Page 10 ®lft ^lortlanb (Observer M arch 02 , 2011 Happy Birthday Clara Jenkins from Family and Friends The Portland band ‘All the Apparatus' plays to the crowd during a Last Thursday celebration last year. Consensus Still in Limbo c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t check cashing for one low fee Enjoy this and other benefits at select KeyBank Plus® branches. • • • • Low 1.5% fee1 No hidden charges No account required ChexSystems welcome • Every fifth check is free2 • Fee-free money orders3 when you cash your checf What should I bring with me? • Your payroll, government and/or income tax checks • One form of photo ID, such as a driver’s license, State ID card, or Matricula Consular4 go to call 800-539-2968 Key a n k V T T Unlock your possibilities ■ ■ ■ ■ I 'A check-cashing fee of 1 5% of the face value of the check applies (there is a minimum fee of $5.00 and a maximum fee of $25.00). Maximum check amount $5,000. Maximum fee does not apply to income tax refund checks •-Only available when you cash your payroll or government checks. See a KeyBank branch office representative for more details. Fee free money orders available to KeyBank Plus members only. Limit of 5 fee-free money orders per check cashed Additional monev orders are subject to the standard money order fee. ‘Other forms of photo ID accepted. Check with your KeyBank Plus branch. ■Masai iS iK is a federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. ©2011 KeyCorp. KeyBank is M em ber FDIC. ADL2Z8Z been taking over the conversation and been talking w ith Friends o f Last T hursday to com e up w ith a gam e plan for this sum m er. C om m issioner F ritz’s C h ief o f S taff T om B izeau says the city has also been w orking w ith the group to address issues. B izeau noted that so far, there is a core group o f people co m m itted to m aking Last T hursday a success, and they have been w orking w ith the O ffice o f N eighborhood Involve­ m ent in order to address the issue o f alcohol, w hich usually arises as a problem during the after-hours o f the event. "They are trying to put together a m eeting that will get all o f the bar ow ners together and help them c re ­ ate a good neighbor agreem ent," B izeau said, describing a co m m u ­ nity generated plan that can ad ­ dress concerns betw een entities that has been pretty successful in other areas o f the city w here such dis­ putes have taken place. The K ing N eighborhood A sso ­ ciation, one o f the northeast n eig h ­ borhood associations that align the A lberta district, has grow n im pa­ tient. The neighborhood w rote a letter to the city last m onth asking for help with illegal alcohol ustj, parking prob­ lem s, vandalism , public urination, defecation, trash and other nuisance issues on A lberta. L eaders o f the association are asking the City Council to m ake Last T hursday events accountable to a responsible entity that is acco u n t­ able to the neighborhoods. In the end, B izeau said that he w ould like to see Friends o f Last T hursday becom ing invested and taking ow nership o f the celeb ra­ tions. "Ultimately, it is their event, not o u r ev en t,” he said. “ W e re ju st here to m ake sure people stay safe, have a good tim e, and at the sam e tim e, respect the neighborhood." As o f now , the controversy o f Last T hursday rem ains to be solved. T he city o f Portland plans to hold an o th er public m eeting on the sub­ je c t som etim e in A pril. Celebration o f Life Clarence W. Morphis Jr. leadership o f Pastor H. B ernard Ings A celebration o f life service for Jr* C larence W illard M orphis Jr., w ho C laren ce attended P ortland P ub­ died Feb. 16, 2011, w as held M o n ­ lic Schools and graduated from Grant day at Philadelphia C .M .B . C hurch H igh School. H e m anaged several in northeast Portland. telem arketing agencies in H e was bom O ct. 25, the P ortland area and also 1 9 5 5 in S e a ttle , to w orked as a security o f­ C larence W . M orphis Sr. ficer. H e jo in e d the U. S. and M ary Lincoln. His A rm y an d re c eiv e d an one sibling, M s. Ijem ona H onorable D ischarge. Iheanacho, and an aunt, H e w as an active m em ­ M rs. M arg ie S im p so n ber o f the N A A C P , P ort­ preceded him in death. land C hapter 1120. H e was A nother aunt, M rs. Pat a loving husband and fa­ L incoln C o x eff (O beli) o f A rizona ther, and enjoyed fishing, caring for recently departed this life on Feb. plants, gardening, and loved c o o k ­ 16,2011. ing. He gave his life to the L ord in H e leaves to cherish his m em o ­ 1991, and accepted his calling to the ries, his w ife M rs. Essie M. M orphis; m inistry in 1993. A fterh iscallin g ,h e children, M alcolm H akim Solom on began the H ave Faith in G od M in is­ M orphis o f Portland, and C larissa tries. T he Lord blessed him w ith A nn M orphis o f A tlanta, G a.; three other special events in 1993. He was n ie c e s , A fra h , E z e an d M a lik united in H oly M atrim ony to Essie Iheanacho; an aunt, M rs. A lice L in­ M .L ew isonJan. 1 5 ,1993,andjoined coln (M cK inney) o f A rizona; and a the G reater Faith C O G IC under the host o f o th er relatives and friends.