m a in te ­
nance, storm w ater m anagem ent, and
stream and w atershed restoration.
T he C ity o f G resh am and E nergy
T rust o f O regon are co llaborating to
o ffer free hom e w ater and energy
assessm ents to G resham w ater cu s­
tom ers.
T he new W ater A udit and H om e
Energy Review Program , com pleted
by a professional advisor during an
in-hom e assessm ent, dem onstrates
w ays residents can reduce w ater
and en ergy use, im prove the c o m ­
fort and perform ance o f their hom e,
and save m oney.
"There are lots o f opportunities to
save resources in the home, and many
im provem ents that can save water,
also w ork to save energy." said Jesse
Engum , program coordinator.
F o r exam ple, installing a sim ple
aerato r on a bathroom or kitchen
faucet can save about 1 gallon o f
w ater p er m inute, w hile also saving
m oney on the energy needed to
heat that w ater.
D uring the tw o -h o u r assessm ent,
an ad v iso r rev iew s the hom e from
top to bottom seeking out areas o f
w ater and energy w aste. T he c u s­
to m er receives helpful tips and in ­
form ation, and even som e free p rod­
ucts that can help w ith savings right
aw ay.
T he ad v iso r m easures the flow
rate o f all faucets and show er heads,
and if needed, w ill install h ig h -p er­
form ance show er heads and faucet
aerators. T o ilets are ch eck ed for
leaks and the flapper valve w ill be
replaced if needed. C ustom ers are
also show n how to read and under-
stând their w ater m eters.
T he ad v iso r also rev iew s the
hom e for areas o f energy loss, check­
ing insulation levels,, the heating
and cooling system , com m on areas
fo r air leakage and m ore. If needed,
free en erg y -sav in g products m ay
also be installed, such as com pact
fluorescent light bulbs.
A t the end o f the assessm ent, the
cu sto m er receives a list o f p rio ri­
tized recom m endations, and infor­
m ation on cash incentives, tax c re d ­
its and local rebates availàble for
m aking im provem ents.
T o schedule a W ater A udit and
H om e E nergy R eview , call Energy
T ru stât 1-866-368-7878.