Page 2 March 02,2011 Public Forum on Columbia Crossing On Monday, March 7, from 7 p.m. officials together to share views neighborhood associations and to 9 p.m., the Northeast Coalition of about controversial proposals to com m unity residents will be in­ Neighborhoods and the Concordia replace the 1-5 twin bridges between vited to voice current questions N eighborhood A ssociation are Portland and Vancouver with added and concerns about the CRC and hosting a public forum on the Co­ traffic lanes, light rail and pedes­ responses from elected officials lumbia River Crossing project. trian sidewalks. will follow. The forum is designed to bring After a brief introduction and Confirmed elected officials in­ community members and elected education portion of the evening. clude Metro President Tom Hughes, Parents Helping Parents Network A Vancouver based non-profit organization for healthy family relationships will host a parenting class on Wednesday, March 9 at the Vancouver YWCA, 3609 Main Street. The session by Managing Life Networks will Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder, State Sen. Chip Shields, State Rep. Tina Kotek, and State Rep. Lew Frederick. The forum is at Concordia University's Luther Hall, room 121, located on Northeast Holman Street between 27th and 29th Avenues. T Week in i The Review Parents, Child Rescued A couple and their 10-month-old boy were found Monday after spending Sunday night in their sport utility vehicle in the Coast Range. James Sparks said he went for a drive with his family to see the snow but became stranded and eventually ended up in focus on how parents can create healthy commu­ as much as four feet of snow. Rescu­ nication in the family; recognize family break­ ers were able to locate them with the aid of their cell phone. downs; discipline in a proactive^way. For more information, call 360-573-9637 or Flu Kills Glencoe Junior Ajunior at Hillsboro’s Glencoe High School died Sunday as a result of the flu, the school district said. It was the second flu death in Oregon this sea­ son, according to a Washington County public health official. Designer Fired for Racism Christian Dior fired famed British designer John Galliano Monday after an online video showed him praising Adolf Hitler. The action followed a string of accusations of racist and anti-Semitic rants by Galliano against patrons of at least one trendy Paris cafe. Wu Speaks on His Future U. S. Rep. David Wu said he’s ca­ pable of handling his position and will not resign. The Oregon con­ gressman whose erratic behavior prompted calls for his resignation said Sunday that some of his ac­ tions could be attributed to a reac­ tion to mental health drugs. Rove Behind Obama Push Karl Rove, a former political advisor to President George W. Bush, has organized a pair of political action committees with the goal of raising $ 120 million for the 2012 election to help defeat President Obama. Seattle Tops in Misery We feel so much better since we dropped all that rate. Our Rate Reduction Home Equity Loan makes it easy to consolidate your debt with a competitive rate that drops 1/4% every year. It’s our way of saying thanks for being a good customer. And with more of your payments going towards the principal you’ll trim that debt in no time. So come in and start taking that rate off. All of [T£3 serving you* Eubank | 888-444-BANK (2265) w Ottei v.a'Kl ,or a,!'™ded 1 Subiec, cr?dl’ «PPfovai and other restrictions apply ‘Accounts with application dates from February 11 - May 13.2011. may be eligible tor the '/«% rate reduction. Customer must he UNOia current have a U S Bank Package, and automatic deductions from a US Bank Checking account to be eligible tor tire first rate reduction beginning in March 2012 and annually thereafter Member FDIC Forbes magazine released its Top 10 list of the nation’s most miserable sports cities and Seattle topped the charts. The list identifies the city in which fans had teams good enough to give them hope, only to ultimately let them down. Seattle’s pro teams have won just one title - the NBA championship in 1979, but that team moved to Oklahoma City three sea­ sons ago. Bottle Bomb Explodes Three students and a janitor were treated for fume inhalation at Ron Russell Middle School in southeast Portland Tuesday morning. Two students found a small bottle bomb in a second-floor bathroom. Achemi- cal substance melted the plastic, releasing fumes. Three students and the janitor were treated, but no one needed to be taken to the hospital. Historic Mill Closes The Blue Heron Paper Company, which operated on a site in Oregon City where a mill had been open since 1909, closed on Friday after 14 months of operating under bankruptcy pro­ tection. The company has been one of Oregon City’s largest employers.